Page 31 of Daddy's Captive

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Chapter Ten

By the time Emilioreturned to the room, Amara had her toys cleaned up and a book picked out. The idea of being read to seemed silly on the surface, but she was learning to ignore the embarrassment of being treated like a child. While Uncle Gio loved her and made sure all of her basic needs were met, he’d always put her on a kind of pedestal. Being perfect all the time was exhausting. Here, she could misbehave as much as she wanted and all it got her was a sore bottom, instead of the icy censure Uncle Gio favored when she stepped out of line.

She’d take the spankings any day.

Not that she was about to tell Emilio that. The man already knew her far too well for her own good. Of course, he still didn’t know the worst parts. Once he did, all of this was going to be taken from her in an instant.

So why shouldn’t she enjoy the little bit of time she had with him before the inevitable implosion?

When the door opened, she popped up from her spot on the armchair and ran to him, holding the book she’d chosen. “Are you still going to read to me?” she asked, suddenly uncertain.

“Of course,piccolina. In fact, you have me all to yourself for the rest of the day.”

“Really?” Pure joy filled her at the thought. “Don’t you have to work?”

“Work can wait. What book did you choose?”

“This one.” She handed him a book with a unicorn on the front. “I love unicorns.”

“Really? Little miss ‘pink is gross’ loves unicorns?”

“Mmhmm. They’re pretty, and they could stab people with their horns if they wanted to.”

Laughing, he scooped her up and carried her to the chair. “Bloodthirsty little brat.”

She shrugged, trying not to take the comment personally. “Comes with the territory.”

“Hmmm. I suppose it does. Settle in,piccolina.”

She did as instructed, snuggling into his embrace as he opened the book and read. He put far more effort into it than she’d expected, with silly voices and over the top pronunciations.

“The end!” he declared, closing the book with a dramaticsnap. “Did you enjoy your book,piccolina?”

“Yes, Daddy. Thank you.”

“Good. Now, what would you say to getting ourselves some lunch and eating out in the garden?”

“Really?” Surprised by the offer, she sat up and frowned down at him. “But I thought I wasn’t allowed outside.”

“You aren’t allowed outsidealone. And you are not to try and escape,” he added, cupping her still sore bottom and squeezing hard.

“Ow!” She wiggled off his lap and rubbed at the renewed ache. “I’ll be good, Daddy.”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic