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I take in the huge, comfortable bed beneath me. It feels as if I’m floating on air it’s so cozy. There’s a huge TV mounted on the wall opposite of the bed with a dresser underneath it. A pair of black curtains hang in front of the window preventing the light from coming in and letting me know what time of day it is. There is a pile of clothes littering the floor from the door to the bathroom. Turning my head, I see my own clothes on the nightstand next to me.

The events from last night come back to haunt me while I’m awake. Demons don’t only appear in nightmares; sometimes they make themselves known when you’re awake too. I got a call from Eric, my ex. He asked me to meet him because he had some of the money he owes me. While we were together, he stole a large sum of money from the insurance I got when my dad died. Anyway, he asked me to meet him at Jaded Outlaw, a strip club on the outskirts of town. Everyone in town knows where it is and what it is. There are so many rumors about the place it’s hard not to be curious about it. After last night, I don’t want to think about the place ever again.

After finding a parking spot there that was close to the road, I got out of my car and saw Eric waiting by the corner of the building. I knew I was in trouble when I realize how dark it was there immediately. I wanted to turn around as the hair on my arms and neck stood on end and my entire body began to tremble in the fear quickly filling me. I could hear the bass of the music pounding from inside out into the quiet night air. Between the darkness and the music filling the air, no one would be able to witness, or hear me, when Eric put his plan into motion.

I was two steps from him when he tangled his fist into my hair and dragged me around the building and further into the darkness. It was actually fitting considering I was filled with terror for my safety and what the outcome of this meeting would be. Eric slammed me up against the building and began screaming in my face about me giving him money instead of getting some of what he owes me. I vaguely heard what sounds like motorcycles rumbling past us which only added to the fact no one could hear me if I try to scream. The vibrations of the machines riding past went through the ground and straight into my shaking body. They blocked out some of what Eric was yelling at me too.

When Eric slammed my head into the building again, I couldn’t stop the scream from bursting from my mouth. Pain immediately exploded in my head, and I could see stars in front of my eyes as my vision blurred from the hit. After some more yelling I could barely understand, Eric punched me in the stomach before landing two more jabs in my face. More pain burst in my eye even though the hit wasn’t one of his harder ones. It was actually pretty weak considering how hard he’s hit me in the past.

The only thing registering in my muddled brain was the fact Eric wanted me to give him money. When we were together, he found out my bank information and somehow stole a large sum of money from me. the total he took was almost fifty thousand dollars; money I actually need to pay bills and live on. He never apologized and beat me until I was admitted to the hospital when I threatened to go to the cops about it. Now, he actually thinks I’ll give him money to feed his addictions. See, my ex isn’t just a drug addict, he also gambles and usually loses more money than he wins.

Eric isn’t a stupid man. He knows I want nothing to do with him, so he lured me here with the promise of giving me money. I have my suspicions about him being in bed with some terrible people, but it doesn’t concern me because I’m no longer part of his life or world. Any beef he has with them can be kept between them and not include me.

Then I remember meeting Lash and coming back to the clubhouse with him. I took a shower and then climbed into his bed. Briefly I was woken up when a stunning woman was examining me. She checked over the wounds Eric inflicted, and I heard her talking to Lash before I passed back out; the pain medicine she gave me working to make me go to sleep once again.

My thoughts come back to me, and I try to force the dumb ass from my mind; I don’t want to think about Eric and his mind games and beatings anymore. I register one more thing as I lay in bed, contemplating my next move. There’s an extremely hard cock pressed against my ass. Lash, the man who saved me last night, is very well endowed and I have to physically resist the urge to press back against him. Just as the thought leaves my head, the man in question slides impossibly closer to me and I feel something along the length of his hard dick. My imagination begins to run wild with wonder as I try to picture what he’s truly packing.

I wonder why I’m thinking like this. I’ve never thought about a man like this a day in my life. Yes, I can appreciate a sexy man, but I’d never think about wanting to explore his body. In all reality, I’m a very shy person and know it’s a turn off for most men. I’ve never had a one-night stand in my life; Eric’s the only man I’ve ever had sex with honestly. What the hell is going on with me right now?

The only concern I should have right now is getting away from this man, his clubhouse, and going on about my life. Everyone in town has something to say about the Knight’s Rebellion MC and the club’s members. While I know they do things in the community to help those in need, the rest of the rumors aren’t good at all. While I’ve never heard of them raping or beating women, they still aren’t good men and I have no business being here at all. These men have a reputation for a reason after all. Men in town want to be bad asses like them and the women want to fuck them despite what they all claim is the truth about them. To the women in town, these men are a chance to walk on the wild side and they don’t typically pass the opportunity up.

I didn’t truly listen to the rumors and gossip before last night and I know in my heart I won’t be listening in the future. Lash didn’t have to step in and stop Eric’s beating, but he did without a second thought. He brought me back here to make sure nothing else happened to me and had a doctor come in to make sure I didn’t have to go to the hospital after the attack from the douche canoe. Never once did he force himself on me or belittle me for winding up in the situation I was in.

My thoughts are leading me down a path I don’t know how to navigate. I untangle myself from Lash’s imposing arms and carefully slide from the bed. Honestly, I feel like a thief in the night, sneaking away from the man who is managing to take my breath away and want me to do things I’ve never done before. Instead of just going into the bathroom so I can take care of business, I stand and look at the man still sleeping in his bed.

Lash is an extremely sexy man. He’s got short almost black hair with a beard the same color covering his lower face. The beard isn’t overly long like you see on some older bikers in movies and TV shows. My eyes wander over his body and appreciate the muscles hiding under his tattooed skin. Colorful tattoos run down his right arm, I can make out a tattoo on his left side, and his chest. Lash looks so peaceful in his sleep. Not like the man I saw last night; angry, filled with rage, and a man of authority who gets what he wants.

Grabbing my phone and clothes from the nightstand, I quickly take my eyes off the man I’ve been studying and head for the bathroom. Since I took a shower last night, I don’t need to take one right now. After taking care of business and finding an unopened toothbrush in Lash’s cupboard, I throw my hair up with the hair tie I keep in my pocket or around my wrist.

Before leaving the sanctuary of the small bathroom, I glance at my phone and see several messages. Most of them are from Eric with one from my sister, Jaelyn, letting me know she’s not coming home this weekend. Reading through the messages from the asshole, I gasp as tears fill my eyes and I begin to tremble from head to toe. Each one is worse than the previous about how he’s going to rape, torture, and then finally kill me. I couldn’t care less about the threats to me; I’m used to them from him. No, it’s when he begins to threaten my baby sister I get freaked out and my mind starts whirling a million miles a minute about what I have to do to protect us both.

Knowing I can’t do anything until Lash wakes up and takes me to get my car so I can go home, I make my way silently out of the bathroom and his room. Once I get in the hallway, I look both ways to determine the correct way to go. To the left are more doors before a dead end. So, I turn right and find a set of stairs leading down into the big room we entered last night.

A large bar takes up the entire left wall as I look toward the front of the building. Bottles of liquor sit in front of a mirror lining the shelves, and stools sit in front of the bar. On the wall next to each end of the bar is the design you see on the vests any member of the Knight’s Rebellion wear. While I know where I am, not many people know where the clubhouse is located so I don’t think I should just walk out of here on my own. Especially with Eric out there plotting my demise.

Several tables fill the center of the room while couches take up the opposite side of the room. The couches look worn and I’m almost afraid to think of what’s on them and how many times people have had sex on them. A shudder fills me at the thought. I’m not judging these people and how they live their lives because that’s not the type of person I am. I believe people should do as they wish with the life they lead. As long as they’re not hurting anyone else that is. In the back of the room where another hallway sits, I see two pool tables. There’s a dart board on the wall near the tables. To me, it resembles an overly large man cave which needs to be cleaned. I don’t want to think about what’s on the floor and every other surface in this room. I’m just thankful I put my flip flops on before leaving Lash’s room.

Turning my attention back toward the end of the bar closes to me, I see an open door with what looks like a kitchen. There’s a long table sitting in the middle of the room. Walking inside, I see it’s a fully stocked kitchen with industrial sized appliances. This kitchen is a dream come true for someone like me who loves to cook and bake. Especially when I’m nervous or don’t know what to do with myself. It makes me wonder how many people actually live and eat here for a minute as my nerves begin to settle down and the trembling slowly eases from my body.

I walk further into the room and take in the coffee pot sitting on the counter. It calls out to me because coffee is my energy source and definitely needed this morning with my frazzled nerves. Once I find everything I need to make coffee, I set about pulling out eggs, pancake mix, sausage, bacon, and bread for toast. I’d rather make a buffet style meal and make sure there’s something for everyone than not make something for someone. This isn’t my house, and I don’t want to offend anyone here. Even if I don’t know any of these people.

Part of me feels as if I’m invading the privacy of the men and women who live here. So I won’t be baking anything like I would be if I were home. That’s something that started when my mom was still alive; she always had my sister and I in the kitchen with her to teach us everything she knew. Then, I had to take over preparing meals when she passed away. Now, cooking and baking is something I do when I’m bored, nervous, or unsure about myself.

Finally hearing the alert on the coffee pot, I search the cupboards for a coffee mug to use. Pouring the nectar of the Gods into the cup and adding the smallest bit of sugar to it, I take a large sip of the scalding hot brew. Usually, I’d add flavored creamer, but I didn’t see any and nothing here is mine anyway. The last thing I want to be viewed as is a snoop for digging through things more than I already have.

Setting my cup on the counter next to the stove, I begin preparing breakfast for whoever is here. Without knowing how many people reside here, I use the entire first two rows of eggs in the large box of several dozen. After stirring them up for scrambled eggs, I begin to mix the pancake batter. Once that’s ready to go, I pull out the griddle I found and turn it on. The bacon and sausage are frying on the top of the stove on low as I begin to cook the rest of the food. I’m trying to time everything so it’s ready at the same time. While I’m waiting to stir the eggs and flip the pancake, I look in the refrigerator once more and find a bowl of fruit that’s already been cut up. So, I make a mental note to pull that out as soon as the rest of the food is ready to serve.

Turning around, I stop dead in my tracks. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen is a man as naked as the day he was born. A smirk is covering his face when my eyes finally reach his. There’s no choice but to let my eyes slowly travel down his body. The man is tall, almost as tall as Lash. He’s got short brown hair with matching brown eyes. His eyes remind me of melted chocolate on a hot summer day and I find myself drowning in their depths every time I meet his gaze again. There are several tattoos on his arms, and I also spot one on his leg. The one on his leg is old English letters but I can’t quite make out what it says. His cock is hard, and I notice several barbells running the length of it. Damn!

While he’s also sexy as hell, fear fills me that I’m going to be in trouble for invading the kitchen while everyone is sleeping. I try to prevent my body from shaking and my eyes from bugging out of my head. While I don’t immediately sense any danger from the man in front of me, you never know what can happen. I know that from experience.

“Like what you see, baby?” he asks me.

His voice is deep with a husky quality to it. I’m not sure if it’s his normal sound or because he just woke up. He’s still got a rumpled appearance to him, and I have to quickly turn away as I feel my face and chest heat from the blush covering me.

“I’m sorry,” I apologize as I walk back to the cooking food and begin to busy myself. “I hope I’m not in any trouble for cooking.”

“Not at all, babe. I’m Talon the vice president of the club. Wondered if you’d still be here this mornin’,” he says, walking into the kitchen and pouring himself a mug of coffee.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance