Page 40 of Worthy

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“Oh, I can definitely be meaner. Stand here.” With a snap of his fingers, he pointed to the floor in front of him. “I want to watch you.”

“You can see me fine, Mr. Barrick,” she snapped irritably.

All it took was a quick tug and she was sprawled across the couch, her ass propped up high on his knee. Cupping one cheek, he gave it a hard squeeze that had her squealing and drumming her feet against the leather.

“Is that how you talk to me, Katherine?”

“I’m sorry,” she whined, drawing the words out and wiggling against his grip. But he figured she wasn’t too sorry since this was what she’d obviously been angling for whether she was really aware of it or not.

With that in mind, he put plenty of steel into his next order. “After you strip for me, you’re coming right back here. Up.”

She scrambled to her feet, pink staining her cheeks as she reached for the button on her jeans. Her movements were slow, hesitant, as she pushed the curve-hugging denim over her hips with a little wiggle of her ass.

“Fuck, baby. You’re so beautiful.” Reaching inside the baggy sweatpants he’d changed into after the game, he stroked his already impossibly hard cock.

As always, her eyes lit up at the compliment. But tonight, there was something… more. Something almost desperate in her gaze. Thanks to the heads up from her dad, at least he had an idea of what had put that look in her eyes. He’d also tracked Claudia down before dinner and she’d spilled the whole sordid story, peppered with a few choice words about the bimbos who’d insulted her friend.

When she was completely bared to him, he let go of his cock and patted his knee. “Over you go, kitten.”

Her bottom lip moved into a pout. “Am I in trouble?”

“Now, Katherine.”

She sighed, her gorgeous breasts swaying with the effort, but she moved to his side. “What about your knee? You’ve been favoring it.”

Her concern warmed him, but he didn’t soften. “This position won’t bother my knee. Quit stalling, little girl.”

Pouting again, she stretched out across the couch cushions, her ass perfectly positioned for her punishment.

“That’s my good girl,” he murmured, rubbing each of her cheeks in turn, warming up the skin. “Do you like getting in trouble, kitten?”

“No, sir. It just slipped out.”

“Did it?” Leaving it at that, he lifted his hand and brought it down hard on her right cheek. “Count them. One, sir. Two, sir. Maybe that will help you remember how to properly address me.”

“One, sir,” she repeated obediently, if a little sulkily.

Chuckling, he repeated the action on her left cheek, this time earning him a small gasp before her count. “Two, sir.”

“See how easy it is, kitten? I don’t believe for a minute it ‘just slipped out’. You’re too smart for that.” Another swat, hard enough to make her jolt forward.

“Three, sir! I didn’t mean anything by it!”

“Didn’t you? I know that tone, kitten. It’s the one you use when you’re irritated or when you’re struggling with submitting to me.”

Number four earned him a low whine, and he was rewarded with the delicious sight of her ass jiggling when she wiggled her hips to escape the burn. “Four, sir.”

“Not gonna try and argue that, are you, kitten?” He aimed the next swat at the sensitive spot where her thighs met her ass.

“No. Five, sir.”

“Because you know better than to try and lie to me. I’m not mad. But you were trying to get a reaction out of me, so I’m not going to go easy on you, either.”

The next swat was met with a whispered, “Six, sir.”

“This is exactly what you’ll get every time you try to provoke me. Understood?”

“Yes, sir, I understand.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance