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“You can’t get back in on your own if the fuckin’ gate is shut. Saw the other three prospects all day long standin’ guard at my weddin’. A day that’s now ruined for my pregnant fuckin’ wife. So, try the fuck again.”

“I didn’t lock it when I left. I knew you’d all be busy and didn’t want to have to wait to get back in. I’m sorry, Lash,” Evan says, his voice not wavering at all as he looks me in the eyes.

“I’m puttin’ you on probation right now. One more fuck up on your part and you’re outta here. After I beat the fuck outta you. If I find out you had anythin’ to do with today, I’ll gut you where you stand before buryin’ you so fuckin’ deep no one will ever find your remains. Get the fuck outta my sight and clean up the bar. You’re also officially off gate duty,” I growl out, knowing I can’t do a damn thing about him tonight as much as I want to. “Everyone else go to church so I can find out what happened.”

We all make our way to the meeting room. Judge stands at my back as the rest of his men fill out around the room, taking up the remaining chairs and leaning against the wall.

“What happened?” I bark out after slamming the gavel on the table in front of me.

“We lost them once we hit the highway. They fuckin’ took off, weavin’ in and out of traffic. Almost took out a damn van filled with a mom and three babies,” Judge says, anger lacing his voice. “Couldn’t tell what exit they took. I’m sure they’re goin’ back in hidin’ though.”

“Wicked Angels gone?” I question the room.

“Yeah. Left right after you brought Hartley inside. Knight said he’ll call you in a few days to make sure everythin’ is okay with her,” Sabotage answers me, leaning back in his chair.

“We’re on lockdown for those of you who didn’t hear. Judge, you’re more than welcome to stay if you want. Gonna bury Seth as soon as possible. Sab, thank you for dealin’ with Tommy. Everythin’ okay there?”

“Yeah. He got the coroner out here to take the body away and took a statement from everyone but you and Hart. Get out of here and make sure she’s okay. You’ve both been through a lot today and need to get your rest. Wrap her in your arms and tell yourself she’s still here with you and your son is safe. You need us, call and we’ll be right there,” my brother orders me knowing I’m not going to say a damn word about it to him.

“I want everyone in doubles from now on. No solo ridin’. If you hear of anythin’, call me and I’ll come to you.”

“We’ll stay for the funeral then we gotta head home. We’ll bunk out in the apartments,” Judge states as he looks at his men. “The next few days we’re at your mercy. Tell us what you need from us and we’ll do it. I want to get my hands on these fuckers as much as you do.”

With a nod of my head, I leave church and head straight for my room. When I enter, Jae is sitting up in the chair I brought in for her sister to be comfortable when she’s up here reading. She stands up and gives me a hug before moving to the room next to mine. Stripping out of my clothes, I climb in bed with Hartley and pull her into my arms. Sleep isn’t going to claim me tonight, but I need to feel my wife in my arms and watch over her as she sleeps. To calm her when the nightmares hit because she’s going to have them after watching Seth get killed right in front of her.

EARLIER TODAY WE laid Seth to rest. His funeral was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve been to plenty of funerals for bikers. Some of them with military honors. However, they have nothing on what happened today. Seth was a SEAL. He just got home from his last deployment to get killed by a bunch of cocksuckers who want our fucking compound. That’s not the way his life was supposed to end. We all apologized to his mama and dad, his SEAL team, and his little brother. Not a single one of them blame us. Hell his dad told us how happy he was to be in the club and how much our family meant to him. They were all proud of the decisions he made in his life including joining the club. Plus, they came to the clubhouse after the funeral to spend some time with us. More than one of his teammates expressed an interest in the club. All they gotta do is show back up and we’ll get them sorted out.

I stayed for a while, nursing one single beer as I listened to everyone share their stories of the kid. So many tears have been shed today. None more than by Seth’s mom and Hartley. She blames herself for what happened to him and spent the entire day with his family. Lash has no clue what to do to console his wife. None of us do. She’s pregnant and has spent the last week in their room at the clubhouse crying for most of the day. Iris, Jae, and Lash have to make her eat and get her out of bed. Hartley’s thoughts are that if she hadn’t been here and gotten involved with Lash, Eric wouldn’t be focusing on the club. The guys all know it’s not true, and I know Lash has told her a little bit of information in an attempt to get those thoughts out of her mind. His wife is a stubborn woman and is taking this on her shoulders.

Now, I need to get the hell away from the clubhouse. There are too many people here for my comfort and everyone is well on their way to being blitzed out of their minds. It’s not anything I want to be around right now. Walking out of the clubhouse, I tie a bandana over my face to keep the wind and bugs out as much as possible on this freezing cold night. With my hoodie on, I’m going to be cold as fuck, but I don’t give a shit. I just need to ride and get away for a while. If I only knew what I was about to stumble upon, I might not have taken this ride. However, I know myself good enough to realize I wouldn’t change a damn thing either.

Instead of heading through town after straddling my bike and starting it up to leave the compound, I turn and head in the opposite direction. I won’t hit the highway to be able to let loose and fly down the road. No, where I’m going is all back country roads where the only thing I’ll have a chance of seeing are wild animals on the prowl for their next meal or somewhere warm to sleep for the night. I want nothing more than the night air, wind whipping around me so I can try and clear the thoughts filling my head. Too much damn shit we need to rein in as soon as we find Eric and the few pussies he has left helping him.

I’m not sure how much time has passed as I roar down the roads in the dead of night with not even the moon to light my way. Suddenly, there’s something on the side of the road. It’s not an animal as I speed up closer to it. This is a damn person walking along the side of the road. Who the fuck in their right mind would be out here on a night like tonight as a slight rain begins to fall? It’s going to be tricky as hell to ride out tomorrow and I need to get back to the clubhouse soon before the roads begin to ice over.

As my headlight hits the person, and I slow down, I take in the young woman walking toward me. The only reason I know it’s a woman is the long hair covering her face and her small, delicate body. Slowing down even more, I don’t pull over to the side of the road, but I remain on the pavement, so I don’t get my bike stuck in the muck and shit. What I see has my rage levels rising to epic proportions. This young woman, who still hasn’t looked up as she staggers down the road with the cold rain pelting her exposed skin. The shirt she’s wearing has been shredded and the only other piece of clothing I see covering her body are a small pair of panties which offer no protection as they hang from her body.

Shutting off my bike, I keep my eyes on the woman as I slowly get off my machine and stand next to it after making sure the kickstand isn’t going to sink down into the shit on the road. Her bare feet are small as hell as my headlight continues to shine on her skin lighting up the bruising and cuts covering the exposed skin. What the fuck happened to this young woman?

“Darlin’, do you need some help?” I ask, keeping my voice deceptively calm and gentle as she startles and almost falls on her ass.

“Um, I-I-I d-d-don’t k-k-know,” she responds as her gaze lands on my bike.

A horrible feeling fills me, and I know where this woman is likely coming from. Sal let us know Eric and the assholes are into running women and kids. That’s one of the reasons they want to take us out. Seeing my bike is going to scare the absolute shit out of her. Keeping my eyes on her, I watch as she stumbles once again as I rush to her side to help keep her upright. This poor girl winces in pain as I wrap my arm around her body to pull her into me. She’s freezing, hurt, and scared to death.

“Can I take you to my clubhouse? I can have our Doc come take a look at you and you can call whoever you need to. Family, friends, whoever you want to come pick you up dependin’ on what Doc says. You might need to go to the hospital,” I ask her, not sure if she’ll be willing to go with me. “No one there will touch you. There are a lot of people there. Women included. I can let them help you if you want so none of the men, includin’ me get too close to you. I just want to make sure you’re okay and get home where you belong.”

“You promise you’re not gonna hurt me?” she asks, her teeth chattering together she’s so cold.

Taking my cut off, I place it between my legs and rip my hoodie over my head. Gently, I place it over her head and help her cover her body with the material. The least it will do is protect her upper body while she’s on the bike with me so she’s not freezing more than she already is. I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing. I’m no one’s knight in shining armor, but something about this young woman is calling out to me as I help her to my bike taking in as many details about her as I can. An overwhelming urge to protect her from whoever hurt her fills me as I help her get on the seat of my bike and place her feet where I want them. After placing my helmet on her head, I climb on in front of her and wrap her arms around my stomach pulling her small body even closer to me. Fuck my life!

I have no clue how my life spun out of control the way it has in the last several weeks. One decision on my part changed my entire life. There is no other way to say it. Now, I have no clue if I’m trading one hell for another or if this man will stay true to his word and let me call my parents so I can go home. After having a doctor look me over that is. I’m sure it’s something I’m in desperate need of as the aches and pains of the last few days make themselves known even more as the vibrations of this man’s bike radiate through me causing more pain to fill my body than what I previously knew about.

The freezing cold wind and rain pelt my skin as he races down the road faster than I’m comfortable with. I have no choice but to hang on for my life unless I want to risk falling off the back of the large machine we’re straddling. As I’m lost in my head thinking about everything I’ve been through in the last two plus weeks, I don’t realize we’ve already pulled up to his clubhouse as he called it and shut the bike off. This is not good. I need to pay attention to my surroundings and not get lost in my head, so I don’t know what’s going on.

“Darlin’ we’re here. Can you get off on your own or do you need my help?” he asks, his voice sending a delicious thrill through me.

“M-M-My name is Bronwan,” I tell him, unwrapping my arms from his body and trying to get off the bike on my own.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance