Page 54 of Daddy's Way

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Stroking her bottom, James asked, “How was that, little one?”

“Mmm. Really nice, Daddy. Do we have time for more?”

The answer to her question came in the form of the front door slamming, and a familiar voice calling their names. “Oh! Let me up, let me up!” Wiggling from his grasp, Olivia slid off his lap and yanked her leggings into place. She ran from the room and down the stairs, where a tall, handsome man stood, waiting to catch her.

“Bryant!” Squealing with delight, she launched herself at him. Despite being twins, Bryant was a couple of inches taller than James, with at least fifty pounds more muscle. “What are you doing here? Did you bring me a present?”

“I live twenty minutes away, you little brat.” He pressed a loud, smacking a kiss to her lips and set her down.

“Aw.” She pushed her bottom lip out in a pout she knew he couldn’t ignore. “But I haven’t seen you in forever!”

Bryant mock glared at her, then at the stairs behind her. “I thought you’d tamed this little brat?”

“I try. What did she do?”

“Acting like I live on another planet and only come around on holidays.”

“You do only come around on holidays!” Olivia protested, crossing her arms and sticking her tongue out at him.

James chuckled. “She has a point, little brother.”

“I’m about to make a point on her bottom. Here.” Bryant bent and picked up a paper bag she hadn’t even noticed sitting on the floor. “Have your present, brat.”

Olivia grabbed the paper bag from his hands and pulled out a bottle of peppermint schnapps—her favorite. “Yummy! I’m going to make a drink. Anyone else?” Without waiting for an answer, she headed for the dining room where they kept a fully stocked liquor cabinet.

“Olivia Jane.”

Her full name, delivered in her daddy’s no-nonsense tone, stopped her in her tracks. Turning back around, she gave him her best sheepish smile. “Yes, Daddy?”

“I let you slide on not asking permission earlier because you were upset. Do I need to go get a larger plug to help you remember the rules?”

Embarrassment heated her cheeks and she shook her head. “No, Daddy, I’ll remember. May I please fix myself a drink?”

“Wait until Shannon gets here and see if she wants a drink. One, Olivia Jane. And not a ‘jumbo’ one, either.”

Jesus, if her cheeks got any hotter, she’d be able to bake cookies on them. “Okay. I’ll just go put this with the other stuff.”

“Good girl.”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic