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“I want two. A boy and girl. Nash will protect his baby sister until the day she finds a man as good as her daddy who will love her and protect her any way he sees fit.”

“What if we have another boy?”

“Then, we’ll try again for a girl,” she says lifting her head from my chest as I lean down to kiss her as if she’s the only way to get air into my lungs instead of stealing my breath.

“Do you want to go on a honeymoon?” I question her when I finally pull my mouth from hers and knowing we have nothing planned.

“Nope. You have a club to run, and I have to get things moving more on the community center. Just waiting on the sale of the land to go through and then I have a feeling I’m going to be even busier,” she assures me, looking in my eyes so I see how serious she’s being in her answer.

As the last notes of the song fade away, I walk my wife from the dance floor and straight to the table where a three-tier cake is sitting. The frosting is all white with roses and some kind of black flower decorating it. Instead of a traditional cake topper of a man and woman, someone managed to find one with a couple standing at the back of a bike with the words ‘Ride with me forever’. It’s amazing what Hartley and everyone accomplished on such short notice. I know she did most of the work from home because she’s been taking more naps the last few days. Still, everyone pulled together and made our day special for us. I can’t love my family, including the extended family of the club, more than I do today.

Jae, Trina, and my mom have been going crazy taking pictures. Mom positioned us and had so many ideas for our wedding pictures right after the ceremony, it took forever. At the same time, I can’t wait to see them. Especially the ones of just my Pixie and me. They’ll be covering the walls of our home before I know it. Then, we’ll fill in the spaces with pictures of the club, our families growing up, and our baby boy. Hartley has already started adding photos everywhere she can, and I always look for the newest addition as soon as I walk in the door each day. She never disappoints either.

With everyone surrounding us, Hartley and I slice a small piece of cake and place it on a plate. We each pick up a small portion of it to feed to one another. I’m really cautious because I don’t know if she’s going to smear it all over my face or be nice and just let me take a bite of the small treat. Thankfully, when I lean down with my mouth open, she doesn’t nail me. My wife lets me take a bite of the piece she’s holding as she bites the piece I feed her. There’s booing coming from several of the guys, mainly Judge, because we’re not doing what everyone else does on their wedding day. We’re our own people and this is what we want to do.

Minutes later, I’m really grateful I don’t have cake covering my face as gunshots ring out in the silent night. Forcing her to the ground, I cover her with my body as Seth races toward us with a gun out, pointing at the front of the clubhouse. He’s returning fire as he makes his way over to where I have her down on the ground mostly under the table where hopefully no bullets will find her.

“Lash!” is bellowed by Death as he also runs at us from across the yard.

Just before Seth makes it to us, two things happen simultaneously. The first is I manage to free my gun from the holster at the back of my jeans with Hartley’s help and multiple bullets hit Seth’s torso and legs. He falls to the ground in front of us, still shooting his gun in the direction of the gun fire. Now, with several of us in attendance carrying, we’re fighting back as my eyes scan the yard to ensure the safety of the women out here. Sab has our mom down on the ground, covering her with his body and a picnic table, Mammoth has his ol’ lady taken care of, and Zeus is laying on top of Jae at the back of the clubhouse. Several other men are surrounding the guys from the band to ensure they’re protected. This day has turned from the best day of my life to an absolute clusterfuck.

As the gunfire coming at us begins to slow down, I jump up and order Hartley to stay where she is as tears stream down her face to the ground below her. I have to force the worry about her and our son from my mind as I race around the clubhouse to find out who the fuck got close enough to fucking shoot up my wedding reception and take out one of my men. These fuckers will not live for very long when I get my hands on them. They’ll die a slow, torture filled death I’ll make last for days on end if I get my way in the matter.

Rounding the clubhouse, several bikes start up and roar out of the compound where the gate I know was closed all day long is standing open allowing them the access they needed to get in here. Still firing shots, several men join me as we watch the assholes roar off down the road into the night. Death, Boxer, Talon, Judge, and most of Judge’s men jump on their bikes and take off after the douche canoes. With nothing more to do out here, I turn and head back to my wife. I need to make sure her and the baby are okay before I go off on the fucking prospects who were supposed to keep the fucking gates closed at all times.

While we’ve been out searching for Eric and the remaining Rising Rebel fucks, the compound is shut down at all times. There isn’t a single person in or out of the gate who isn’t normally here. Each prospect who has gate duty knows this and has been good up until today about keeping it shut and locked so no one else can gain access to my family. Cal, Austin, and Seth were walking around the compound to ensure nothing came at us from the sides or back. Evan is the only one who I didn’t see for most of the day. He’s here and my mind is spinning with the possibility he’s our fucking rat. Too many things don’t add up and he’s the only one who doesn’t do his job the way he should and is always trying to get information out of us. Not by asking questions and shit per se, but by hanging around where he’s not supposed to and listening in on private conversations.

“Hartley!” I bellow when I don’t see her legs from under the table where I left her.

“I’m over her, Lash,” she answers, sitting in a chair at the back of the clubhouse with the other women and Wicked Angels. Sabotage, Rifle, and a few other men are covering them until they know what’s going on.

“Are you okay, Pixie? The baby okay from me tossin’ you to the ground?” I question her, dropping down to my knees in front of her.

“We’re okay. Are you okay?” she returns, her gaze searching my body for any signs of bleeding.

“I’m okay. They’re gone. Raced out of her when I walked around the buildin’. Are you guys okay?” I ask everyone else sitting here.

“We’re good,” Knight answers as the women nod their head in response. “You sure know how to throw and excitin’ party.”

I can’t even muster up a smile at his attempt to lighten up the situation we currently find ourselves in. Remaining in front of Hartley, I keep an eye on her unusually pale face. I need to get her home and truly make sure she’s okay. But, I also have things to do here. Tonight, I think we’re gonna stay here at the clubhouse. In fact, I think we need to go on lockdown for a few days. Especially with the loss of our prospect.

“Lockdown. Now!” I roar out, knowing there’s no other choice.

“Sabotage, get Tommy here so we can go through the proper channels for Seth. He’s goin’ to be buried as a full patch member and also have the full honors of a military funeral. We have no choice but to ensure his body is taken care of by the book. Tommy will do what he can. Ladies, I want you inside now where we can keep an eye on you. You don’t need to be out in the open right now in case they decide to come back. Pixie, I want you to go to our room and lay down. I’ll go with you now so we can take a shower before you lay down. Jae, you can stay in our room until I come back in. Like the last time, you’ll be in the same room here. Mom, you’ve got your room too. Make sure the rebels and prospects know we’re on lockdown.”

Helping Hartley from the chair, we head inside and directly to our room. After helping her remove her dress and appreciating the lingerie she’s wearing for me, I strip out of my own clothes and turn on the water. It’s not about cleaning up right now. I need to have her in my arms to prove she’s still really here with me. That our son is still nestled in her body where he belongs for a few more months and to calm the rage filling me right now.

With Hartley asleep, it’s time for me to find out what the guys who chased after the fuckers found out and have a conversation with Evan. He’s going to answer me and hope like hell he has some good answers because I’m done fucking around with his ass. If we didn’t need to flush the rat out so bad, he’d have been kicked the fuck out weeks ago. Evan hasn’t been pulling his weight around here lately and there’s a reason for it. It’s time to find out what’s going on.

“Get me Evan. Now,” I tell Death as I walk in the common room.

Evan walks out of the kitchen on his own and looks at me. His face is blank as fuck letting me know he’s got something to hide from us. Something we’re about to find out one way or another. I have plenty of rage filling me to take out on him. This isn’t going to end good for him.

“What’s goin’ on, Lash?” he asks me as I kick out a chair in the middle of the common room since no one else is out here.

“You fuckin’ tell me, Evan. For weeks now, you haven’t been pullin’ your weight around here. You’ve been tryin’ to hand out open drinks, disappear for long periods of time, and today, not only is the gate conveniently opened up, but you weren’t seen at all by me,” I inform him. “You’re gonna fuckin’ tell us what’s goin’ on. If I don’t like your answers or even think you’re lyin’ to me, I’m gonna torture the fuck outta ya. Got me?”

“Look, I have a life outside the club. I’ve been disappearin’ because I got a girl who doesn’t want anythin’ to do with the club. She’s pregnant and I’ve been spendin’ time with her when I can. As for openin’ drinks, it’s just what I’m used to. When you’re forced to open drinks and shit from a young age, it kind of sticks with ya. Today, I wasn’t here until about an hour ago. I opened the gate to come back in and then shut it,” Evan says as my fist snaps out and hits his jaw.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance