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“Let’s get a set of vitals done and we’ll see what’s going on today then.”

I’m led into a room with Talon at my back. Judge leans against the wall across from the room with his arms folded over his chest. On a normal day he looks intimidating as hell. Right now, he looks downright dangerous with the scowl on his face and his overall ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude.

Sitting on the end of the table in the room, the nurse gets to work taking my blood pressure, temperature, and all that fun stuff before letting us know the doctor will be right in. I’m squirming all over the place with the feeling of my bladder needing to explode since I’ve been waiting to go to the bathroom for longer than we thought we’d be here.

“You good?” Talon asks me, standing from his chair and wrapping his arm around me.

“I have to go to the bathroom so damn bad.”

“I’m sorry, Red. Soon you’ll be able to go.”

Before I can respond, the door opens, and my doctor is in here with us. She performs her exam quickly as I continue to squirm about on the table. My blood pressure has lowered a little bit, but is still a concern. I’m not on bed rest at this point, but I still have to be careful. This is going to suck if I’m constantly worried about it. As soon as she’s done, we’re led to the room where I’ll have my ultrasound done. Judge finally comes in with us as I get relaxed on another table with a sheet covering my legs since I’m wearing a dress.

“Everythin’ good?” Judge asks when we’re briefly left alone.

“Her blood pressure still isn’t where it should be. We’re goin’ to need to continue to monitor it. Still a chance she’ll be put on bed rest if it doesn’t continue to lower,” Talon responds.

“Keep me informed when I leave today. I can be back here quick as fuck if anythin’ happens,” he tells us as the door opens and another woman comes in the room.

The entire ride back to the clubhouse, I’m silent as shock fills me. I had no clue waking up this morning how fast my life would change. Talon is smiling so large I’m worried about his face starting to hurt. Now, we’re not going to be hiding our news any longer. Everyone in the club will know I’m pregnant. I already know Judge is excited and I’m happy Talon is too. Sabotage only knows what’s going on because he was at the appointment, but he still doesn’t know everything.

“You okay baby girl?” Talon asks, squeezing my hand where it rests on his thigh.

“I don’t know. It’s a shock.”

“I know. We got this though. Don’t ever doubt it.”

“I don’t ever doubt you, Talon. I know you’re gonna make an amazing dad. Are you happy?”

“I’m excited as fuck. What about you?” he returns, bringing my hand up to place a kiss against my hand.

“I want to be. I will be once the shock wears off,” I answer him honestly.

“You know I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops as soon as we get inside, right?” he asks, looking at me for a second. “Death already has Pops there so he can hear the news with everyone else too. They want to learn what we’re havin’ along with everyone else.”

“Okay. And I know you’ve been waiting to share. It’s okay now. I mean we’re not out of the woods yet, but it’s okay to share our news now. If you wanted to before, you could have.”

“No. You weren’t comfortable with anyone knowin’. Other than our family that is. I mean the rest of the guys and ol’ ladies are our family, but not our blood.”

Talon pulls into the parking lot of the club and parks right off the side of the door. Sabotage parks his bike in his spot while Judge goes to the end of the line of bikes. My man never lets me open my own door if he’s with me, so I just remain in my seat until he opens the door and pulls me out of my seat and into his arms. Unlike in our room before the appointment, he gives me a kiss sending shivers through my entire body as I wrap myself around him.

“Get a room!” Sabotage yells out, as we break apart and start laughing at him.

“We will in a second,” Talon responds, setting me on my feet and helping me in the common room.

Everyone is sitting around and go silent as we make our way inside. Judge grabs a beer and takes a seat with Death and Pops before Talon opens his mouth.

“I’m gonna be a fuckin’ dad!” he yells out as everyone starts clapping and cheering. “To fuckin’ twins. A boy and a girl.”

Suddenly the room goes silent at his bombshell. Judge is smiling almost as big as Talon is as he looks around the room. Pops is the first one up as he makes his way over to us. He wraps me in a hug first while Death heads for his brother. After a few minutes, they switch, and Death pulls me into his arms.

“Congratulations, sis. I couldn’t be happier for you guys,” Death whispers to me as more people come up to off their own congratulations.

It’s in these moments where I truly feel a sense of belonging. My parents might not be here with us in this moment, but we still have plenty of people who love and care about us to be there and offer their full support. It might not be the same, but I’ll take it over being completely alone like I was planning on being. It’s a good thing Talon’s a stubborn as fuck man who wasn’t ready to let me go.

I’M BACK AT school since the threats have been fully eliminated. I might not know much about what goes on with the guys, but I know everything they do is to protect us. My sister’s ex is no longer a threat we have to worry about, so I’ve been allowed to go back to campus to finish my classes for the semester. In a way I’m glad to be back, but part of me liked not having to deal with all the bullshit of the campus and keeping up with all the parties and shit. I’m not allowed to attend the parties at the clubhouse, so I’ve been able to focus on my homework and getting ahead in my classes. It’s been good for me. Plus, I can’t say the view around the clubhouse is bad either. Especially when it comes to Sabotage and Zeus. Two members of the Knight’s Rebellion I find sexy as hell.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance