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“Tell me about yesterday, Hayleigh. I want to know exactly how involved you were before I paddle your bottom.”


“Um, well, Sadie asked if I w-would help her play a prank.”

“And?” he prompted.

“Well, she said she just needed me to pretend to be sick and that didn’t seem like a big deal, so I agreed.”

“I see.” Releasing his hold on her chin, he stepped around her to cross the room and retrieve a large, heavy-looking paddle from the wall. It looked just like the one Master Derek had hanging in his office, and she’d heard enough stories from Sadie and the other Littles about that paddle to know this wasn’t going to be a quick and easy spanking like she was used to from Chef.

“Did Sadie tell you what the prank was before you agreed, Hayleigh?”

“N-no sir. But I knew Sadie wouldn’t do anything really bad.”

“That’s not the point, little girl.”

Oh God. She nearly melted into a puddle right there in his office at the deep rumble of his voice. Everything about this punishment felt different. Even the air between them seemed to crackle with electricity.

Gripping her chin again, he forced her gaze back up to his clear blue eyes. “Do you know why you’re about to get your bottom paddled, Hayleigh?”

“Be-because I helped Sadie play a naughty prank?”

“That’s part of it. What else?”

“I don’t know,” she whined.

The grip on her face tightened. “When you told your teacher you weren’t feeling well, was that being honest?”

Tears of shame filled her eyes. “No, sir. But that was part of the prank!”

“But you still lied, Hayleigh. The next time you don’t feel well, do you think Professor Rogers is going to be inclined to believe you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe not,” she admitted with a sigh.

“Lies make it harder for the people around us to trust us, which can be a very dangerous thing.” His touch gentled and he moved his hand to cup her cheek. “I know Sadie can be very persuasive, especially with other Littles. But you need to consider the consequences of your behavior the next time she tries to involve you in one of her schemes. I plan to make this punishment something that will give you a reason to pause and think. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

“Bend over and grip the sides of the desk,” he said, releasing her. “If you move your hands, we’ll start over. This paddle is heavy and could seriously damage your fingers if they get in the way.”

Trembling slightly, her stomach in knots, she bent at the waist and held on to the sides of the desk for dear life. A small whimper escaped when she felt her dress being flipped up and her regulation panties pulled up high enough to expose nearly all of her bottom.

“Spankings are more effective on a bare bottom.” A large, calloused hand stroked the bare skin. “Next time, we’ll get rid of these completely. But I figure we should at least have dinner before I pull your panties down for a proper spanking.”

The words didn’t quite register at first, thanks to that distracting hand. “Dinner?” she asked when they finally hit her.

“Yes, dinner. I’m off tonight. Would you like to come over and have dinner with me, Hayleigh?”

Despite her precarious position, excitement coiled in her belly. “Like a date?”

“Exactly like a date.”

“I’d like that very much, sir.”

“Good. I’ll arrange it with Nanny J after our breakfast shift. Don’t forget what I said about your hands.”

That was all the warning she received before the thick, heavy wood slammed into her bottom. Sucking air in through her teeth, she tightened her grip on the desk as pain exploded across her bare skin.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance