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Following her in the kitchen, she stops at the counter where several bowls are sitting on the counter filled with various ingredients. I’m not sure what the hell she has going on right now, but I’ll help her any way I can. Jae and Trina should be back soon too. They went to the store with Cal and Austin to grab some last minute things we need for tonight. I’m surprised the two prospects were here since most of the guys are at the park to set up tables, chairs, the grilling area, and a few tents in case we happen to get rain tomorrow. Even with it getting colder out, we’re still going to have this event.

Lash and the guys built the stage yesterday after we secured all the necessary permits to not only hold the event but to build the stage in the park. Right after we’re done, it will be taken apart and the wood and pieces will be stored at the clubhouse for the next time we want to hold an event like this. He took me there when they were done and we mapped out the setup for all the tables, various booths for those who are selling things, and whatever else we needed. Including the bouncy houses some of the guys have talked about getting in to have some fun before we take them back.

“These are the bowls for the salads we’re finishing up. Once these are done, we have to get Talon in here with George so they can start grilling the meat while we make the desserts and anything last minute. If you could start putting together the pasta salad, that would be great. I’ll work on the macaroni before we move on to the next thing,” she tells me, her voice fading in and out as she moves around the kitchen to get what she needs.

Washing my hands really quick, I begin putting together the salad she’s already basically put together. Other than slicing the tomatoes and tossing in the small pieces of pepperoni, I have to add the Italian dressing before mixing it all together. She’s adding the last ingredients to her salad so she can mix it up. After getting done with the pasta salad, I cover it up and head to the refrigerator to put it away until we’re ready for it. There is absolutely no room for it inside.

“Where am I supposed to put this?” I ask her, standing in front of the door.

“Oh, Evan can take it to the refrigerator in the back room. We don’t use them too much, but we will tonight. Leave it on the counter and move on to the next one. Hopefully we can get these done before your sister and Trina get back so we can all focus on the desserts,” she informs me as I do what she said and move onto the potato salad.

Honestly, I’ve never seen bowls as big as the ones we’re using for the salads. They’re large enough to feed the army of men and women we’re anticipating having here tonight. I’m sure it will be a party atmosphere even if I’m not up for it. I’ll stay long enough to eat, meet some of the guys, and announce the baby’s gender. Then, with everything I have to do tomorrow, I’ll be heading to bed so I can get up early to head to the park after sending Lash and the guys off on their run.

Pulling out my phone, I turn on my music.Wonderin’ Bout the Windby Morgan Wallen begins playing from my phone as we work in silence. Evan comes in and I move closer to Iris. For some reason he gives me the creeps and makes me feel as if he’s about to do something horrible. I’m not sure why considering if he was as horrible as I feel he is, Lash and the guys wouldn’t have let him in the club to prospect for them. This is also why I haven’t voiced my opinion on the young man. The last thing I want to do is cause problems if the man really isn’t up to no good. All I’d be accomplishing is casting doubt in the member’s minds which doesn’t bode well for anyone.

“These salads are done. Can you take them to the back room and put them in the refrigerator for us? I’ll help carry two of the bowls already done,” Iris asks him, her voice slightly louder over my music.

“Yeah. Is there anythin’ you need, Hartley?” he questions me, moving even closer to me.

“Uh, no. I’m fine thank you.”

Turning my back on the young man, I continue working as Iris and Evan leave me alone in the kitchen. I keep working away while they’re gone so we can get this food done and ready for when Lash and the guys get back tonight and then the rest of the clubs show up tonight. I don’t even have a clue who all is coming other than Talon’s brother and his men. That’s okay though. I’ll get through the night, and we’ll see how much money we raise to start the community center.

We’ve spent hours cooking and baking in the kitchen while the guys do all the heavy lifting. Now, it’s time to meet the new arrivals at Lash’s side before we make our announcement and eat dinner. I’m exhausted and Lash has made me sit down more than once from the second he got back to the clubhouse covered in dirt and sweat. I even went to his room here so he could shower to ensure I was resting and not pushing myself more than what I’ll be doing the rest of the night and tomorrow.

“Pixie, where are you?” Lash calls out, his voice rising above the music playing in the common room.

“Right here. Are you ready to go outside?”

“Yep. Let’s go. The prospects and women can carry everythin’ out. You’re done for the night. If you don’t relax, you’ll end up fallin’ asleep where you stand. Mom and Jae come on outside. We’re makin’ an announcement before everyone starts eatin’,” he says, his voice lowering since he’s in the kitchen with us now.

Walking out back from the door in the kitchen, we stop at the back of the clubhouse and my eyes almost bulge out of my head. So many men fill up the yard right outside where the picnic tables and food are all set up. There are women wearing barely any clothing pressing their exposed bodies up against different men throughout the yard. Before I can take in much more, Lash whistles. Loudly. As soon as everyone in the yard stops what they’re doing and pay attention, Sabotage moves away from the woman who was draped all over him a minute ago and grabs a box from the end of one of the tables where the food is sitting.

“First of all, I want to thank you all for comin’ out tonight. Tomorrow is a big day and I think we’re goin’ to have a pretty good turnout for everythin’. I have a few announcements to make before everyone gets their food and relaxes for the night. We are meetin’ at Rowdy Shot at nine in the mornin’. The fee for the ride is twenty-five per bike. A table will be set up right outside the bar. Pay there and collect the shirt Hartley had designed for the event. You’ll also get a band to wear so the stops on the poker run know you’re a part of what’s goin’ on. Keep it on at all times until the poker run is over with. If you’re ridin’ double, both participants will get a bracelet to wear.

“Next, not many of you know I have taken an ol’ lady. I willnotbe touchin’ any of the rebels or any other women here tonight or any other night. Stay away from me and we’ll be just fine. Hartley, I have somethin’ for you,” he says, as Sabotage holds the box and nods with his head for me to open it.

Pulling the lid off, Jae takes it from my hands as I begin to pull away the tissue paper covering the contents. My hands find leather as I lift a leather vest out of the box. It’s soft as hell and the scent of leather fills me as I hold it out to look at. On the front where Lash’s name patch is sits one saying Pixie. Turning it over in my hands, the back is almost identical to the one the men wear. The only difference are the rockers, Talon told me what they’re called. These ones say ‘Property of’ on top and ‘Lash’ at the bottom. Tears fill my eyes as Lash takes it from my hands for me to slide over my shoulders.

“I love you Hartley. And you’ll be seein’ just how much later tonight,” Lash promises me before turning back to the men who are clapping and whistling. “Now, we have one more announcement to make. As you can see, my ol’ lady is pregnant with my baby. Today, you all get to find out what we’re havin’. Mom, are you ready?”

“Don’t play with me son,” Iris says as everyone laughs their asses off.

Before we can say anything else, several men and a woman make their way around the side of the clubhouse. Again, my eyes almost bulge out of my head. The members of Wicked Angels are here. I know they’re performing a concert in the park tomorrow, but no one said anything about them showing up here at the clubhouse. My mind is absolutely blown as Jae drops the lid she was holding and grabs my hand. She’s trying so hard to stay at my side right now and not race up to the members of the band.

“As you can see, the Wicked Angels are here. They’ll be performin’ tomorrow night and tickets will be on sale for the concert when you make your way into the park. It’s good to see you guys,” Lash says as they come to a stop and look at everyone in the yard. “Now, our final announcement is we are havin’ a baby boy. In a few short months, Nash Alexander will be the newest member of our family!”

Iris starts screaming in excitement and jumping up and down as everyone in the yard makes their way over to congratulate us. I’m hugged by so many people as Lash tries to introduce them to me. I’ll never remember their names. It’s a good thing they’re all on the vests they wear so I can just take a look at whoever might be talking to me at any particular time. Though, it’s not hard to recognize who Judge is. Talon and him look a lot alike and favor their grandfather George who is now hugging me with more strength than I thought possible.

“It’s a good thing I’m not several years younger,” George tells me. “Lash wouldn’t stand a chance if we were the same age.”

I can’t help but laugh at him as he places a kiss on my cheek and disappears into the crowd.

“Hartley, Jaelyn, I’d like you to meet Jagger. He’s the manager of Wicked Angels. This is also Knight, Onyx, Damon, Diesel, Memphis, Tyson, and Byron,” Lash introduces us to one of my favorite bands of all time. “Guys, this is my ol’ lady Hartley and her sister Jaelyn.”

I’m in absolute heaven right now. Shaking the hands of the members of the band, they all tell us how happy they are to meet us. Iris and Jagger take several pictures of us with the band before Lash tells me to go get something to eat before the food is gone. Apparently, he’s told everyone I’m the first one to make a plate since I’m his ol’ lady and pregnant. Going through the line, I fill two plates even though I won’t eat all of it. Lash will finish it for me. While I’m sittin at a table with Iris, George, my sister, and Trina, the men mingle and talk to one another while having a few beers. I just want to go home, take a shower, and go to bed. Tomorrow is a new day.

After seeing Lash and the rest of the guys off for the poker run, the rest of us head to the park to finish putting together everything that will take place here at the park. I’ve got Iris, Trina, my sister, the rebels, and a few of the men who didn’t want to go on the run because they knew we’d need help. Mainly, it’s the prospects from various clubs. All of their presidents have instructed them to do whatever we need help with. All except Evan. I’m not sure where he is today, but I’m glad he’s not with us.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance