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“What’s up Lash?” Talon asks, setting his cup down on the table in front of him.

“Got a bad feelin’. I’m takin’ this run, and you’ll go on the next. I’m sorry to have you up for no reason this damn early. Barely slept last night with a churnin’ gut,” I tell him, sitting down as my mom sets a cup of coffee and plate of food in front of me.

“It’s all good. Gotta listen to our gut feelin’ anytime we get them. Do you think it’s wise to go now that you have Hartley and a son on the way?” Talon questions me, no judgement in his voice just curiosity.

“I do. She’ll understand. She needs to relax today and laze around the house. I’ll be back before she knows it and then I’ll spend some time with her. We got an appointment comin’ up this week and I’ll be takin’ the day off to go to that with her. Death already knows we’re switchin’ things up with you and he’ll be here in a few minutes.”

“Okay. I’ll keep an eye on your ol’ lady.”

“I’m gonna head up there when I know she’s awake. I’ll take Sab with me,” my mom informs me. “The two of us and Jae will make sure Hartley rests and doesn’t do too much. I’ll make dinner and we can start talkin’ about the nursery and all that shit. She’ll have to register for gifts for a baby shower. Everythin’ we can do from the comfort of your couch as we watch sappy movies and eat junk food. Not to mention we have the final details to put on the wedding. Only a week left, and you’ll be a married man Lash.”

“Mom, you’re really gonna make me watch that shit?” Sab asks, getting a slap to the back of his head by our mom.

“Yep. And you’ll fucking love it,” she tells him, making her way back in the kitchen.

After eating my breakfast and Death gets something to eat, we all head out. Today, Cal is the prospect going with us. It will also be Death, Zeus, Mammoth, Rifle, Texas, and me. Cal will be in a van in case something happens, and we need to switch out the shipment. The rest of us will surround the transport vehicle of Sal and we’ll make our way to the drop off location. Once we meet up with the guys from Sal’s crew, we’ll find out the drop off point and go from there. Boxer will get the location and figure out the best way to go to make sure it lines up with the route they already have planned out. Sal knows this is how we work, and his guys expect it. We know things they might not know, and he’ll make sure we don’t travel roads with a high police presence.

“Let’s roll,” I call out as we all make our way outside.

I get a hug and kiss from my mom before straddling my bike. Cal has the van pulled up ready to follow us out, and everyone else is straddling their bike waiting for me to climb on mine. Now, it’s time to head out. The sooner we meet up with them, the quicker I can get back home to my woman and make sure she has rested today.

There wasn’t a single problem for us as we road to meet up with Sal’s guys. The sky is turning blue and clear the longer we ride even though it’s so damn cold outside. I’m pretty sure my balls have gone back in me to hide from the freezing temperatures of riding with it being this cold. It’s still not enough to deter us. Soon we won’t have a choice but to use our trucks or other cages when we have something to do or places to be. For now, we’re all happy riding since there’s no snow on the ground to make riding dangerous.

Taking a few minutes with Sal’s guys, we get the location, I talk to my brother, and he assures me the route we’re taking is the perfect one to use. Loading up, we make our way out of the small town we pulled over in and make our way to the final drop off point. It’s going to take us about three more hours to get there on top of the hour we already came to meet them. If nothing goes wrong, we’ll be home in time for me to have dinner with my ol’ lady and her sister. I know mom will stay there for our meal too. Hell, I won’t be surprised if she stays at my house. She misses us and has been coming around more often the last few weeks. Though I have a sneaking suspicion it has more to do with Hartley and Jae more than my brothers and me.

About halfway in the ride, sudden gunfire erupts from the woods on the sides of the road. Ducking down as far as I can, I let go of my handle bar to pull my gun from the back of my jeans. The other men with us, including Sal’s men begin returning fire at the same time I do. We’re all trying to remain upright on our bikes as Cal and Sal’s men in the truck pull up on either side of us to form some sort of shield, so we’re not hit and not easy targets for the fuckers shooting at us. A mile down the road, the gunfire stops, and we pull over to assess any damages done and make sure the men are whole and not injured. We need to check on our bikes and the truck and van too.

“What the fuck was that?” one of Sal’s guys asks.

“You’re guess is as good as mine. Who the fuck knew the route we’d be takin’ today?” I counter, my voice cold as I look over each of my men.

No one seems to have any injuries I can see as I put my kickstand down and get off my bike to walk up closer to them. Cal is still sitting behind the wheel of the van so he can move if anything happens. Not a single one of us told him to do it either. Death has a graze on his upper arm from a bullet flying by him. It’s bleeding as he rips his long-sleeved shirt and hoodie from his body. One of Sal’s guys bring up a first aid kit and double checks the wound before letting us know it doesn’t need stitches as it barely nicked his arm. After cleaning, applying some sort of ointment to it, and wrapping Death’s arm up with bandages, my sergeant at arms puts a different shirt and hoodie on before adding a leather jacket under his cut.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here,” I tell everyone, not sure where the men are still hiding who have been shooting at us.

“What about them?” Texas asks, looking behind us.

“Not gonna go hunt them down. I want to make this fuckin’ drop and get the fuck home. As soon as the shipment is handed off, I’ll call Sal and let him know what’s goin’ on. Hell, I can do that as soon as we get back on the road. Mom just bought me a helmet with Bluetooth installed so I can call him while we’re ridin’. He’ll more than likely want to meet up and not discuss this over the phone,” I answer one of the guys I’ve always looked up to as one of my uncles.

“Let’s do this shit then,” he declares, straddling his bike after tossing his cigarette down and stomping on it with his boot.

Getting back on my bike and starting it up, I call Sal and fill him in on what’s going on. He’s pissed as fuck and let me know he’ll be at the clubhouse as soon as we get back. In the meantime, he’ll start looking into some shit and see if he can find out who would come at us like this; if it’s on their end or ours. Hell, it could be someone we’ve both pissed the hell off knowing we’d be on this run together. Which also means there’s a rat somewhere. Hanging up with him, we make the rest of the trip without any further problems. All of us are on guard and being extremely vigilant right now to make sure we’re all whole.

There were no problems on the ride back to the clubhouse after dropping off the shipment. Sal’s guys kept everything in the truck and switched it out for a different one they rode back in. At their bosses request, they followed us back to the clubhouse to wait for Sal to meet up with us before they’d all travel home and work on things from their end. I’m pissed because depending on how long this takes, I won’t be eating dinner with my ol’ lady tonight. After today I’m exhausted, pissed the hell off, and I want answers. Now.

Pulling up at the clubhouse, I park in my spot as the rest of the guys take theirs. Everyone is here and I know they’ve all heard different versions of what the hell happened to us out on the road today. I’m grateful we were able to keep the shipment, but I’m pissed one of my men was hit with a bullet. It doesn’t matter if it’s a graze or the bullet penetrated his body. Death was hurt because I had to take this run based on my gut feeling.

Storming inside, I stop at the bar and take the beer and a shot of Jack from Austin who’s behind the bar. He’s not supposed to be here; it’s Evan’s weekend for bar duty. Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I make my way to church where Cal is already waiting to collect our phones and weapons. Taking my seat at the head of the table, everyone sits in their seats while Sal grabs one at the opposite end of the table from me. Tomasso is the only one with him tonight since the men from the truck are in the common room taking a break.

“What the fuck happened?” I bark after slamming the gavel on the table in front of me.

“I have no clue,” Sal says, looking at me and no one else.

“Why don’t you fill the rest of us in on what exactly happened today?” Talon questions, still not sure what the hell is wrong.

“Everythin’ was good for the first hour and a half after meetin’ up with his men. Then, in the one section of road with a forest on each side, bullets started fuckin’ flyin’ at us. Cal and his men rode on each side of us to protect us and it still wasn’t e-fuckin’-nough. Death got grazed with a bullet. That’s not fuckin’ acceptable at all! Couldn’t stop until a mile down the road from where it started. Not sure how many men were shootin’ at us or anythin’. I wasn’t about to go search them out,” I tell everyone as the room fills with tension and rage.

“I’m okay,” Death says, looking directly at his older brother.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance