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“Pull yourself together, Blackburn. It’s just a date and she’s just a girl.”

Just the prettiest girl he’d ever laid eyes on. With beautiful, huge doe eyes and a body built for sin.

The floor changed from carpet to stark white tile, telling him he’d entered the Littles’ wing. He was still silently lecturing himself not to make a total fool of himself when he stopped in front of her door. Through the wood, he heard what sounded like a dozen voices chattering and giggling all at once. He grinned and shook his head at the idea of her surrounded by other Littles helping her pick out an outfit and whatever else women did to prepare for dates.

Blowing out a breath, he rapped his fist against the wood. The knock was like flipping a switch on the noise behind the door.

A moment later, the door cracked open and a familiar set of brown eyes peeked out. Just seeing her was enough to settle his jittering nervous system.

“Hey, jellybean.”

Her eyes lit with pleasure and she opened the door further, but still not wide enough for him to see the room behind her. Curious. “Hi, Chef.”

“I, ah, brought you these.” He thrust the flowers and chocolates at her. From inside the room came a series of squeals followed by loud shushing sounds.

Taking the gifts, she buried her face in the flowers. “They’re beautiful. I’ll go put these in water. Hang on just a second.”

Amused by the pink creeping up her neck, he tilted his head to try and peek around the door. “Aren’t you going to invite me in, jellybean?”

“I… um…”

“Oh for heaven’s sake.” The door swung open, revealing a grinning Sadie. “Hi, Chef!”

Behind her was a gaggle of Littles, some still in their uniforms, others in their casual clothes, scattered around the room. There were only six beds in the dormitory-style room, but at least twice as many girls crammed into the space.

“Evening, girls. Is it safe to assume you’re all allowed to be in here?” He really didn’t know much about the rules of the Littles’ wing, other than they weren’t allowed to leave without some kind of supervision.

Sadie’s grin widened. “Of course, Chef. We’re all perfect little angels who would never break the rules.”

“Mmhmm.” Turning his attention to his wide-eyed date, he raised an eyebrow. “Hayleigh?”

“Y-yes, sir,” she squeaked out. “We’re allowed. Nanny J knows they’re all in here.”

“Good.” Thank God. He wasn’t sure he could handle a room full of naughty Littles just then. “Are you ready or do you need a few more minutes?”

“No, I’m ready.”

“Here, I’ll get a vase for these.” Sadie plucked the bouquet from Hayleigh’s hands. “Ooh, chocolates. I’ll put these somewhere safe,” she added with a sassy wink before nudging Hayleigh out of the door. “Have fun, you crazy kids!”

Now blushing a bright, delectable pink, Hayleigh stepped over the threshold and pulled the door closed behind her.

Taking her hand, he gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “How was your day?” he asked, as they made their way down the main hall of the Littles’ wing back toward the main section of the Ranch.

“Um, it was good. Sadie got in trouble in math class. Again,” she added with a giggle.

“You have a math class?” He’d known about the “school” the long-term Littles attended, but he’d just assumed they were all lifestyle-based classes.

“Uh huh. Mostly everyday and business type stuff. Like how to balance a checkbook or how to do your taxes.” Her eyes rolled up to the ceiling. “Stuff we might actually use instead of stupid algebra.”

“Someone didn’t like math in school,” he said with a laugh at her obvious disgust.

“I hated it. Probably because I’m too stupid to understand it.”

The comment killed his laughter and he stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning her to face him. “Let’s get one thing straight, right out of the gate, little girl.” Her eyes widened at his change of tone. “I will not tolerate you putting yourself down like that. The next time it happens, you’ll be writing lines until your hand falls off. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, lowering her gaze to the ground.

“Good girl. Math isn’t for everyone. I don’t like it too much, myself. That doesn’t make you stupid. Now,” giving her hand a tug, he continued down the hall, “how was the rest of your day?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance