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“Not to mention we’ve learned Jae isn’t gettin’ any calls or messages on her phone. She was shocked to hear Hartley had been callin’ and messagin’ her. I’ve looked over her phone myself and she’s not lyin’ about it. Not a single thing has come through to her in weeks. I don’t know what the hell happened, but those calls and messages are goin’ to someone. The only thing I can think of is someone took her SIM card and put it in a different phone while givin’ her a new one. I’ll have to have her call me and see what number comes up for her. For now, I think it’s best if we give her a burner phone or somethin’. I don’t want anyone to be able to track her location or be able to pull some shit like this again.”

“You’re tellin’ me no one has noticed her not returnin’ any phone calls or messages in weeks? Hartley never once questioned her sister suddenly cuttin’ her off?” I question the group of men surrounding me.

“Not until they had a conversation at our house the day Zeus found her and brought her back here. I think Hart believed Jaelyn didn’t want to have anythin’ to do with her for some reason. Now we know it’s not the case and we’ll keep an eye on things. I’m all for gettin’ Jae a burner phone for now. She can have a phone again once we know who’s after her and Hartley and how they gained access to her phone,” Lash responds to me, his voice hard and cold as he stares me down.

“Someone needs to be on them at all times. I don’t give a fuck if they’re inside the compound or out in town. No matter where they are, I want guys on them,” I state as if I can make orders or demand Lash do anything he doesn’t want to do.

“I agree. If they aren’t inside the clubhouse with members, I want someone on them. This includes at my house when I’m not there and in the row house with Jae. Not sure I want this task left strictly up to the Prospects. We don’t know enough of this club their mother has hooked up with to take any chances on their safety. Anyone ready to give up their room for the foreseeable future to stay with Jae?” my brother states, his eyes never once leaving me

“No one is allowed in her place except for Zeus and me inside her apartment. Is that understood?” I growl out, not looking at anyone other than my older brother and President.

“Got it,” Lash says laughter filling his voice despite the seriousness of the situation we’re dealing with now. “Zeus and Sab will watch over Jae when she’s in the row house. We’ll rotate everyone else when she’s not here and neither of these two can be with her. Zeus you need to be able to take your laptop with you so you can dig up every single piece of information on these fuckers you can. We’ll reach out to Judge and see if he’s ever heard of them before. Maybe he has some other contacts he can reach out to. I’ll also call Sal and see if he knows anythin’ about them. Anyone got anythin’ else to bring to the table?”

No one says anything as Lash looks around at us all.

“We’ll be havin’ a cookout in the next week or two as well. I’m havin’ this one catered by someone new. They came to us, and we thought we could help them out by seein’ what they can do. Everyone good with that?” Lash states, his eyes finally leaving me and looking at Zeus for a minute before looking around the table.

“As long as we don’t get fuckin’ food poisonin’ or some shit, I don’t care who makes our food. This is a brand-new business?” Talon questions, an eyebrow arched.

“Yeah. Thought I’d help welcome someone new to town,” is Lash’s only reply.

Slamming the gavel on the table again, Lash brings church to a close. I stand up and stretch my sore as fuck body out. Zeus doesn’t move from his seat as everyone else clears out of the room. I know I should have talked to him about this shit before declaring no one else would be staying with her in her place. Can’t take it back now. Not that I want to.

“You good with stayin’ with her?” I question my best friend.

“Yeah. Been thinkin’ about this shit and there’s only one real solution to ensure Jae Bird is completely protected. I know she has a certain level of protection because she’s Hartley’s sister and Lash’s sister-in-law. We can give her an added level of protection though. We need to claim her,” he retorts, emotion filling his eyes.

My best friend is in pain right now. He knows what we have to do, but he’s not sure if he’s ready to take that step with me. I wish there was something I could do to fix this situation for him; I’d do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do to fix this for him.

“Are you sure? I can claim her if you don’t want to do this. I’m not goin’ to force you to do anythin’ you don’t want to. Yes, I think she’ll make our lives better, but it’s up to you. I’ll never cut you out of anythin’ between us even if I’m the only one who claims her,” I promise him.

“No. I’m not goin’ to do that to either one of you. I won’t touch her or anythin’ else unless I claim her. There’s shit I gotta tell her, so she knows why I am the way I am, but I’ll do it. Why don’t we go pack a bag and make sure we have everythin’ we’ll need there and head over? I’ll let her know we’re comin’ and maybe she’ll have made dinner or somethin’ we can share with her. If not, we’ll order somethin’ out. I don’t want her goin’ out of her way,” he tells me as he finally stands and grabs his laptop to take over to Jae’s apartment.

“I’ll text her. As soon as I get my phone back I’ll let her know we’ll be over in a few minutes,” I tell him before remembering she isn’t getting messages or anything. “Wait. She’s not gettin’ messages so is there even a point in tryin’?”

“Fuck. No. We’ll just have to show up and see what she says about everythin’. I don’t want her to be upset or pull a runner again because we force her into this. That’s not we’re about and I’m not gonna start now.”

There’s no need to respond to Zeus’ statement. He’s a hundred percent correct in saying we’re not going to make her upset or push her into doing anything she doesn’t want to. If we’re gonna claim her, Jaelyn needs to be completely on board with everything because I’m not gonna wait to finally get a taste of her and I don’t believe Zeus will either. It’s just getting her to agree with everything.

Walking out of church, I collect my belongings before heading to the common room. Lash needs to know we intend on claiming her. Spotting my brother at the end of the bar, I make my way toward him so I can head up and take a shower before heading over to Jaelyn’s. Sleep will have to wait until we get all this shit figured out. It’s not like I haven’t ever gone without sleep before. I can’t even begin to recall the events where I’ve had to take sleep where I could get it or go without sleep at all.

“What’s up brother?” he asks me, a smile on his face like he already knows.

“We’re claimin’ her. It gives her full protection of the club instead of just the small level from bein’ your sister-in-law.”

“Knew this was comin’. You think she’s gonna go for it?”

“I don’t know. We’re gonna go talk to her and see what she has to say about everythin’. Not gonna force her into anythin’ she doesn’t want to do, Lash. Zeus and I will make sure she understands everythin’ and why we’re doin’ what we’re doin’. It goes beyond just the need to protect her. We want her and would have eventually claimed her anyway,” I assure him, shaking my head at Cal as he offers up a beer.

“I’m not even goin’ to bring it to the table. We all knew it was comin’,” he says. “Everyone listen up. Zeus and Sabotage are gonna be claimin’ Jaelyn. That means she’s an ol’ lady and will be treated as such. I don’t want any fuckin’ problems with any of the Rebels or anyone else. Men, any of you got somethin’ against this?”

No one says anything. Thankfully it’s just us and the Prospects in here. None of the Rebels or ol’ ladies are in the clubhouse yet. They all went shopping for supplies. It’s a weekly shopping trip all the women go out for the club. Jaelyn doesn’t usually go because she’s not an ol’ lady and doesn’t believe it’s something she should go on.

“I’m headin’ up for a shower before we make our way over to her place. If you need me, call or message. I’m hopin’ to go to bed early tonight.”

“We’ll talk about the run later. I’ll want you and Talon in my office tomorrow to go over shit.”

With a nod of my head, I leave the bar and head straight for my room. Once I’m inside and the door is firmly shut and locked behind me, I strip out of my dirty clothes and leave them where they fall. It’s not something I normally do, but right now, there’s too much to worry about besides where my dirty clothing is. Eventually, I’ll take care of it and make sure it ends up in the hamper. Tonight, my thoughts are firmly locked on Jaelyn. The need to see her and hold her is overwhelming as I step in the shower before letting the water heat up all the way. A cold blast of water hits me and it’s still not enough to get rid of the raging hard on I have. It’s nothing new when it comes to thoughts of my girl.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance