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Hayleigh was just putting the phone back down when the bedroom door opened and Connor walked in carrying the silver box her costume had been delivered in the night before.

“Hey there, sleepyhead. How’s my favorite little kitten this afternoon?”

“Afternoon?” Glancing down at the phone, she tapped the screen, her eyes widening when she saw it was nearly one. “Crap on a cracker, why did you let me sleep so late?”

“You needed it, baby. You barely slept at all until after your spanking, and that was nearly three in the morning.” Putting the box on the bed, he opened his arms and she rushed into his embrace.

“Last night was awful. Worst Halloween ever.”

“I know, jellybean. But if you go take a shower and get dressed, I have something I think will make up for it a bit.”

“What is it?”

“Shower, Hayleigh.”

She pouted at the scolding tone but did as she was told and showered as quickly as she could. Wrapped in one of his fluffy towels, she made her way back into the bedroom, stopping short when she spotted her kitten costume laid out on the bed.

“Daddy?” she called, looking around for him.

Connor stepped out of his closet, wearing his full chef’s uniform, including his hat, and her burgeoning excitement evaporated. “You have to work?” she asked, fighting to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

“You’ll see. Let’s get you dressed so I can show you your surprise.”

“I don’t wanna get dressed if you have to work!”

“I don’t have to work, jellybean. Bend over the bed.”

With a huff of annoyance, she stomped over to the bed and bent over the side of the mattress. A moment later, a familiar coldness pressed against her bottomhole and she forced herself to relax as her daddy worked the tail into her bottom.

“Before I let you up, are you going to be a good girl or does Daddy need to give you another spanking to help you with some of that stress?”

Her bottom instinctively clenched around the tail and she shook her head. “I’m good, Daddy.”

“Then let’s get you dressed.”

A few minutes later, she was fully decked out in her costume again and her daddy was leading her out of the bedroom and through the kitchen to the back of the house.

When they stepped outside, tears filled her eyes at the sight that granted her. There in the backyard were all of her fellow Littles, and several members of the staff. The decorations from the night before were strung up between poles and several tables were strategically placed around the yard, some with trays of food and others with the games and crafts she’d missed out on the night before.

Once again dressed in her Dorothy costume, Sadie came running up and grabbed both of Hayleigh’s hands in hers, bouncing in place. “Isn’t this the greatest! Your daddy knew you’d be bummed about missing the party, so we brought the party to you!”

“You guys didn’t have to do this. It’s too much.”

Sadie’s eyes rolled, but her smile softened as she squeezed her friend’s hands. “Don’t be silly. Chef loves you and he just wanted you to be happy.” Giggling, Sadie linked her arm through Hayleigh’s, and they turned to face Connor. “And we all know, what Chef wants, Chef gets.”

Pulling free of Sadie’s hold, Hayleigh threw her arms around Connor’s neck. “Thank you, Daddy. It’s almost perfect.”

“Almost?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.

“You’re not wearing a costume!”

Stepping back, he gestured to his chef uniform. “I am so! I’m dressed as a demanding chef who accepts nothing less than perfection.”

A booming laugh turned their attention to Master Derek, dressed as a scraggly looking lion as he slipped an arm around his wife’s waist. “You’re not supposed to dress as yourself for a Halloween party, Chef Connor.”

Connor scowled, but the rest of the group dissolved into laughter. “Yeah, yeah. Well I wasn’t planning to dress up since I had to work last night, so this is what you get. Go on, before I decide nobody gets dessert.”

The threat was enough to have all of the Littles, and most of the adults, scattering. Sadie dragged Hayleigh from activity to activity. From bobbing for apples to a pumpkin carving contest to a gross game with jellybeans where some of them tasted good and others tasted like grass and vomit.

By the end of the evening, Hayleigh could barely keep her eyes open as her Daddy helped her back inside to undress and get into bed.

“Daddy? Did you mean what you said last night, about giving me a collar?”

“Of course I did, jellybean. I want you by my side forever.”

Eyes drifting closed, Hayleigh snuggled into his side when he joined her in bed. “And what Chef wants, Chef gets, right?”


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