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Hartley’s body is pressed tight against mine and I can feel her hard nipples poking into my back as I leave Jaded Outlaw followed by everyone except for Death and Talon. Death will stand guard over the asshole and makes sure he doesn’t make a getaway. Talon is going inside to watch a show and get fucked. A shiver runs through my body as more deliciously nasty thoughts run through my head about the woman sitting behind me. This is one woman I may give more than a night or two to. Never make her my ol’ lady, but she could definitely take up space in my bed for a while.

Without riding too fast, I manage to get us back to the clubhouse in one piece. Hartley is shivering her ass off and I know I need to get her in my room, into a shower to warm up, and then make sure she’s not in shock or injured more than I think she is. As soon as I back into my spot, I tap Hartley on her leg so she can get off. Knowing she hasn’t been on a bike before, I reach out and hang onto her arm while she struggles to get the helmet from her head. Her trembling hands are making it difficult to work the strap. Making sure she’s not going to fall to the ground from shaky legs, I help her get the helmet off and place it on my bike. I wrap my arms around her body and give her some of my body heat to start warming her up.

We make our way through the common room of the clubhouse, and I can feel eyes on us. Everyone is shocked I’m bringing a woman back here who’s clearly in no position to fuck. With that thought in mind, and feeling Mona’s glare on me, I turn to face the men and women in the common room.

“Baby, who the fuck is this?” Mona yells out, standing up and walking over to us.

“None of your concern,” I respond as Hartley shrinks behind me.

“Don’t be like that just because you want to test out the new rebel. I don’t mind sharing you for a little bit, but you’re my man,” Mona says, trying to push her way between us.

“I’m not your damn man. I don’t know what the fuck you’re talkin’ about,” I warn her.

“Lash, baby,” she starts, trying to run her hands down my body.

“Put the word out, Mona is on probation until further notice. You all know what that means and if I find someone breakin’ it, you’re goin’ to suffer my wrath. Is that understood?” I ask the room before I take Hartley up to my room.

“Got it, Pres,” Dagger says to me.

Dagger has been around since my dad was president. When we got in trouble with a club a few years ago, he’s the one who made it possible for us to stay alive. Well, those of us who wanted to stop the shit the rotten assholes were doing. I look to Dagger as another father figure and have no problem calling him Uncle because that’s what he is to all of us here.

“I’m not to be disturbed for the rest of the night unless it’s an emergency. Talon’s at Jaded Outlaw still and he can handle whatever shit comes up,” I declare to the room at large. “Well, I take it back. I want Doc here immediately. Tell her I’ll pay the normal amount and keep it off the books.”

Wrapping my arm around Hartley again, I finish leading her up the stairs to my room. the second the door is closed behind us, I twist the lock before leading her to my bathroom.

“Take a shower and get warm. I’m sorry the ride was so cold. I’ve got sweats and a tee-shirt I can let you sleep in tonight. They’ll both be big as fuck on you though,” I say apologetically. “You hop in the shower and once I hear the shower runnin’, I’ll put the clothes on the counter.”

“Thank you,” Hartley says, her words almost a whisper.

“You’re welcome, Pixie,” I answer her.

Hartley shuts the door on me, and I don’t hear the lock twist. Not that it would keep me out if I truly wanted to get in there with her. I don’t force myself on woman and I never will. The woman currently in my bathroom has been through enough tonight and I’m not going to add to her shit pile. So, I keep my dirty as fuck thoughts to myself and get the clothes, I promised her out.

It’s not long before Hartley is reemerging from the bathroom. She doesn’t look any better as I take in her appearance from head to toe. The only difference is the blood isn’t coating her face and hair any longer. To me, that’s a good sign her head has stopped bleeding. But, I’m not a doctor and can’t be sure of anything right now. I watch as she walks to the bed and looks at me as if waiting for me to tell her where I want her to sit.

“Sit in front of me so I can look at your head. Where else does it hurt?” I ask her as she carefully sits on my rumpled bed.

“My side is sore, but my ribs aren’t broken. I know what that feels like. Ribs might be bruised, but the punches really had no power to them. He’s high as hell on something,” she answers me.

“How did you cut your head open?”

“When he slammed me against the wall. I may have scratches from it on my back because the water burned it as it rolled down my skin.”

Moving her hair around, my rage level rises again. This woman shouldn’t be getting beat on by a man to the point she knows whether certain body parts are broken or not. As I breathe in deep and hold my breath to calm my rage, I see a small gash on her head surrounded by a goose egg. She’ll have a headache for a day or two, but I don’t think it needs stitches or she has a concussion. As I relay the information to her, she nods in understanding.

“I’m goin’ to jump in the shower. You’ll be in my bed tonight so I can keep an eye on you. Get comfortable while I’m in there and try to get some sleep,” I tell her. “If you fall asleep, I’ll make sure to wake you up when Doc gets here.”

Before I head into the bathroom, I grab a pair of shorts to sleep in and hand Hartley the remote. She gives me a tentative smile before turning her attention toward the TV mounted to my wall at the end of the bed. Walking in the bathroom, I close the door behind me and turn the water on hot so I can wash the blood from my body. I may not have touched the man other than to pull him away, but there’s still blood on me from Hartley.

By the time I’m done in the bathroom, Hartley’s passed out on my bed with the blankets pulled up to her chin. My humungous bed makes her look even smaller. Keeping an eye on her, I slide into bed next to her and take a breath. Hartley smelling like my body wash and shampoo fill my senses and it smells a hell of a lot better on her than it does on me.

I stay awake until Doc gets here. She does most of her exam while Hartley sleeps. She doesn’t want to wake her up if she doesn’t have to. Unfortunately, she does wake up when Doc is examining her side. Hartley’s in pain and can’t hide the wincing and whimpers from either one of us. Before she leaves, Doc gives me some pain medicine and antibiotics because the skin is broken in several spots, and she doesn’t want her to get an infection. She’s already given her a dose of each, so I won’t have to worry about anymore until she wakes up or in the morning.

Once she’s gone, I slide back into bed and close my eyes. I let myself drift off to sleep. I’m still tired from being on the road and it’s not long before I’m being pulled under. Just before I’m completely asleep, Hartley moves over and wraps her body around mine. My heart races for a minute as I put my arms around her and hold her close. I’ve never held another woman before. I fuck and they get out of my bed.

What the hell is happening to me?

WAKING UP, I realize a few things. The first thing is I’m so sore it feels as if I was hit by a Mack truck. It hurts to take a breath to drag much needed air into my lungs. Secondly, I’m hot as hell and there’s a huge, hard body wrapped around me. Thirdly, opening my eyes I realize I don’t know where the hell I am. My heart starts to race, and I feel a panic attack coming on as I take in the room around me.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance