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Pulling up to the park, the community members who wanted booths set up are already here. They greet us all as we walk around to work from one booth to the next. Candy is standing in the booth for the bake sale. She’s sorting out the various desserts not only we made but other families and people in the community. I’m not sure if three tables are going to be enough for her to set everything up as I take in the amount of food here.

“Do you need any help or anything, Candy?” I ask her as she looks up at me with a smile on her face.

“No. I plan on setting up some of each item so everyone can see them. As we get low on something, I’ll replace it with the items I can’t put out now. That way everything doesn’t sell at once. Is that okay?”

“Sounds perfect. I’ll be around if you need anything.”

Walking down the line of booths, I take in the one for face painting that’s been set up. Cal and Aubrey will be the ones doing the drawings as Trina and Mammoth looks on. Mammoth runs the club’s tattoo parlor so it’s perfect for them to take over the face painting for the children who will be here today. Iris is setting up the silent auction items. There’s a lot of good things here I will more than likely end up bidding on. Just before Wicked Angels go on, we’ll announce the winners of the auction so they can pay and collect their winnings.

The fire department are the ones putting on the barbeque. They’re making chicken, salt potatoes, Cole slaw, have rolls, and are selling soda and bottles of water to anyone who wants something to eat or drink. Already the delicious aroma of chicken cooking fills the air making my mouth water. The owners of the general store, the hardware, and the ice cream shop also have booths set up selling various things and collecting donations for the community center. Every single booth with the exception of the fire department has a collection jar on their table to collect extra money.

A few guys from the rental place are setting up the three bounce houses we have for today. Just before them is yet another booth for a cake raffle. Marian, an older woman in town who always sits along Main street on the benches, and George are working at the cake raffle booth. A large wheel is set up with various colors lining up with the colors on the booth for people to place their money. Whatever color the wheel stops on is the winner of the cake up for raffle. Again, there are a ton of donated cakes and pies for people to win. Yes, I’ll be bidding on some of these as well.

“Good morning Marian and George,” I greet them as they stop working and walk to me.

“Morning sweetheart,” Marian greets me. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“I’m doing okay. How are you doing? Do you guys have everything you need for today?”

“We’ve got what we need, darlin’,” George answers me. “You take it easy, or Lash is gonna have a fit.”

“I’ll rest soon. There are just a few more things I need to check on before I can sit down. I’ll either come back here or hang out with Candy for a while.”

George nods his head at me before turning to go back to what he was previously doing. As I continue to walk through the park, Stephanie and Carla are sitting on their asses trying to talk to a few prospects who are working to finish setting things up. Changing my direction, I make my way over to them.

“Do you two need somethin’ to do?” I question them as they glare up at me.

“Nope,” Carla responds, turning her attention back to the guys.

“Then get off your asses, and find something to do. If not, I’ll be sure to let the guys know when they get back and you can deal with them,” Iris says stepping up next to me. “The only reason you’re here and not the clubhouse is because you were told to help. Sitting on your asses isn’t helping do anything.”

The two girls scramble away, and I know it’s just a matter of time before they find someone else to try flirting with. I’ll deal with them again before too long, I’m sure. Iris leads me to the booth she’s currently working in and makes me sit down. Jae brings me over a breakfast sandwich and glass of orange juice since I was too nervous to eat breakfast before leaving this morning. As I eat, a few people come over to double check various things with me and make sure I don’t need anything else. George even keeps an eye on me while he’s helping Marian work. I was kind of surprised he wanted to work with the sweet older lady because he’s such a grump, but so far there are no problems. Maybe he just wants to make sure no one tries to take advantage of her.

After eating my breakfast, I remain sitting in one of the chairs Iris has behind the tables set up. The only thing left to do is for the guys to set up the bike they’ll be raffling off. A few prospects have it here in a trailer and are waiting until people start showing up before they remove it from the trailer. No one wants anything to happen to it, so we’re waiting until the last minute to bring it out.

Yawning, I close my eyes and take a few minutes to myself. There’s a cool breeze blowing over me as I let myself relax knowing no one is going to get close to me. Not only is Iris here with me, but the prospects are all over the place. Jae is also not going to let me out of her sight for long periods of time. I’ll rest for a bit and then do some more work.

YESTERDAY WAS A roaring success with the event Hartley put on. Between items being bought, money stuffed in the donation jars, the concert, auction, and the bike being raffled off, she raised more money than I think she anticipated. There was even a section for people to bring their gently used clothing so that portion of the community center could be started. It’s going to be a lot of work for my ol’ lady, but she’s in absolute heaven right now. Even working with Shank who she really doesn’t know as they continue to count up the money everyone donated to her. Even the Wicked Angels didn’t charge her to perform at the event and put their own donations on top of what was made from the ticket sales. Sal and his guys also gave very generous donations to her.

Alan, one of the guys Boxer knows from working out and training to fight won the bike. He was excited as hell and asked us to drop it off at his house. Boxer has been helping him fix up an older bike which he says he’s going to keep along with the new one he just won in the raffle. I’m not sure if we can convince him to prospect for us because he hasn’t accepted yet, but he does hang out with us every now and then. Alan’s a good guy with his head on straight. He’d make a welcome addition to the club but we’re not going to push him. He knows Boxer or me will sponsor him, and he can skip the hang around period since he’s been hanging out on and off for a few years now.

After the event, we all cleaned up the area and made sure there wasn’t a single piece of trash left behind. No one will stop us from doing this again if we need to. All the clubs staying until today helped clean up while Hartley and the women mainly sat on their asses so they could relax. Hartley tried her hardest to be up cleaning up garbage and other debris until I threatened to tie her ass to a chair and keep prospects surrounding her. Iris and George kept her company as well as the guys who would wander by and talk for a few minutes with them. Stephanie and Carla, who did the least amount of work during the day when none of us were around, helped more with cleanup than they wanted to. However, this is a club event and they’re going to pull their weight or be put on probation. That’s not something they want. Especially with multiple clubs in attendance. So, they helped after I went off on them and got busy working. Hartley’s not even the one who told me. George and my mom were.

By the time we got home, I was more than ready for bed, and I know my Pixie was too. She fell asleep in the SUV on the way to the house and barely stirred as I carried her inside the house and to our room. She did wake up long enough to strip out of her dress, panties, and bra but that’s it. She’s not usually one to sleep naked because you never know what’s going to happen, but she did last night. It was nice feeling her silky skin pressed against me all night long. I even felt our son moving around a few times. It was one of the best moments of my life to feel the life we created twisting and turning inside her body.

Waking up this morning, I’m tired as hell because I spent more time awake then I was able to sleep. I’m not sure what’s going on but there’s a feeling in my gut something is about to happen. It could have to do with the run Talon’s leaving on in the morning or if it has to do with Hartley or Jaelyn. Regardless, I think I need to go on this run instead even if the guys have to be changed out. Though, Talon and Sabotage might be able to be the only ones who need to stay behind. Boxer wasn’t supposed to go on this one. Death really didn’t drink last night so I know he’ll be good to head out.

“Pixie, I’m gonna head out. Somethin’ is wrong, and I think I need to be the one to go on this run,” I tell her as I wake her up.

“What’s going on?”

“Got a bad feelin’. I think I need to get on this run and Talon can go on the next one. We don’t have anythin’ goin’ on and you need to rest today. I’ll be home by tonight. I love you, Pixie,” I tell her, leaning over her to place a kiss on her full lips.

“I love you, Lash. Come back to me safe and sound,” she says, her voice filled with sleep as her eyes close again.

Stepping back quick, before I don’t have the will to leave her alone in our bed, I shower and dress. The guys will have to leave soon, and I need to get there before they do. Plus, I need to get Death up and around so he can head out with me. Sab and Boxer will never ride out with me since we’re blood. Just like Death will never ride out with Talon. On my way out of the house, I call Death to let him know I need him. He’s already awake which isn’t a surprise. Not a single one of us leave the clubhouse on a run without our brothers getting up to send us off. Usually Hartley would be here too, but she needs to sleep and rest with the pregnancy. So, she’s going to stay in bed until she’s ready to wake up and start her day.

When I pull up to the clubhouse, I quickly park in my spot and make my way inside. Talon and the rest of the guys going with him are drinking coffee and finishing up the breakfast someone made for them. It’s either going to have been the rebels, Candy, or my mom. She stayed here last night with everyone in town still. Mom wants to spend some time with Judge before he leaves to head home.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance