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The growled order cut through the haze of anger and she whirled around. “Daddy?”

“You okay, jellybean? I heard everything.”

“But you left.” Her fury found a new target and she placed her hands on his chest and shoved as hard as she could. When he barely moved, she let out a short scream of frustration. “You walked away! You didn’t even say a fucking word to me, you just left!”

Before she could continue her tirade, he caught her face in one large hand and squeezed. “I needed a moment to clear my head. I was furious, Hayleigh, and I didn’t want to do or say anything I would regret. I’m sorry it hurt you, but I wasn’t willing to jeopardize our entire relationship over some chocolate. You’re angry and you have every right to be angry, but if you continue swearing at me, I will take you into the kitchen and scrub that mouth out good and proper. You hear me, little girl?”

The pressure of his fingers digging into her cheeks centered her, grounded her, and she felt her heartbeat slow, felt her stomach untangle itself. “Yesh, Daddy,” she mumbled through pursed lips.

“Good kitty,” he crooned, his lips curving up into an approving smile. “Better?” he asked quietly, loosening his grip on her face.

“Yes, Daddy,” she repeated, more clearly this time.

“Good.” His attention shifted to something behind her and his eyes hardened. Man, was she glad that look wasn’t aimed at her. “Sadie, go find your Daddy and have him meet us in his office. I’ll escort Ms. Simmons there.”

“Are you sure? I can call Trey and have security here in no time,” Sadie hedged.

“I’ve got this. Go get Derek.”

Sadie took off at a run down the hall, and Connor released his hold on Hayleigh to step around her and haul Julia to her feet. “Let’s go, Ms. Simmons.”

“I’m going to have your job after this.” Julia glanced back at Hayleigh, who was trailing the pair as Connor dragged his former employee down the hall. “I’m sure Hawkins will be very interested to know the details of how I ended up naked in your office the other day.”

Hayleigh’s stomach rolled, but Connor just laughed. “He already knows. You think I didn’t tell him everything, Julia?”

“He won’t believe you. I can be very convincing.”

“So, you’d lie.”

“Sure, if you want to call it that.”

At the door to Master Derek’s office, Connor stopped and pulled his phone from the pocket of his chef’s coat. “Thanks for making this so much easier. I’m sure between the video I recorded in the hallway and that little confession, Derek will have no problem kicking your ass to the curb.”

“Whose ass am I kicking to the curb?” Master Derek’s booming voice filled the hallway and Julia visibly flinched at the sound.

“Just the man I was looking for.” Connor grinned and held up Julia’s arm like a prize fighter who’d just won the most important match of his career.

“Ah, and just the ass I was hoping to kick.” Derek pushed open the door to his office and gestured everyone inside.

Julia was deposited into one of the plush leather chairs in front of Derek’s desk, while Connor handed his phone to the bossman himself. Nobody but Derek could see the video, but the audio was loud and clear.

The audio cut off just after Derek’s arrival, and he sat the phone on the desk. After a long, tense silence, his voice was quiet but no less furious when he spoke. “Ms. Simmons, I’ll have security escort you to your quarters. You have twelve hours to pack your things and get the hell off my property.”

Obviously sensing she’d lost the war, Julia sneered at him. “Fine. Have it your way. But my lawyers are going to have a field day with this.”

“With what? You admitted, on tape, that you were willing to lie to ruin a man’s life. That you’ve already set one of our residents up to be punished for something she didn’t do. And I have plenty of eyewitnesses to your behavior the past few weeks. I have more than enough grounds to terminate your employment here.”

The door to the office flew open again and Erika came rushing in, a frantic ball of pink fluff, with Master Jared and two security guards hot on her heels. “What did I miss?” she demanded, gasping for air.

“Perfect timing,” Derek told her with a grim sort of cheerfulness. “Gentlemen, will you please see Ms. Simmons back to her quarters? She will be staying there until the moving truck arrives tomorrow morning to pick her up.”

With her nose in the air, Julia shoved to her feet and followed the guards out of the office.

“Do you think she’ll really sue you?” Connor asked.

“She might try.” Derek scrubbed a hand over his face, suddenly looking exhausted. “Jared, I’ll fill you in on the details so we can decide on a strategy.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance