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“Thank you, George. I’d love to have you walk me down the aisle,” I answer him as I grab my rag from the hook by the door and slide it on my shoulders with George’s help.

“Alright, Lash is about to make his way outside. We’ve got men and women from both clubs here waitin’ for this ceremony to start. Lash is startin’ to get suspicious about what’s goin’ on too. We need to sneak you in the front of the clubhouse as he heads out back,” George informs us as we all start to leave our house while I set the alarm and lock the door behind us.

We’re all loaded up in Iris’s SUV with George driving and me in the front passenger’s seat. It’s not long before we’re pulling up in front of the clubhouse. Still, I’m not nervous to be getting married. I’m excited and can’t wait to get married to Lash. He’s everything I never thought I’d find in a man. Strong, protective, loyal, and willing to help me learn what I want to in order to protect myself. The only stipulation he has is I have to wait until I deliver our son before I go out shooting a gun or learning any self-defense moves. We’re not willing to take any chances with our boy so I’m only too happy to follow his stipulations.

“Last chance to back out girl,” George says, turning in the driver’s seat to look at me. “You and I could run away together, and he’d never find us.”

“George, he’d find us in the first ten minutes,” I respond, laughing. “I’m pregnant and not moving too fast these days. I’d do nothing but slow you down.”

“Not if I toss you over my shoulder and run out of here. Just give me a sign if that’s what you want to do,” he tells me, completely serious about taking me away if it’s what I want.

“Let’s get this show on the road. George, stop trying to take my daughter-in-law away. Find a woman your own age,” Iris chimes in, her voice full of laughter.

Getting out of Iris’s SUV, I’m told to wait at the side of the front door so they can make sure Lash still isn’t inside. When Jae pokes her head back out, I make my way inside to find it completely empty with the exception of the rebels who are most definitely not invited today. Well, Candy was and I’m sure she’s out there sitting somewhere. A bouquet of roses and baby’s breath are placed in my hands as Trina and Jae have a single rose in theirs. We never talked about flowers because I’m not a huge fan of them.

“They’re fake, sis. These won’t die on you no matter what,” Jae informs me with a smile on her face.

George leads me to the door which will lead us outside as Trina, Iris, and my sister disappear. Trina and my sister are wearing black dresses that match mine. Where I have the black flowers and lace at the bottom, theirs has white. Spaghetti straps hold the dresses up and they all flow down to our ankles. All three of us are also wearing black flip flops on our feet. Comfort is the name of the day for everyone in attendance. With the exception of George. He’s melting my heart being so dressed up for today.

“Last chance girl,” he murmurs just before the door is opened up by Cal and we start walking outside.

“Not a chance,” I respond, getting my first look at Lash where he stands between Judge and Sabotage.

Lash is dressed in a faded pair of blue jeans with the black shirt his mom told me she got him. His cut is on over top of the shirt with a black bandana tied around his head. Lash’s beard is slightly longer than normal along with the hair on the top of his head. Still, he looks sexy as hell as he stares at me, the heat from his gaze filling me as a larger smile breaks out on my face. Lash isn’t smiling though. My man is wearing a sexy smirk instead of a smile as his hands are clasped in front of his body.

“It’s not a race girl,” George says in his attempt to get me to slow down.

Honestly, I didn’t realize I was walking fast toward Lash. The guests closest to us begin laughing at George’s words. My smile only grows bigger.

Finally, we’re at the end of the aisle where we come to a stop.

“Who gives this woman to the lucky fucker standin’ at my side?” Judge asks, making even more people laugh.

“I do ya asshole,” George responds to his grandson before turning to face Lash. “Treat her right or I’ll take her off your hands before you know what’s hit ya.”

“Every day of my life,” Lash assures him, not taking his eyes off me.

As George walks away to take a seat by Iris, Lash grabs my hands and leans in for a kiss.

“Not yet ya greedy fuck,” Judge says just before his lips touch mine. “Now, I’m not gonna do the traditional words you normally hear at a weddin’. It’s a biker weddin’ after all. It’s gonna be short and to the damn point. Lash and Hartley met under the worst possible conditions. Hell the first few days they were together was worse than a damn roller coaster. However, she broke down those thick walls of his and made him realize what he truly wanted; her. I have no doubt these two will go the distance and complete one another for the rest of their lives. They’re already bringin’ in the beginnin’ of the next generation of Knight’s Rebellion. I’m available to be a God father by the way. Anyway, Lash, tell your ol’ lady some pretty words and mean them.”

I can’t stop the laughter from spilling out of me. Tears of happiness run down my face I’m laughing so hard. Right along with the rest of our extended family who surround us today.

“Pixie, everyone already knows I don’t want what we share. Not a fan of havin’ an ol’ lady, wife, or kids. With you, I want it all. I want your love, our babies to be carried in your belly, to share the same last name, and the happiness you show me on a daily basis. You give me the strength to keep goin’ when I want to break down, the light to my darkness, and the air I need to breathe. Without you, I’d be livin’ half a life not realizin’ what I was truly missin’. When we’re old and gray, I’ll still feel this shit with the exception of the amount of love I have for you. Each day you do somethin’ so small to make me fall even harder than I already am. I love you, Hartley and I will for the rest of our lives,” Lash tells me, giving me the words he has and not giving a fuck what anyone thinks.

“Hartley, tell this fucker how much you love him,” Judge says, eliciting some more laughter from the crowd.

“Lash, you have given me more than I ever thought I’d have in my life. Not only your love, protection, loyalty, and strength, but you gave Jae and me a family when we don’t have one. You brought us into your crazy, loving world and gave us a spot here just because. You have no clue what you’ve given the two of us. You’re willing to take on my crazy, my bitchiness, and everything that comes with me still trying to take care of my sister. When I don’t have any hope left, you wrap me in your arms and take away my fears. Lash, you’re truly the light filling the darkness that’s surrounded me for so long now. I love you more than I’ll ever be able to tell you. Thank you for everything you’ve given me and continue to give me,” I tell him as Lash holds tighter to my hands.

“Are there any rings here today?” Judge asks, looking around.

“I got them,” Sabotage responds, pulling something out of a pocket in his cut.

Judge accepts the rings from Sab before turning to look at Lash. “I’m not gonna have you repeat after me and all that bullshit. Lash, do you take Hartley to be your wife, to keep her protected, love her, and make sure every single man around knows she’s yours? To ride her more than your bike and give her as many babies as she wants?”

“Yeah, fuckface, I do,” Lash tells him as he takes the ring and places it on my finger.

“Hartley, do you promise to love Lash with everythin’ in you, give him sons and no daughters we’ll have to kill over when they get older, offer a blowjob every day when he gets home, and give him the strength he needs when his days are long?”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance