Page 47 of Worthy

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She forced her eyes open and he felt a rush of raw, primal need at the tears glittering like dew on her lashes. “Sir?”

“Can you take one more for me, baby?”

A single tear slipped from each eye and her lower lip trembled, but after a moment of hesitation, she nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“That’s my good girl. One more and then you can have your reward.”

* * *


One more.You can take one more, Kit.

She could take anything if it meant seeing that gleam of pride in her Sir’s cool blue eyes. That, and the reward he was dangling in front of her like the proverbial carrot.

The leather tapped against her sore, tingling pussy and she braced for the last blow. Pain, white-hot and shocking, zipped through her, straight up her spine, and a scream ripped from her throat as she arched up, desperate to relieve the fierce sting.

“Such a good girl.”

She barely heard the praise over the sound of her own panting, but her heart did a slow roll in her chest as his words registered.

“Th-thank you, sir.”

As the pain faded from nearly unbearable to that delicious burn she loved so much, she managed to pry her eyes open and focus on him, just in time to watch him yank his shirt up over his head.

Goddamn, he was perfect. Chiseled abs, arms, and shoulders that looked as though they’d been carved from rock. Everything about him was absolute perfection.

He’d stripped down to his boxers when he caught her watching him. A slow, easy grin spread across his face as he pushed them down, letting them pool on the ground around his ankles. Her mouth literally watered at the sight of his cock, jutting forward like it couldn’t wait to be inside of her. “You look so gorgeous, all flushed and glassy-eyed.”

Was she? She hadn’t given much consideration to how she looked. But judging by his words and the hunger burning in his gaze as he knelt between her thighs, he was more than happy with what he saw.

It was her own personal miracle.

Lifting her hips, she welcomed him inside of her, letting out a soft sigh as he pushed into her. Between the plug and his cock, she was full, impossibly full. And she was loving every second of it.

“Ready for your reward, kitten?”

“Yes, sir—oh!”

Clever, skilled fingers toyed with her clit, rolling and pinching the over-stimulated bundle of nerves until she yanked at her restraints, her head thrashing wildly against the pillow. “Sir, please!”

“Just a moment longer. Can you wait for me, baby?”

Words deserted her as pleasure took over, crowding out everything that wasn’t pleasing him. The room filled with her whimpers and sobs, the soft slapping of their flesh coming together over and over, and his quiet murmurs of encouragement and praise.

“Good girl. Almost there. Wait for me, baby, wait for me.”

Too much. It was too much, but she fought back the waves threatening to crash over her. Her Sir wanted her to wait, and she was going to wait if it killed her. And she wasn’t entirely sure it wouldn’t. The human body wasn’t meant to withstand this level of torturous pleasure, was it?

“Fuck, baby.” The fingers of his free hand dug into her thigh and his hips slammed against her raw, punished pussy. Pain and pleasure melded together, until she couldn’t remember which was which.

“Come for me, kitten.”

The growled command was punctuated by an extra hard pinch of her clit and the flash of pain sent her careening over the edge of reason, screaming out his name as she bucked against him.

And just when she was certain she’d rode her pleasure to its end, he reached for the clamps on her nipples, ripping them off without warning. Pain lanced through her, pushing her back up to her peak and over again, this time dragging him over with her.

“Such a good girl,” he murmured when he collapsed beside her, brushing soft kisses along her collarbone and up her neck, over the curve of her jaw to her lips. “My good little kitten.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance