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I’m so stiff and sore, I can’t manage to get off on my own. Without yelling or cussing at me, the man simply turns around and pulls me around his body as if I weigh nothing at all. For several seconds, he stares at me.

“My name is Talon. I’m the vice president of the Knight’s Rebellion MC. My president is Lash. I’m sure we’re gonna have some questions for you. Are you good to answer them?”


Talon stands from his bike with me in his arms as I curl into his body stealing the body heat even though he’s only wearing a thin tee-shirt that’s now plastered to his body as the rain has soaked us. It’s coming down slightly harder now than when it started as he pulls open a door and a blast of heat washes over us. Instantly, exhaustion fills me as a feeling of safety washes over me for the first time since I was taken from the club. I don’t know anything about this man to warrant any feeling of safety or protection like I am though. It’s so damn weird.

“Talon, what’s goin’ on?” a deep, gruff masculine voice asks as the music and talking come to a sudden halt when we enter the building.

I bury my head in Talon’s chest with my eyes closed tight. The less I see while I’m here, the better off I’ll be. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. Mainly because I don’t want to see these men are like the other ones who I just escaped from. Men who would beat and torture us for fun or because they were bored. That was before taunting us about selling us to the highest bidder where we’d be broken down until there was absolutely nothing left of us. Or our new owner killed us.

“Found her on the side of the road like this. Shirt shredded and only a pair of panties hangin’ off her body. Need Doc here to look over her. Takin’ her to my room so I can get her warm and in bed before she gets here. Bronwan, do you want one of the women here with you instead of me?” he questions me, still keeping me in his arms against his chest.

“No. Please don’t leave me,” I practically cry out in fear.

“When she’s done with the shower, need to get some answers from her,” the same man says, his voice filling with authority.

Talon doesn’t respond as he begins moving again. Still, I don’t open my eyes to take in my surroundings as he moves fluidly through whatever room we’re in. The only thing I know is there are several people here as multiple voices penetrate my mind as I sink further into him. A few minutes later, I’m moved as he moves around and reaches into a pocket as his hand brushes against the bare skin of my ass where the panties I was forced to put on show more than they cover. Opening a door, I listen as it closes behind us and we’re moving once again.

“I’m gonna let you take a shower. There are clean towels and everythin’ you need in here. I’m sorry I don’t have anythin’ for a woman, so you’ll smell like me,” Talon tells me, setting me down on my feet.

“Thank you, Talon. You didn’t have to pick me up at all. I’ll be out of your hair as soon as possible,” I tell him, keeping my eyes off the man as I stare at the floor.

With a nod of his head, he leaves the bathroom and closes the door behind him. The only thing he says is he’ll bring clothes in as soon as he knows I’m in the shower. Then, he’ll leave me alone to do what I need to do. Not wanting to piss him off, I turn on the water and let it heat up for a second before stepping inside the shower and pulling the curtain closed. There is no hesitation on my part despite the pain filling my body to wash my hair and then body so I can get out of the bathroom and let Talon have his space back. At least I’m assuming it’s his space.

Drying off with a towel before wrapping it up in my hair to help pull the excess water from my strands, I don’t bother looking in the mirror as I take the sweat pants and tee-shirt Talon brought in for me when I was showering. Dressing as quickly as I can, I place the towel on the bar to dry before making my way through the closed door to find a shirtless Talon sitting on a bed.

“Feel any better?” he questions me.

“A little. Thank you,” I answer him, my voice small and weaker than ever before.

“Can you tell me what happened? If you tell me, I can relay the story to the guys, so you don’t have to see them.”

“Well, I just graduated with my degree in accounting. My friend talked me into going to a club with her to celebrate finally being done with school, tests, and all that stuff. Reluctantly I agreed to go because she wouldn’t leave me alone about it. We weren’t there for very long before I had to go to the bathroom. She didn’t go with me. As I was leaving the bathroom, two men bumped into me. They were dressed all in black, blending into the dark hallway more than anything. Before I knew what was happening, they were dragging me from the club through a back door. A black bag was tied on my head after I was punched in my face. The next thing I knew I was being tossed inside a vehicle with a cold, metal floor,” I tell him, not moving from just outside the bathroom door as my gaze once again finds the floor and stays there.

“What happened then, Red?”

“Well, we were never kept in one place for too long. Every few days at least we were moved from one location to another. That’s how I managed to escape. They thought I was too weak to get out of the van as they went back inside the house to gather more of the women and kids. At my last count, there were ten of us that were kept together in one place. Some of them were young kids, scared out of their minds and constantly crying as they were beaten on a daily basis.

“Anyway, they thought I didn’t have the strength to get out of the van, so they didn’t handcuff me to anything like they normally do. When they left, I got out and ran into the woods that were just off to the side of the house. They looked for me for a few minutes before stopping because one of the other women were trying to get away. I hid until I heard the van leave before beginning to walk away from the hell I was being held in. That’s when you found me,” I tell him, still not looking at him as there’s a knock on the door.

Talon gets up and makes his way over to show a woman standing there with a bag in her hand.

“Doc,” Talon says, opening the door further to let her in. “Bronwan, this is Doc. She’s gonna look you over and make sure you’re okay. Do you want me to leave?”

Shaking my head, I get on the bed with Talon’s help as the woman begins to exam me. After several long minutes, she determines everything is superficial and I won’t need stitches for the cuts, and nothing is broken. All I’ll need is some antibiotics to make sure no sort of infection sets in. When she offers a mild pain reliever, I turn her down because I hate taking medicine. I have a hard time swallowing it. I do manage to get the pill down after she hands me one and Talon hands me a bottle of water.

“Do you know who these men are?” Talon questions as soon as he closes his door behind the woman’s back.

“No. I’ve never seen them before in my life. They rode motorcycles though and have those same vests as you just different things on them.”

“It’s a cut, Red. Okay. You lay down and get some rest and finish warming up. It’s pretty late. Do you want to make your call now or wait until the mornin’?”

“Can I wait until morning?”

“Yeah, Red. I’m gonna go talk to the guys. I’ll lock you in here while I’m gone. Don’t open the door for anyone and try to sleep. Don’t leave the room either. Okay?”


Talon covers me up before leaving me alone in the room. Still, I don’t bother to look around and take in any details. This is no business of mine. Honestly, I just want to go to sleep and forget about everything that’s happened over the last few weeks. When the morning comes, I’ll be able to call my parents to let them know I’m okay before I figure out a way to get back to them. At this point, I’m not even sure how far from home I really am. Sleep soon claims me as images of the man who saved me fill my dreams holding the demons I know will haunt me forever at bay. For tonight at least, I might actually get a little bit of sleep. More than I have since being taken.

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Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance