Page 18 of Worthy

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Austin wasn’tsure what had happened between the conversation he’d had with Kit two nights earlier and the text he’d gotten right before the game, but he was sure as hell going to find out. The guys had given him a wide berth in the locker room, and even the coaches hadn’t given him any shit over what had been, arguably, the worst game of his career.

A fact which just pissed him off even more than the text itself. He prided himself on being a professional, and that meant not letting a woman get under his skin. Before the game, he’d been riding high, certain they were going to kick some Houston ass. Worst case scenario, he’d figured he’d be able to work off his frustration by testing his new little subbie's limits.

Instead, he’d gotten a text from her calling off their date five minutes before he had to lock his phone up and hit the field. He’d sent her a dozen texts in those five minutes, all of which had still gone unanswered by the time he pulled into a visitor’s spot in front of her cute little townhouse.

Slamming the car door behind him, he stalked up to the front door and jabbed a finger at the doorbell.

No answer. Maybe she wasn’t home. An emotion he vaguely recognized as jealousy twisted in his gut as he imagined her out with someone else, laughing and flirting. Probably some white-collar guy like her, with a row of degrees and awards lining the walls of his high-rise office.

He wasn’t stupid. An almost washed-up baseball player wasn’t exactly the catch of the day. Especially for a woman as classy and smart as Katherine Callahan.

Well, fuck that. He wasn’t going to just be cast aside like yesterday’s newspaper. If she wanted to end this thing between them before it was barely even started, she was going to have to look him in the eye and explain why.

A few more jabs at the doorbell netted him nothing. He’d pulled out his phone to call her and demand to know where the hell she was when the door flew open.

And he realized in about two seconds he’d seriously misjudged the situation. Her hair was piled up on top of her head in a messy but still weirdly sexy way, and she wasn’t exactly dressed for seduction in her pale blue tank top and her matching pajama pants decorated with… were those pineapples? With sunglasses?

What really tipped him off was the red around her eyes. It might have been a while since he’d comforted a woman, but he recognized the remnants of a crying spell when he saw them.

The anger that had fueled him up until then fled. “Aw, kitten. What’s wrong?”

“What are you doing here?” Her bottom lip wobbled, breaking his heart. “I canceled.”

“I know. Can I come in?”

She studied him for a moment with the same wariness a hen might give a fox requesting access to the chicken coop before giving him a reluctant nod. “Sure.”

Stepping through the door she held open for him, he took in the spacious living room and kitchen, his eyes widening in surprise. He’d expected something more like her office—simple, almost sterile. Instead, he was greeted with bursts of color everywhere, from the fun, cheerful pillows on the couch to the art decorating the walls. Not prints, he realized as he moved to study a rendering of downtown Annapolis. Actual paintings. He could see her in his mind, clear as day, carefully selecting them from some little local shop tucked away in the heart of downtown.

All in all, her home was charming. And he recognized it for what it was: her sanctuary. The one place she apparently felt safe enough to let her personality shine instead of hiding behind the cold, professional woman he’d met at her office.

Turning, he found her standing by the couch, her arms wrapped protectively around her waist, watching him. “Why are you here, Austin?”

At least it wasn’tMr. Barrick. “I’m here because you tried to dump me with a text and I want to know why.”

“Because this isn’t going to work.”

“Did I do something?” He took a step forward, and it pleased those dark, carefully hidden parts of him when she stepped back in retreat. Tears or not, she was still going to give him the answers he’d come here for. “Did I piss you off? I’m good at pissing people off. Just ask my agent or my coaches.”

Another step forward for him, another back for her. “I’m sure you are. But no, you didn’t do anything to upset me.”

“Then why are you running, kitten?”

Her eyes widened with surprise, then narrowed. Straightening her spine, she glared at him. “I’m not running, Mr. Barrick. I think it’s time for you to leave.”


“No?” she squeaked, and he barely suppressed a grin.

“Not until you tell me why, Katherine. And it’s only fair to warn you, I’m not above spanking that sexy ass of yours until I get some answers.”

Color filled her cheeks and her breasts swelled as she sucked in a breath. “You wouldn’t.”

“Wanna bet?”

“No. You need to leave, Mr. Barrick.”

“Not until I have some answers. Why did you call things off?” This time when he stepped forward, she caught herself before moving backward. Equal parts pleased and disappointed that he wouldn’t have to chase her, he closed the distance between them and lifted his hands to cup her tear-stained cheeks.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance