Page 20 of Finding Evie

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"So, what's the plan for today?" Teagan's voice was a little too cheery, but it broke the spell. The kitchen once again filled with noise and chatter. Using her fork to break off a small piece of pancake, Evie took a deep breath and lifted the bite to her lips.

"Take your pick," Octavius said. "We have movies, board games. I think there are a couple video games if you can convince Jay to let you play with him."

Taking another small bite, Evie peeked up at Jason. He was watching her, his face set in unreadable lines. Her stomach lurched, but well-honed instinct told her that not eating would just upset him further, so she forced herself to take another bite.

His eyes narrowed when she audibly swallowed. "Jesus," he muttered. Turning on his heel, he stalked out of the kitchen.

What little appetite she'd had, fled. Why was everyone so mad at her? She was trying, but it seemed like everything she said or did just upset someone.

Blinking furiously against the threatening tears, she slid off the stool and headed for the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

Luca's sharp voice stopped her in her tracks. With as much dignity as she could muster, she turned and tilted her chin defiantly. "Wherever I want."

Teagan's snicker earned her a glare from him, but she just shrugged. Crossing his arms over his chest, Luca turned his glare on Evie. "Finish your breakfast."


A muscle in his jaw jumped, and Teagan snickered again. "Excuse me?"

Matching him glare for glare, Evie crossed her arms over her chest as well. "No. I don't have to ask permission, right? Isn't that what everyone keeps telling me?"

"This is different."


Octavius stepped up and laid a hand on her shoulder. "We just want you to take care of yourself, Evie."

It was more than she could bear. All her life, she'd lived with the weight of other people's expectations for her. And now, when she was supposed to be safe and happy, here she was again, letting everyone down. "And I just want everyone to leave me the fuck alone."

Shrugging off Octavius's gentle hand, she ran for the stairs and up to the pretty little purple bedroom Ro had picked out for her, slamming the door behind her.

She was sitting on the bed with her knees pulled up to her chest when the door opened and Ro poked her head in. "Can I come in?"

"I guess."

Ro shut the door behind her and crawled into bed beside Evie. They sat for a while, neither speaking, and Evie felt her wild emotions finally beginning to calm. It was one of the things she appreciated most about her sister; Ro was one of the few people in the world who made things better just by being there.

"I don't know how to do this," Evie finally said with a sigh.

"Do what, sweetie?"

"Be the person you all want me to be. I don't want to disappoint you, after everything you've all done for me."

"Oh, Evie." Ro pulled her sister into her arms and rocked her gently. "You could never disappoint us. We just want you to feel safe and loved."

"But everything I say seems to upset everyone. Even you." Closing her eyes, Evie dropped her head onto Ro's shoulder.

"We're not mad at you, sweetie. We're pissed off at the man who hurt you. So when you say things like you're not supposed to eat certain things or whatever, it reminds everyone of the hell you went through. I'm sorry if it seems like it's directed at you."

"It's just hard to believe that when they're all glaring at me and barking orders."

Ro giggled. "Welcome to the club. You want me to talk to them?"

"I don't know. Right now, I just want some space."

"Done." Ro pressed a loud kiss to her hair, bringing a reluctant smile to Evie's face. She slipped off the bed and out of the room without another word. Giving in to the exhaustion dragging at her, Evie stretched out on the comforter and went to sleep.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance