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Lash closes my door before heading to the driver’s side and getting in. He drives us to the insurance company where I sign off on the paperwork and accept the check from the fire. This money is way more than what I expected. It’s more than enough to put a major dent in the cost of opening up a community center, yes I’ve done my research, and still have plenty left over for Jaelyn and I to do whatever we want to do with it. I’ll more than likely put some up to help with the money Eric has stolen from me. Jae can do whatever she pleases with her portion. Today is a great day when we need one. Now, I just want my man to ravish my body and show me what it means to be his. That will make this day even better.

HARTLEY GOT HER money from the insurance company two weeks ago. Jaelyn, Trina, and my mom have been with her every single day as they plan out and figure out what they need to do for the ride and event after it to raise money and gain donations for her community center. They come in the clubhouse and take up two tables in the common room as they talk, plan, and reach out to businesses in town for donations and to help with a barbeque, silent auction, and other things they have planned. There is no way we can even begin to have this at the compound with everything they have planned out. Plus, I don’t want that many community members in our home without enough of us to watch over them. It’s just the fact they don’t need to be searching through the clubhouse or whatever else when they’re here.

Hartley and the girls have papers, plans, lists, and so many other things spread out over the tables. Even when they’re not working on the event, the papers don’t leave the tables. Everyone knows not to touch them either. One of the rebels tried cleaning them up and my mom lost her shit on the poor girl. Told her if they wanted them picked up, they would have taken care of them. Since they were left on the tables, that’s where they were to stay. The girl, a newer rebel, was to clean everything but those two tables and to remain away from them. Even told her to let the other rebels know not to go near a damn thing.

The event is in another week, and I have some phone calls to make to fulfill my promise to my ol’ lady about some things she wants at the event and because there are some clubs I can contact who might participate in the poker run. Today I’m calling Jagger, the manager for Wicked Angels, Judge, Reaper, and a few other clubs. Then I need to call Sal. I know Tomasso and a few of his other guys ride when they get the chance so maybe they’ll participate and take a chance on winning the jackpot. It’s a long shot, but I’ll do what I can to help make this dream a reality for Hartley and the town of Braedon.

With them taking up two tables in the common room, the guys have mainly been hanging out outside around the burn pits. They have already been roped into helping set up tables, a grilling area, and several other jobs to help Hartley pull her day off. Hell, at this point, we might make it a yearly thing just to have excess funds to help not only the community center but families and business owners in town if a need ever arises. Not a single one of us ever knows what’s going to happen so it’s better to be prepared.

“Pixie, I’m headin’ to the clubhouse. Do you need anythin’ before I head out?” I ask her walking back into the bedroom.

“No. I’m gonna head down there soon. Just need to take a shower before I go,” she informs me, a smirk on her face.

Hartley knows I don’t like her taking a shower by herself right now. I’m worried she’s going to get dizzy and fall or something when I’m not around. So, I know I’m not heading to the clubhouse right now. By the time she’s done in the shower, I’m not going to complain one bit about heading down there later than I planned because it will be so worth it in the end. Plus, we’ll head to the clubhouse at the same time instead of her coming down on her own.

“Have you figured out when we’re gonna tell everyone the gender of the baby?” I question her as we make our way in the bathroom.

With her planning the run and events after, we decided to wait on revealing the gender. For two weeks everyone has been begging us to fill them in and we’ve held strong. A few of the guys, Trina, and my mom have even started placing bets about what we’re having. So far, Boxer, Death, Talon, Sab, Mammoth, mom, Trina, and a few others have placed bets. Someone brought out a chalkboard from somewhere and put it up behind the bar. Not only are they placing bets on the gender but also how many kids we’re having. A few, mom and my brothers, are trying to say we’ll be having twins or triplets. I think if that were the case, I’d have a damn heart attack. I’m all for having as many kids as my woman wants, but only one at a time.

“What about when the other club gets here? You can let them know about the baby and then we can do a gender reveal.”

“Perfect. Mom will definitely be here. Though she’s not really leavin’ your side. You okay with that?”

“Of course I am. I love your mom.”

Turning on the water in the shower so it will heat up for Hart, I turn and lean against the counter as she begins stripping out of her clothes. Hartley is putting on a damn show for me as she slowly slides my shirt she’s wearing up over her stomach, pausing slightly just under her tits. Which have definitely gotten bigger. When she finally pulls it over her head, I take in her tits as they sway a little with the motion of her body since she’s not wearing a bra. The only piece of clothing covering her body now is a small pair of panties leaving nothing to the imagination. As she turns her back to me, I take in the lower part of her cheeks as they stick out beneath the lace fabric. Hartley is trying to kill me, there’s no doubt about it.

Stepping up behind her, I wrap my arms are her front. Placing one hand on her slightly swelling belly, my other hand grabs hold of one of her breasts. A small gasp escapes her lips as she lets her body relax into mine. Reaching up behind her, Hartley’s small arms wrap around my neck as I lower my head to place kisses along her neck. It’s just one of the spots that drives my woman crazy with need.

“You okay, Pixie?” I ask her, my voice husky as I bury my face in her neck deeper.

“Perfect. But, I want you, Tyler. Right now,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper as she turns her head to the side to place her lips against mine.

Taking off my hat and setting it on the counter behind me, I pull the tee-shirt I just put on off and toss it to the floor of the bathroom. Hartley steps away from me, turning her head to look at me over her shoulder. Without waiting for me, she steps in the shower, walking straight to the small bench on one end and leaning down to press her arms against it. My Pixie’s ass is delectable as she shakes it a few times, enticing me to hurry the hell up and get in there with her. undoing my belt and button, I pull the zipper down carefully over my hard length letting my jeans fall to the floor with a thud. Toeing off my boots, I step out of my pants and bend down to pull my socks from my feet before stepping in the shower.

“Hard and fast?” I ask her, running my hands down over her ass before landing a well placed smack, her pale skin instantly turning a nice shade of pink.

“Please,” she pleads with me as I run one of my fingers through her wet folds.

Lining my cock up with her entrance, I slowly begin to slide in an inch at a time. There is no way I can just slam inside my woman. Not just because she’s pregnant but because she’s tight as hell and no matter how many times we have sex, and it’s been a lot since the doctor gave us the okay. There was no way in hell I was going to do anything to harm either my Pixie or our baby. So, I chose to wait and talk to the doctor despite Hartley’s embarrassment.

The second I’m seated deep inside Hartley, I take a minute to savor the feeling of her wet heat surrounding me. It definitely feels different without having a piece of latex covering my cock and I always take a minute to relish the feelings flowing through me. It’s not until Hartley begins squirming under me that I begin to once again move. Sliding out of her pussy, my fingers dig into her hips as I help her remain standing without slamming her head into the bench or wall in front of her. My hips piston as I thrust inside her and pull back adding a swivel to my hips every time I bottom out.

“Fuck,” I groan out, already feeling her channel clamp down around me as she gets close to her release.

Removing one of my hands from her hips, I reach around and circle her clit. With each swipe of my finger, I get closer and closer to where she wants me most. My woman moans and presses her ass back into me every time I push forward. Leaning over her body, I press kisses up her spine until I reach where her neck and shoulder meet. Once there, I bite down and suck on the skin in my mouth for a second before releasing it from my mouth. That’s all it takes for Hartley to detonate around me, clamping down tight as ripple after ripple of her sheath pull me closer to my own orgasm. There’s no way I’m stopping though with Pixie clamping down on me even tighter.

“Tyler!” she screams out, her voice echoing off the shower walls.

Pulling my hand back from her clit, I grab onto her hips once again, digging my fingers deep into her skin. I’m going to leave my mark on her body. Not only will Hartley feel me the rest of the day, all she’ll have to do is look down to see the bruises from my fingers and I continue to thrust in and out of her body. Before I can stop it, my release rushes through me, causing my stomach to clench tight as my fingers dig impossibly deeper into her soft, pale skin. Stilling inside her, I let the sensations flow through me as hot jets of my cum fly into her body in one of the hardest releases I’ve ever had in my life.

“Hartley!” I roar out, resting my head against her back as the warm water sprays us both.

For several minutes, I don’t let go of her or move as our breathing is ragged and our hearts race from the release we both just got. Right now, I have no clue how I’m standing on my feet with my body feeling like jelly and still holding her up. Finally feeling some of my strength come back, I get off her body so we’re not pressing her belling into the bench in front of her and I can help her stand up so we can take a quick shower before leaving for the clubhouse. Hartley lets me wash her hair keeping her eyes closed as I massage the shampoo into her scalp. When I get the conditioner in her hair after rinsing the shampoo out, I grab her body wash and pour a generous amount into her loofah. Hartley grabs my soap and begins rubbing her hands over my body, washing me causing my cock to harden once again as if I didn’t just empty myself inside her.

“I love you, Tyler. More than I ever thought I’d love anyone. Thank you for always being there for me,” Hartley says after we rinse off and go to get out of the shower.

“I love you too Pixie. You everythin’ I never knew I wanted and there isn’t a day that goes by I’m not thankful you came into my life. I’ll never live a day without you by my side. You’re givin’ me so much and I’ll never be able to express what you truly mean to me,” I tell her, wrapping her body in one of the huge, fluffy towels we just bought.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance