Page 31 of Touch Me

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“Office,” another voice states.

Jameson leads me through the main room we entered and to the left of the building. After knocking on the door, he opens it when Reaper’s voice comes through the door at us.

“What the fuck?” Reaper growls as I look up at the man who is my savior.

“I don’t know, Pres. She came out of your house this way. Hasn’t said a word other than your name since openin’ up the door. I brought her directly to you,” the young kid answers.

“Leave us,” Reaper orders him, pulling me into his arms as I bury my face into his muscled chest, his scent enveloping me, and begins to break through the fog of panic from my father’s phone call.

Reaper walks us over to a couch and sits down in the corner of it before pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms tightly around me. His chin is resting on the top of my head as the feel of his leather vest rubs against my arms. I soak up his body heat and strength as my heart rate begins to slow and my breathing returns to normal. All I see is blackness since I’ve got my eyes shut tight and don’t want to open them to find the black spots still filling my vision. He gives me a few minutes to soak him in and just be before pulling slightly back from me and asking me his first question.

“What happened, darlin’?” he asks, his voice deep and rumbly as I feel the vibrations through his body.

“M-M-My father called me,” I stammer, not starting to freak out again with Reaper’s body surrounding my own.

Reaper’s entire body goes rigid at my admission. His breathing becomes rapid as I look up to find the tendons in his neck standing out as a vein sticks out in his extremely red face. He’s angry. Still, I don’t feel anything other than safe and secure in his arms. Reaper isn’t mad at me. He’s pissed the hell off at my father.

“What did he say?” he growls out, clenching his teeth together.

“He demanded I get Troy out of jail, get in a car he’s supposedly sending for me, and threatened you and the club. I told him I’m not getting Troy out of jail because it’s exactly where he deserves to be. I’m not going with whatever car he sends to collect me, and if he calls me again, I’m going to call the cops on him. I can’t go back to him, Reaper,” I state, panic filling me again. “It’s the first time in my entire life I’ve ever stood up to him, and it’s because of you. Even when you’re not there, you give me the strength to stand up for myself.”

“I’m glad to hear that, darlin’. I promise you’re not leavin’ my side. I’ll protect you with everythin’ in me and make sure he leaves you alone. I’ve got men workin’ on shit, and your dad is in a world of trouble. There are things I’m not gonna tell you, but some of what we’ve found, I will share with you. First of all, your dad is flat broke. I’d say Troy is too, but he’s got several offshore accounts with various amounts in them. They want to get their hands on your trust fund, and the only way they believe they can accomplish it is if you’re dead. The plan, from what we understand, is to sell you off to the highest bidder, fake your death, and then collect the money. Hawk found your Will and knows they can’t touch a penny of the money left to you.

“Your dad is also losin’ all his contacts and makin’ new enemies every day of his life. His days are numbered, and he knows it. We discovered some of your dad’s filthy little habits that lost him all his money. I’m not goin’ into detail about that shit; you don’t need to know them. Alex, I don’t want you leavin’ the compound until we make our move against your dad and know without a doubt you aren’t in any danger any longer,” Reaper tells me, his voice filled with the promise he’s making me.


“That’s it? You’re puttin’ your full trust and faith in me?” he questions, one of his eyebrows quirked up in shock.

“I trust you with my life, Reaper. It’s too early, and I’m probably going to scare you away, but I love you. I think I started falling in love with you the second your tattooed hand knocked on my window on the side of the road,” I admit to him freely. “You make me feel safe, protected, and loved even if you don’t feel that way about me.”

“Darlin’, I haven’t gotten you out of my mind since the second I saw you. I love you too and will do everythin’ in my power to make you feel what I feel for you every single day. I want to wake up with you wrapped in my arms, fall asleep with your body wrapped around me, and watch you grow round with our children. As many as we’ll be blessed with. The only thing I need is for you to be on board with all that shit,” Reaper tells me before leaning down and placing a soft kiss against my lips. “I’m gonna have Jameson take you back home. Unless you want to stay here. Give him your phone, so I can get Hawk workin’ on it. For now, I’ll get you a burner phone. I’ll be home as soon as I talk to Hawk and the guys.”

“Okay. I’ve got dinner in the crockpot and was in the middle of baking,” I tell him, finding the strength he makes me feel in my voice.

Getting off his lap, Reaper walks me back to the main room of the clubhouse, where Jameson is waiting for me. Reaper lets him know what he wants done before leading me outside to the SUV. With one last kiss, he closes the door, and we take off for home. This is exactly where I’m meant to be.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance