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“I do,” I tell him, trying not to laugh my ass off.

Placing a black band on Lash’s finger, we both turn our attention to Judge. Honestly, I can’t wait to see what he has to say now.

“Well, what are you waitin’ for fucker? You were gonna do this whole ceremony thing backwards and try to kiss her before I even said a word. You may kiss your fuckin’ bride, Lash,” he says, a smile covering his face.

Lash pulls my body into his and wraps his arms around me. Lowering his head to mine, Lash kisses me deep filling it with all the passion and love he feels right now. I don’t hesitate to give him back as good as he gives, tangling my tongue with his as catcalls and clapping fill the air around us. When we’re both breathing heavy, my husband finally pulls back and stares down into my eyes.

“Thank you, Pixie. This is exactly what we all needed today,” he whispers to me as Judge places a hand on each of our shoulders.

“Let me be the first to offer my congratulations and introduce the rest of you guys to Mr. and Mrs. Tyler ‘Lash’ Winston. May you celebrate the way we truly want, head inside and finalize this marriage.”

Again, everyone starts laughing because I know that’s exactly where Lash’s head is right now as his eyes darken and his lids lower. Heat fills his eyes as he lets his gaze sweep down my body only stopping on his way back up where our son rests in my belly.

“Not happening big man. I think someone is gonna do pictures and then we’re having a party. There will be plenty of time for you ravishing my body later on,” I tell my husband as he continues to stare at me.

“Pixie,” he growls out in response as Iris makes her way to us.

“I love you both so much. Welcome to the family, Hartley. Make sure you put this one in his place when he needs it. I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter than you,’ she tells us, giving us each a kiss on our cheek before wrapping her arms around the two of us.

Lash holds us both to him as men and women begin to stand up and make their way over to where the food is. I’m ready to eat as the three of us finally make our way over to the table Trina set up for us. George, Iris, and Judge are the only other three at our table besides those in the wedding party. Jae, Trina, Sabotage, and Talon sit with us as Boxer takes his seat at the closest table to us. If I had one more person to stand up with me, he could have stood up with his brother. Now I feel horrible as I go to stand so I can offer him an apology.

“Hartley, it’s not a big deal,” Boxer says as soon as I’m close to him. “You’re family and Talon is also family. I love ya, sis and am so happy he found you.”

“How did you know what I was coming over here for?” I question him as Lash comes up to stand at my back.

“It’s written all over your face. I’m here to help you both celebrate and it’s enough for me,” he responds, standing to pull me into his arms. “You can makemeNash’s God father if you want to make it up to me.”

“I’ll do that,” I promise him as the two men surrounding me laugh.

Now, it’s time to get some food as my husband leads me to the tables loaded down with all kinds of different goodies. We each fill a plate and make our way back to the table where everyone has left to get their own plates. Today is a good day and I’m glad we managed to pull this off. I’ll remember it when I’m old and losing my mind because it’s the day the love of my life became mine in the eyes of more than the club; the day I got my happily ever after.

HARTLEY AND EVERYONE involved managed to surprise the hell out of me. I literally had no clue what was going on until Sabotage walked up to me in the common room and told me he needed to talk to me out back. When Judge and his club showed up, I still had no idea. He made up some bullshit reason to be there. Something about my mom calling about a cookout even though it was just a week ago they were here. Though, she really didn’t get to spend all that much time with Judge or anyone from his club. So, I shrugged my shoulders and sat at the bar where Austin handed me a shot of Jack and a beer. Judge and I were talking about our clubs and where we wanted to take them, so I didn’t notice when people started to disappear from the clubhouse.

Marrying Hartley made today the best day of my life. It’s something we were supposed to do tomorrow anyway. However, she didn’t want to wait. My woman knows shit is going down and I’ve already told her not to ask me because I can’t tell her shit. Yes, I know some men tell their ol’ ladies what’s going on with the club and shit, but that’s not me. I don’t want anyone to ever be able to use her as a way to get to me. One way to prevent it from happening is by not telling her what we do and why we’re out every single day and night for hours on end. As far as she’s concerned, I’m working at various businesses or we’re just out riding as a club around town and the surrounding areas. Hartley trusts me enough not to ask questions I won’t answer and knows I’m not out cheating on her. That’s not my style. If it were, I never would have slid my ring on her finger. Just because we’re about to become parents in a few months doesn’t mean we have to be together.

Then, she took it a step further and apologized to my brother because there were only two people standing up with us on each side. Boxer and I talked when I told them we were getting married. He didn’t want to stand up with us. Not because he doesn’t care about us or hates Hartley. Because my baby brother hates being the center of attention for things like weddings, his birthday, and those type of things. The only place he’s ever comfortable being everyone’s focus is when he’s in the ring fighting. That’s only because he can block that shit out and pretend it’s just him and his opponent in the ring. Knowing how he feels, we didn’t make a big deal out of it. Sab was my best man and Talon would also be up there with us.

Judge, I have absolutely no words for one of my best friends. Though, I’m not surprised he said what he said and married us how he did. He’s one of the only men I know who does shit his way and doesn’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks. Since Hartley found him hilarious, I didn’t say anything to him. However, I will be paying his ass back for it when he finally finds his woman and settles down. He knows it’s coming too. Judge and I always act this way together and no one understands our friendship. Honestly, we can go weeks or months without seeing one another or talking about anything other than what’s going on with our clubs and still have the same connection and bond we did as children growing up in a world we were both trying to navigate and find our own way in.

“Baby, are you okay?” Hartley asks me as we sit at our table listening to Wicked Angels playing music while people dance, talk in small groups, or just listen to the band.

“I’m good Pixie. I love you so much. Thank you for surprisin’ me with this. We all needed a break and I know even tomorrow would have been too late for us to take one. I’m so fuckin’ burnt out,” I answer her honestly.

“I love you too, Lash. I’m glad I could give you the break you need,” she says as I place my hand on her belly.

“Are you tired?”

“A little. We still need to have our dance and cut the cake though. I’m okay for now,” she answers me as I look at Knight and give him a look.

See, what people don’t know is the song for our dance was picked out by me. Hartley knew I wouldn’t have much to do with planning our wedding and was okay with it. I asked her if I could do this, and she agreed. I’m not sure if she knew what she was getting herself into, but she put her complete faith in me, and I hope I don’t disappoint her. So, when they finish up the current song, Knight begins speaking to the members of our family who are in attendance.

“Okay everyone, it’s time for the bride and groom to have their first dance. Let’s get Lash and Hartley up here so they can dance and then shortly they’ll be cuttin’ the cake. Give them a round of applause,” Knight tells everyone as they turn to watch us walk to the make shift dance floor someone laid out close to the back of the clubhouse.

She Sees Everythingby Tainted Lyric begins to play from the speakers we bring outside for any cookouts and parties here at the clubhouse. Pulling my wife into my arms, I slowly move her to the music. Hartley’s head is resting on my chest with her small hands resting on my shoulders. I’ve got my arms wrapped around her with my hands resting on her ass. I’m not even going to apologize for it either. Closing my eyes, I listen to the words of the song and know Hartley is the piece of my soul I’ve been missing my entire life. This woman gets me in ways I never dreamed possible because I never saw it growing up. All I saw was how hard being in a club is on a relationship. That’s not what we have and I’m never going to let it get that far.

“Are you happy?” Hartley asks me, never moving from my embrace as I rest my head on top of hers.

“There’s only one thing that would make me happier. To rid this world of Eric so you never have to look over your shoulder again. You make me happy every single day and I get to breathe easier knowin’ I’ll fall asleep with you in my arms each night and wake up holdin’ you for the rest of our lives. How many kids did you say you wanted?” I question her knowing we’ve never talked about it before.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance