Page 52 of Daddy's Way

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Michaelson closed the door and walked to stand by his partner. The pair eyed the small group before Rogers spoke. “This afternoon, we received a call alerting us that Nancy Black had been found dead.”

“This is fucking ridiculous.” The brunette in the corner, the one Olivia only somewhat remembered from the photo shoot, glared at the detectives. “Why haven’t you caught this asshole yet?”

“We’re pursuing all viable leads,” Detective Rogers replied.

The brunette sneered. “By locking us all in a room to tell us someone else has been killed? What the fuck good is that doing?”

“We wanted to alert you all before you heard from the media. And we’d like to urge the three of you,” Michaelson looked around the room, locking eyes with each of the three women, “to be extra vigilant.”

“Great. Some fucking psychopath is out to get us and that’s the best you can do? Be vigilant? I’m out of here.” The brunette—Tracy, Olivia thought her name was—grabbed her purse and strode across the room to the door.

Olivia jumped when the door slammed shut. The detectives shared a look before refocusing on the trio still in the room with them. Rogers spoke first. “Have any of you noticed anything strange since the photo shoot?”

“Like what?” Shannon was finally sounding more like her usual, confident self.

“Anything at all,” Michaelson said. “Anyone paying too much attention to you during a showing or being a little too friendly?”

Olivia looked over at Shannon. Seeing her own answer reflected in her friend’s eyes, she turned back to the detectives. “No. Nothing comes to mind.”

“You’re sure?” Rogers pressed. “Nothing at all? Nobody getting a little handsy or wanting to know too much about you?”

“We already said no,” Shannon snapped.

“Is that all?” The steel in James’s voice was unmistakable. Olivia looked up at him, not in the least surprised to see a muscle twitching in his jaw.

“For now.” Rogers jerked her head toward the office door. “We’ll be in touch. If you think of anything out of the ordinary, anything at all, let us know immediately.”

“We will.” With that, James ushered them out and down the hall, through the front door of the funeral home.

“I can’t believe this.” Standing in the middle of the crowded parking lot, Shannon fumbled in her purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. The slender cylinder trembled in her hand as she struggled to light it. “What the fuck is going on?”

“I don’t know.” Leaning into her husband, Olivia pressed her face against his chest. “Why would someone be targeting us?”

“Jealousy? It’s the only thing that makes sense.” Shannon took a long drag off her cigarette and blew the smoke off to the side, careful to keep it out of her friends’ faces.

“I tend to agree.” James ran a soothing hand down Olivia’s back. But despite the gentleness of his touch, she could feel the violence in him, simmering just beneath the surface. “Or someone who has a problem with successful women.”

Flicking ash from the end of her cigarette, Shannon barked out a humorless laugh. “So, half the men in this fucking city? Goddammit, if I get murdered and prove my mom right, I am going to be so pissed.”

Fear wrapped its cold fingers around Olivia’s throat. “Don’t say that. Nothing is going to happen to you.”

“Trust me, I’m not keen on anything happening to me.” Shannon finished her cigarette and dropped the butt on the asphalt, grinding it to a pulp under the toe of her stylish shoe. There was a tremor in her voice when she spoke again. “I feel like an idiot asking this, but I-I really don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“You can stay with us.” Olivia stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Shannon’s neck. “Tonight, tomorrow, as long as you need to feel safe.”

“Thanks.” Shannon’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “But shouldn’t you ask Mr. Sexy first?”

Shit. Shannon had a point. Releasing her, Olivia stepped back and turned to James, who was watching her with a carefully guarded expression. “It’s all right, isn’t it, James? Shannon lives alone and we don’t even know what happened to Nancy.”

The guarded expression softened and a hint of a smile lifted the corners of his lips. “Of course she can stay with us tonight.” He shifted his attention to Shannon. “As long as you need.”

Swamped with relief, Olivia threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered.

“Of course, little one.” Straightening, he turned to Shannon. “Why don’t you go home and grab whatever you need and meet us at our place? Do you have to go back to work?”

Shannon shook her head. “No, and I don’t have any showings or anything scheduled. I’ll meet you guys there in about an hour. And thanks. I know it’s a huge inconvenience.”

“It’s not,” James said firmly. “We’ll see you there.”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic