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“Maybe. As long as you don’t pick anything boring, like Cleveland.”

His laughter echoed around the kitchen. “Darn, that was the top of my list.” He dropped a kiss to her nose, then turned her back around. “Keep up the good work. If I don’t see you again before the party, I love you and I can’t wait to see you in your costume.”

The growl in his voice when he mentioned her costume sent a shiver of anticipation down Hayleigh’s spine. He’d refused to drop even a single hint, so she had no idea what to expect and the curiosity was killing her.

Luckily, helping Angel with the haunted house kept her occupied the rest of the day, until Connor kicked her out of the kitchen to start getting ready. When she returned to her room, she let out a squeal of excitement at the box sitting on her bed. Long and wide, the silver clothing box had been carefully wrapped with black velvet ribbon expertly tied in a bow. Hopping up onto the bed, she carefully unwrapped the ribbon and opened the box.

A white note card was nestled in the middle of the tissue paper.For my good little kitty-girlit read, in her Daddy’s scrawling script.

Squealing again, she set the note aside and began unfolding the tissue paper. A little gasp of pleasure escaped when she revealed the silky white material of the full body suit. Faux fur trimmed the wrists, ankles, and collar. Just like with the black leotard, there was a discreet slit so she could wear the tail he’d included with the costume.

“Oh, my,” she breathed softly when she pulled the tail from the box. Like the body suit, it was pure white, with a giant pink ribbon tied off just above the base of the plug. The ears and padded gloves were white and pink as well.

But the best part of the costume was at the bottom of the box. The collar was real leather in a beautiful, pure cream, with a rose gold tag that readGood Kitty. And the matching leash had a handle made of the same leather, with links of rose gold that attached to the collar.

The entire thing must have cost him a fortune, and she felt a little pang of guilt at the thought. She was half tempted to pack it all up and tell him to send it back, but that was likely to just earn her a spanking before he made her wear it anyway. So, she settled it all back in the box and went to take a shower.

Since she had plenty of time, she washed and carefully curled her hair. She kept her makeup light but added bold cat eyes and the requisite nose and whiskers. Assuming he’d want to put the tail and collar on himself, she curled up on the bed with her e-reader and waited for him to come fetch her.

By the time he knocked on her door, she felt like she was going to burst with excitement. “It’s about time!” she scolded, throwing open the door. “Come on!”

“Give Daddy a twirl, first,” he said with a grin.

Happy to oblige, she raised her hands in the air and slowly turned in a circle, making sure to arch her back so he could get the full effect of her body wrapped in the skin-tight suit.

“You look good enough to eat. Maybe we should just skip the party.”

“Daddy, no! I want everyone to see my pretty costume!”

“All right. But afterwards, you’re all mine.” He yanked her to him for a quick, hard kiss before nudging her over to the bed. “Bend over so I can get that tail in your cute little bottom.”

With a happy squeal, she took her position and waited for the plug. Although it was a little larger than the plug on the other tail, it still slid in easily with a bit of lube. When it was in, she knelt in front of him and waited for the final piece of the costume.

The fur-lined leather wrapped around her throat and she sighed when she felt it buckle into place. She’d never felt this level of submission, this deep and abiding trust in another person.

When Connor helped her to her feet, she lifted her gaze to his, and she saw the same emotions swirling in his eyes.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, cupping her face with his hand. “How would you feel about wearing my collar permanently?”

“Yes.” No doubt, not an ounce of hesitation. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man, and the idea of feeling his ownership around her neck every single day was a thrill she couldn’t wait to experience.

“We’ll talk with Master Derek about having a ceremony, after things have calmed down a bit. What do you think?”

“I’d love that! Oh, that reminds me.” Turning, she grabbed her phone off the nightstand and handed it to him. “Can you take a picture for me? I promised Tillie I’d send her one when I was dressed.”

He obliged, and she shot a few pictures off to Tillie, along with a text telling her she missed her. “If we can, I want to invite Tillie to the ceremony. She always hated Brady, but I think she’s going to adore you.”

“Hmmm.” Sliding an arm around her waist, he guided her out of the bedroom and down the hall. “Why is that?”

“You let me be myself. And you make me happy. All Tillie ever wanted for me was to find someone who makes me happy.”

“I look forward to meeting her.” They stopped in front of the event hall and he clipped the leash to her collar. “I can only stay for a few minutes before I have to go check on the kitchen, but I’ll be around all night. And after the party, I’m looking forward to seeing how your costume looks on the floor of my bedroom.”

“You know that was cheesy as hell, right?”

“I do. Just like I know that a certain little girl better watch her language tonight unless she wants to end the evening with a bar of soap in her mouth.”

“Whoops.” She sent him an apologetic grin. “It slipped.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance