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Grabbing my clothes from the bathroom, I leave the room before I take my girl again. Hartley follows me into our bedroom and heads directly for the closet. She’ll get dressed in there as normal before I brush her long hair. Then, we can head to the clubhouse where I can work and make my calls and Hartley and the other women can work on what they need to for the run. It’s what we’ve been doing for two weeks now.

Sitting in my office, I pick up my phone to call Jagger. He’s one of the last people I need to call today after getting several other clubs to participate in the poker run. Cal and Austin let me know they were leaving to put out the flyers around town and pick up lunch from the diner for the women.

“Lash, what’s goin’ on man?” Jagger answers his phone as I hear music playing in the background.

“Callin’ to see if you and the guys can do me a big favor,” I tell him, as the music fades away even more.

“What’s the favor?”

“My ol’ lady is puttin’ on a benefit a week from today. She wants to open a community center here in Braedon. Was callin’ to see if the band was available to perform at the venue after the poker run,” I tell him, not sure with it only being a week away if the guys can make it happen.

“First of all, you got an ol’ lady. Never thought I’d hear those words come out of your fuckin’ mouth. Times are changin’ for sure friend. Next Saturday? We don’t have shit goin’ on. They’re just practicin’ right now. We just wrapped up recordin’ an album and don’t have to leave on tour for another month. I think we can make it happen. Let me know what time you need us there. You’re havin’ a poker run too?” he questions me.

“Yeah. It starts at nine and we’re makin’ six stops along the way. We’re endin’ at the park on the outskirts of town so everythin’ can be set up and in one place. We’ll be buildin’ a stage for the guys and a local band will open for you. As long as the guys got no problem with it. Hartley will sell tickets for the show, and you’ll be paid out of a portion of that money. Send me anythin’ we need to sign or whatever and we’ll get it back to you immediately. It will be good to see the guys. How are Judge’s guys workin’ out on the security detail when they’re needed?”

“They’re doin’ real good. They showin’ up for the run?”

“Yep. They’ll get here the day before and stay the weekend with us. It will be good to hang out with family. It’s been way too long. Now, with you guys comin’ in, the day will be a good one. Can’t wait for you to meet Hartley.”

“I can’t wait to meet her either. Need to meet the woman who tamed your ass,” Jagger says, laughing. “I might have my sister with me. I don’t think you’ve met her yet. She’s in some trouble and wants to come see me. Not sure when she’s arrivin’ though. If she takes over my house there in Braedon, can you guys keep an eye on her?”

“Of course. All you gotta do is give me the details and I’ll keep Cal and Austin on it. They’re our prospects and have shown how loyal and protective they are. They’ll treat your sister right,” I assure him.

“Got it. We might be there the night before too. I know Diesel, Damon, and myself wouldn’t mind gettin’ our bikes out and takin’ a ride,” Jagger informs me. “Let me talk to them and I’ll get you a number of us who are gonna ride. What else is goin’ on durin’ the day?”

“A lot of shit. Gonna have a bake sale, silent auction, rafflin’ off a custom bike, some bouncy house things for the kids, a barbeque, and some other shit. Not sure what the women have planned.”

“Sounds like a good day. Ma gonna be there?”

“You know it. She’ll be happy to see you.”

“Alright. I’ll send you a message in a little bit. Thanks for the call Lash.”

“Thank you for doin’ this. Tell the guys we can’t wait to see them.”

Hanging up my phone, I take a deep breath before calling Sal. He’s the last one I have to call today before I can get back to the paperwork filling the top of my desk. Again.

“Sal, how’s it goin’?” I ask when he answer his phone.

“It’s going. Glad you called. Got the details of the first run for you. It will be next Saturday. Leaving first thing in the morning and will be home by Saturday night,” he informs me.

“That’s not gonna work, Sal. You knew we were plannin’ a run for the community center. It’s happenin’ Saturday. We leave on the poker run at nine in the mornin’. Was actually callin’ to see if any of you wanted in on the run. I know Tomasso rides. Not sure who else does.”

“We got a few guys who ride. Let me see what I can do, and I’ll let you know. I’ll also get with my contacts and have them move everything to Sunday. Does that work for you guys?”

“Yeah. We’ll be fine with Sunday. I’m only sendin’ half my guys and the other clubs will still be here. Talon’s takin’ this run, and I’ll take the next one. Let me know what you find out. Either way, come on out on Saturday and enjoy the day.”

“I will be there. Not sure about my guys, but I’ll show up.”

Hanging up with Sal, I set my phone down and move my focus to the paperwork I need to get done today. Once I have this shit done, I’ll let Hartley know what Jagger and Sal said. She’ll be happy with Wicked Angels playing here. I’ve heard her sister and her listening to their music on more than one occasion. Jae and my Pixie know the words to all their songs, and I love watching them sing and dance in the house when they think they’re alone.

IT’S FINALLY ALMOST the day of the poker run and event we’ve been planning and working on for three weeks now. Judge and the rest of his club should be here soon as we prepare a buffet style dinner for everyone. Lash wanted to order pizza and wings, but they’re not really agreeing with me these days. So, we offered to cook. On top of the work we’ve been doing to put together tomorrow’s event, we’ve been cooking different things during the week so we can feed so many damn men. Tonight all we have to is warm up the things that need to be hot, get the guys to grill the meat we bought, and finish preparing the salads we plan on serving for dinner. Lash’s mom also made homemade biscuits and I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve had more than a few since she’s been making them. They’re the best things I’ve ever had in my life. The women laughed at me as I attempt to sneak one and butter it before anyone realizes what I’m doing. It never works out in my favor. Plus, we have to make some desserts. I’m not sure what exactly we’re making but I’m sure Lash’s mom will tell us what we’re preparing.

At the same time I’m nervous as hell to meet so many different men. I’ve never been around such a large group of men before in my life. I’m talking about just the members of this club. Tonight there will be another club here. From what Lash has said, it’s the club Death and Talon’s brother, Judge, runs. Realistically I know nothing is going to happen to me, but there’s always the thought in the back of my mind something will. Especially with learning Eric is not only a member of a motorcycle club, but he’s taken it over and that’s why the men were constantly coming in to see me. They were all members of his club and wanted to get a sneak peek of me since Eric promised them all a taste of me when he was done. No, I’m not saying these men are going to be anything like Eric and those following his orders. They’re more than likely more like Lash and the men I’ve met here; nice, loyal, and protective.

“Hartley, can you help me?” Lash’s mom, Iris, questions me as she heads in the kitchen.

“Yeah. What do you need?”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance