Page 59 of Finding Evie

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A soundfrom the staircase pulled Jason's attention away from the video he'd been looking over for Luca. S.E.A.L. was almost back to business as usual, now that Montgomery was safely locked away and in the middle of being impeached.

When he spotted Evie on the stairs, all thoughts of surveillance and missions disappeared from his mind. Standing on a step halfway down the staircase, she was a vision. Her slight curves were encased in silk and lace the color of sapphires. Heels in the same color graced her feet, giving the impression that her legs were about a million miles long. Over the lingerie, she'd pulled on one of his button down shirts and rolled up the sleeves.

He'd never seen anything sexier in his entire life.

Lifting his eyes to her face, he watched in fascination as her siren red lips curled up in a "come and get me" smile. Swallowing hard, he met her smile with a raised eyebrow. "What are you up to,tesoro?"

"Oh, nothing." With her sex kitten smile still firmly in place, she took a deliberate step down the stairs. He still wasn't sure how she managed to walk in those ankle-breakers, but goddamn if he didn't enjoy watching her.

"Nothing? That doesn't sound quite like the truth, little one."

"Maybe it's not." Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, she tilted her head to the side. The smile shifted to a look filled with challenge and promise. Oh, yeah. She was definitely up to something. "What are you going to do about it?"

A war raged inside of him. The half of him demanding to take and conquer battled with the half urging him to nurture and protect. Crooking a finger at her, he studied her as she crossed the room.

The circles under her eyes were still a little darker than he cared to see, but the haunted look in them was gone, at least for now. Grief and guilt would put it there again in the future, but they could deal with it when it came.

For right now, he was going to follow his gut. And his gut told him his little girl needed him to be more than her gentle, easy lover. She was looking for a challenge, and he was more than happy to give it to her.

When she stopped in front of him, hip cocked and that challenge she was looking for in her beautiful hazel eyes, he reached for her. Sliding his fingers into her perfectly styled tresses, he gave her a moment to relax before fisting his hand around her hair.

With the heels on, they were nearly eye to eye, so there was no need to force her to look up at him. But it was still satisfying to tighten his grip and watch her eyes widen. And damn him if he didn't enjoy the little flicker of fear he saw before her eyes went glassy with need.

"You already have another punishment coming, little one. Do you think you should add lying to me on top of it?"

Her bottom lip moved into a pout. Not bothering to resist, he leaned in and nipped at it then chuckled at her surprised squeal.

"What punishment?" she asked, still sulking. "I didn't do anything!"

"Oh?" He let his voice harden on the single syllable, and she shivered at the tone. "How many times have you called me Jason today?"


"Fifteen for forgetting your place. Let's add on another five for a nice even twenty for that little fib earlier."

"It wasn't really a lie."

Tugging at her hair, he pulled her head further back, exposing the long, lean column of her throat. "That's why I called it a fib, little one." Leaning in, he nipped at her skin, hard enough to make her gasp. "Twenty with Daddy's belt. And what do you think comes after Daddy's belt?"

The sex kitten smile returned. "Daddy's cock?"

Maybe he was just a perverse creature, but hearing such a crass word in her smooth, polished voice had the appendage in question straining against the confines of his jeans. "Yes, little one. And if you behave yourself, I might even let you enjoy it."

"Yes, Daddy."

"Go bend over the back of the couch, palms flat on the cushions," he instructed, releasing his hold on her hair.

She didn't hurry, like subs he'd previously had. It was obvious in every slow, deliberate step that she was going to obey, but she was going to obey in her own time and on her own terms. Given her history, he was willing to let her have that small bit of control. For now, anyway.

When she was in place, her ass high over the back of the couch and her long, lean legs slightly spread, he ran his hand over the smooth skin of her bottom. The blue of her panties was a perfect contrast to the pale olive tone of her skin.

Lifting his hand, he held it in the air for a heartbeat, then another, letting the tension build for a moment until he saw her tremble. At that signal, he swung his hand down, smiling when his handprint bloomed on her skin. He repeated the action on the opposite cheek, drawing a moan from her lips.

"Is my little girl enjoying her punishment?" Without waiting for her response, he slid two fingers under her panties to where she was wet and ready. Her only response was a whimper when he coated his fingers with her juices before rubbing her clit. "Answer me, Evelyn, if you want to come tonight."

"Yes. Yes, Daddy!" Her voice was higher than usual, the sophisticated woman having given way to the needy, wanton little girl inside her.

"Good girl." Stepping back, he reached for the buckle on his belt. "Normally, I wouldn't let you keep your panties on. But they look so pretty on you. I can't wait to see them on your bottom once it's all red and welted from my belt."

Tags: Stella Moore Romance