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Checking in, I hand over my ID and insurance card to the receptionist for her to copy before accepting the stack of new patient paperwork I have to fill out. I’m glad Lash is with me because he can answer some of the questions regarding his side of the family. Together, we get it complete just before we’re called back to the office by a young nurse named Maggie. She doesn’t even spare Lash a glance as she leads us down the hallway toward the scale. This isn’t my favorite part of a doctor’s visit.

“Since you’re having an ultrasound done today, you can’t leave a sample for us to test. We’ll just go off your blood work from the hospital. How are you feeling since being released?” Maggie asks me as we enter the room the ultrasound will be performed in.

“I’m feeling pretty good. Just bored to death since I’m supposed to take it easy for now. Hopefully that all changes today and I can start doing something more than sitting or lying down,” I tell her as Lash glares at me.

This is not going to be a fun pregnancy I can tell already. He’s not going to let me do hardly anything because I’m pregnant. It’s going to be an argument each time I want to do something more than lifting a cup filled with water or juice. I have already stopped drinking coffee which sucks. I’m not going to put our baby at risk though.

“I’m going to have you strip down since you’ll be getting a full exam when the ultrasound is done. Put the gown on with the opening in front and we’ll provide extra blankets to cover you up during the ultrasound,” she informs me before leaving us in the privacy of the small room.

Lash watches me as I strip out of the dress, my bra, and panties before putting on the uncomfortable as hell paper gown. When I go to get up on the table I’ll be laying on for the exam and seeing our baby, he helps me in case I get tripped up or something. Then, he pulls the chair he was standing in front of a few minutes ago to my side and sits down just as there’s a knock on the door and another young woman comes in. This one is named Mariah based on her name tag.

“I’m here to perform the ultrasound before Doctor Hanson makes her way in to see you. My name is Mariah,” she says, walking past us to the machine located on the side of the bed.

Mariah checks over my information and inputs it in the computer she’s standing in front of before warning me of the coolness of the gel she squeezes on my stomach. The first thing we hear is our baby’s heartbeat. It fills the room as I turn my head to look at Lash. He’s smiling big while trying to make sure everything is okay with it. When Mariah doesn’t show any concern, he relaxes slightly in his chair.

“Are you ready to see your baby?”

“Absolutely,” Lash’s deep voice says, causing a wave of heat to wash over me.

The sound of the heartbeat disappears before the screen is filled with the image of our baby. She points out the head, arms, torso, before asking if we want to know the gender. I let her know we do before she moves the wand on my stomach even more.

“It looks like you’re going to be having a baby boy,” she says, looking back at the same time I do toward Lash.

If I thought he was smiling before, it’s nothing compared to the smile on his face now. His eyes are squinted bringing out his laugh lines. He doesn’t look like he’s got the weight of the club resting on his shoulders with just the two of us here with Mariah finding out we’re having a son. Our first child, if we have more after this one, will be a boy to mold into Lash’s mini me. Someone who can one day take over the club and who we’ll show him how to be the kind of man Lash and the rest of the guys in the club are; loyal, loving, protective, supportive, and all about family. The kind of man we’ll be proud of and support no matter what he wants to do with his life. Including not being a member of the club.

“You’re givin’ me a son,” he says, his voice filling with emotion as his eyes shine with wetness he doesn’t allow to spill over.

“You can clean up and go through that door to the bathroom. The doctor will be in shortly to see you,” Mariah says after clicking a few buttons on the machine. “I’ll print you out some pictures.”

After wiping the goo off my stomach, I practically jump up off the table and head directly for the bathroom. I’ve never had to go to the bathroom so bad in my entire life. Lash is laughing at me so hard and loud I can hear him through the closed, heavy wooden door. I don’t see anything funny about this situation at all. It was all I could do to remain still on the table while she was doing the ultrasound. I take care of business before making my way back into the room I was just in to see Lash once again waiting to help me back up on the table for the exam. This is my least favorite part of going to the doctor. Now, I’ll have to have this done on a regular basis.

Doctor Hanson told us everything looks really good with the baby. I’ve also been taken off bed rest and taking it easy unless something happens. Then, I’m to call immediately or head directly to the emergency room. She also gave us the green light to have sex. Yes, Lash asked to make sure we can have sex according to the good doctor. She didn’t even laugh when he asked her, letting me know other people have asked the same question and she’s used to it. Hopefully this means he’ll touch me and take care of the ache filling my body every single night.

On our way out of the office after making my next appointment, my phone vibrates in my hand. Looking down at it, the insurance company is calling me. Hopefully they have good news for me. Jaelyn and I could use this money to figure out what we need to do. I already know it won’t include Lash letting us pay him back for anything he’s bought us since moving into his house. That’s not the kind of man he is.

“I’m looking for Miss Hartley Kincaid,” a man’s voice says through the phone.

“This is her.”

“Miss Kincaid, this is Matthew with your insurance company. I’m calling to let you know we’re going to pay out for the claim of a total loss on your home. Is there a time you can come down here to collect the check and sign off on some paperwork?”

“Um, yeah. We’re already out. I can be there in a few minutes. Do I ask for you?”

“Yes ma’am. I’ll be waiting for you. Thank you for the prompt response,” Matthew says before hanging up.

“Who was that?” Lash questions me as we make our way through the parking lot toward the SUV.

“Matthew with the insurance company. They’re going to pay out for the house. I need to go collect the check and sign some paperwork. You don’t mind going there, do you?”

“Not at all Pixie. Let’s get it taken care of. Have you thought at all about what you wanna do with the money?”

“I know with a portion of it I’d like to see about opening up a community center in town. Somewhere the kids can go after school, we can have GED programs, maybe some clothing drives and a food pantry. It will all depend on what Jae has to say about the money. It’s not just mine,” I answer him as he stands in my open door while taking off his cut once again.

“That’s a great idea Hart. I’m sure Jae won’t have a problem with you doin’ that. It’s somethin’ we can use here. Whatever funds you’re lackin’ we can do a run and other shit through the club. We’ll all help do what we can. Mom loves this type of shit,” he tells me, leaning in to give me a kiss. “When do you want to tell everyone about our boy?”

“You can tell them as soon as you want. Your mom and brothers are going to lose their minds.”

“Yeah, they are.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance