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“Where are we going?” she asks, confusion clearly written all over her face.

“I thought you’d want to check out the property. Get out of the clubhouse for a little bit,” I respond, getting on the four-wheeler and waiting for her slide on behind me.

I take off out of the garage as soon as we’re both settled on the ATV. Once again Hartley is wrapped around my body, and I don’t want to be anywhere other than where I am in this moment. The thought scares the fuck out of me as I feel the color drain from my face and my palms begin to sweat at the thought of wanting Hartley as my own.

We go around the property, and I try to see everything through her eyes. From the original dirt paths to the lush green grass, the buildings for visitors and lockdown as well as the clubhouse and garage. After touring the property closer to the clubhouse and garage, I point us toward the back and head toward the pond. As we get closer, I point out the dirt track we still use today when the mood strikes us to have an impromptu race against one another. Her eyes gape as she takes in the jumps we have and how big the track actually is. We’ve expanded it over the years a little bit.

Finally I pull up to the pond in the very back of the property. We sit on the four-wheeler for a few minutes just taking in the quiet beauty surrounding us. There’s a deer on the opposite side of the pond. Hartley and I watch as it drinks from the water before looking over to one of the picnic tables. It won’t be long before we can’t come out here for the rest of the year.

There’s a stillness here you don’t find anywhere else closer to the clubhouse, and I often find myself coming out here when I don’t want to be inside my own house. It’s the spot I come to think away from the noise and constant people surrounding me in the clubhouse. Hartley settles in between my legs on the picnic table after I pull her between them. It’s different to be out here with her because I’ve never brought a single person out here. Unless we come out as a club for a cookout or something.

“Lash, I need to tell you something,” she says hesitantly.

“What’s goin’ on?” I ask her, wanting to fix the problem without even knowing what it is.

“Well, when I checked my phone earlier, there were a bunch of messages from Eric,” she begins to tell me. “He’s threatening me and my younger sister Jaelyn. I don’t know what to do now.”

“What the fuck?” I explode. “That’s the asshole from last night?”

“Yeah. He wants money from me when he already owes me so much,” she says. “Apparently someone is after him and he thinks I’m going to pay for his fuck up.”

“We’ll go get your sister and you both can come back here. I can’t protect you from him if you’re at your house,” I tell her. “You guys can stay here, and no one will touch you. I promise.”

“I’m not sure I want to stay in the clubhouse with a bunch of men. Especially with Jaelyn. She’s a little impulsive and doesn’t always think about her actions,’ Hartley tells me. “Besides, she’s in school and I have work to go to. Thankfully I don’t have to work today.”

“How old is she?” I question her.

“She’ll be eighteen soon. She’s already in college because she graduated early. So, she’s young,” she informs me, her voice telling me there’s more to why she doesn’t want to stay at the clubhouse.

“I’ll put the word out and no one here will touch her. She’ll be safe here,” I promise shutting down the topic. “Look, I know people in town talk about us. Most of what they say isn’t true. We don’t do drugs or sell women. Everythin’ you read or see on TV and in movies isn’t true. Yeah, we live our lives the way we want, but there’s lines none of us will ever cross. Don’t let what those assholes say make you judge us before you’ve even gotten to know us.”

I lead her back to the four-wheeler and we head back to the clubhouse. My thoughts drift to stories I’ve heard in town over the years about us. In the past, they’d be right. Since I took over, nothing the townspeople say is true. We defend ourselves and other when we have to, but it’s not like we go out looking for fights to get into. The women we fuck all come on to us. They see the cut and want a piece of wild for a night. Who better to get that from than a biker everyone thinks is up to no good on a regular basis?

When we get back to the clubhouse, I park the ATV out front on the opposite side of the door from our bikes. I want to let Talon and Sabotage know what’s going on before I head to Hartley’s house with her. The first thing I see when we walk through the door is Mona sitting on her ass looking down at her phone. This is not what she’s supposed to be doing right now.

“Get the fuck up and make this place sparkle,” I bark out, putting my arm around Hartley when she jumps from my loud tone.

Mona slowly rises from the couch. She stands in a way that’s supposed to entice me into fucking her. I can see her ass cheeks hanging out from the shorts she’s wearing, and her shirt is so low cut I can practically see her nipples on full display. She’s not going to clean a fucking thing. Instead, Mona will try to get the prospects and newer rebels to do her work for her. I’m about sick of her shit and I’ll be bringing her up in church.

I spot my brother in the hallway leading toward the back door. Calling out to him, he stops and waits for us to get next to him. Hartley is still under my arm and Sab raises his eyebrow at me in a silent question, but I ignore him.

“Hartley, this is my blood brother Sabotage,” I say, making the introductions. “Sab, this is Hartley. I don’t even know your last name. Anyway, headin’ out to get her sister and some of their things. Need to have church when I get back.”

“Nice to meet you Hartley,” he says, holding out his hand to her. “What’s goin’ on?”

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” Hartley says. “And my last name is Kincaid.”

“She got some threats since we took her from Jaded Outlaw last night. Gonna keep them here for a while until we can figure things out,” I tell him, ignoring the questions in his eyes once more.

Yeah, everyone I cross in the clubhouse is questioning me right now and I don’t blame them at all. I am so far out of my depth, and I honestly have no clue what I’m doing or where this is going. Well, honestly, it won’t go anywhere because I don’t do relationships.

“I’ll come with you,” Sabotage tells me, turning to follow us from the clubhouse.

“We’ll take the SUV. And we have to pick up Hartley’s car from the club on the way back too,” I say. “Pixie, you know what you need to get.”

She nods her head, and we head out. I snatch the keys from the end of the bar. Heading outside, I lead Hartley to the SUV and put her up front making my younger brother stuff his giant body into the back seat. Stifling a laugh, I head to the driver’s side and get in behind the wheel. We head out and she gives me directions to her house once we get closer to town. This is not how I envisioned this going with her, but I won’t leave her alone to fend for herself either.

“Call your sister and make sure she can meet you at your house as soon as possible. I don’t want to be gone long,” I tell her, reaching out over and resting my palm on her thigh.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance