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“I agree,” Boxer says from his seat as he tosses his bottle of water from one hand to the next. “Though, I’m thinkin’ of the money situation. Could use more to do what I want to accomplish at the gym and put more away for a rainy day.”

“You just want to buy more toys,” Sabotage teases him. “How many more toys do you need?”

“I’ll stop buyin’ ‘em when you do,” Boxer returns a smile on his face.

My brothers both have dirt bikes, four wheelers, I know Boxer is looking at a new bike to add to his collection of toys. Sabotage is also looking at a new dirt bike. Honestly, I have no clue how they save any money but that’s none of my business. I’d help them out if they need anything. However, they pay their bills, buy their toys, and leave everyone alone for the most part.

“I think there’s benefits and drawbacks to acceptin’ this offer. Gonna agree I definitely like the idea of makin’ more money for essentially doin’ the same thing. Also know it’s still prison time if we get caught. Not sure we have to worry about that shit with the way Sal operates but there’s always a margin of error. I’m also gonna say I don’t have a problem with makin’ one run a month and not what we’re doin’ now,” I tell everyone as they all look around the table and back to me. “Put it to a vote unless anyone has somethin’ other to say.”

“Aye,” Talon says starting the vote off.

Each man around the table agrees to this new deal with Sal. Even Death agrees with it. I know he’s got a problem with guns for his own reasons so I’m kind of surprised he’s agreeing to this. I’m not gonna lie and say I’m disappointed with it passing though.

“My vote is Aye as well,” I state slamming the gavel on the table. “You’re all dismissed. Talon, send Sal back in here. Don’t talk about this shit in the common room. Not sure what’s goin’ on with Evan, but I don’t trust that fucker. Zeus run his name again.”

Remaining in my seat, I wait for Sal to come back in for our answer. It takes him minutes to get inside and close the door behind him.

“What did the club vote?” he asks, not pulling any punches and jumping right into the task at hand.

“We all agreed to switch to the gun runs. As long as it’s once a month and the promised pay out,” I inform him.

“Of course. I know you want to sever all ties to the Rossi Familia. However, I’m thankful you’re still willing to work with me and help us out with this. I don’t trust many people, but I do trust you. Your father was a good friend of mine when he was alive, and I like how he showed you the way to conduct business from a young age. We will do everything in our power to get the necessary information on these assholes as soon as possible to rid the last of the threat against your ol’ lady,” Sal assures me, walking closer as I stand up to shake his hand.

“I appreciate it, Sal. My father loved workin’ with you. I’m not goin’ to lie and say we don’t want to sever ties, but we’ll continue to work with you. Thank you for this offer, Sal. And the help with Eric and the remainin’ fuckers we have yet to catch,” I tell him as we both begin to make our way out to the common room.

I’ll have one drink with the men of the club and then head home. I’m not sure if mom is staying with us for a few days, but it doesn’t really matter to me. She can always stay as long as she wants to. Call me a momma’s boy, I don’t really care. My mom is the only woman besides Hartley who gives me unconditional love and doesn’t fault me for what I’ve done and what I’ll continue to do for the club. Family is important and my mom will always be a part of our lives.

TODAY IS AN important day for us. Lash and I get to see our baby again. I got the first appointment I could with Doctor Hanson. She’s a new obstetrician in town. Lash wasn’t going to let me see a male doctor for this, so I chose the female. I’m not sure he’s going to like her any better because she’s young and hasn’t been out of school very long. However, I’ve read the statements her patients so far have made, and she is very highly recommended. So, he’s going to have to suck it up and deal with this situation because the only other choices are men. Anyway, we get to see our baby again and might even be able to learn the gender of our baby. I hope we can so we can begin discussing names for our son or daughter. I’ve got a few in mind already but haven’t said anything to Lash.

When I was taken by Mona and held captive, there was nothing but time to think when I was conscious. Several names came to mind, and I loved a few of them. I hope he’ll like them when we get to that point. We’ll see what happens in a little over an hour when we get to the office and see our little one. Then, we can have a discussion about the names and the rest of the stuff there is to talk about.

I was quite surprised when Lash let me know we were going to get married, and he wanted my sister and I to move in with him. From the very beginning, I knew he wasn’t a man who wanted a woman long term. Or children. For him to change his mind is weighing on me because I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Right now, he has no clue what he’s getting into when it comes to me and what’s going to happen when our baby is actually here and not resting comfortably in my stomach still. The reality might be extremely different from what Lash is believing life is going to be like with a family. I’ll never hold him back or make him choose between us and the club. I fully believe he can be a great father and the president of the club without very little problems at all.

Yes, I know there are times he’s not going to be home because he has club business to do. That’s already happening, and I don’t complain about it. In the two weeks we’ve been at his home, Lash has been every single night, hasn’t once bitched about our things being in his sanctuary, and holds me each and every night. He won’t take things farther than just holding me right now until we talk to the doctor. It’s frustrating to say the least because I want him again more than I’ve ever wanted another man in my life. There’s just some sort of pull between us and I’m ready for him to take me and give me what I need. When I’ve tried to start something with him, Lash shut it down and turned his back on me. Not exactly confidence building if I do say so myself. I’m not going to push him on the subject either.

Jaelyn and I have been settling into his house over the last few weeks. I’m not allowed to do very much because I’m supposed to be resting. Cal is always with us when he’s not at work to do any lifting we need done or run to the store for us. The one time I did go to the store with Lash and my sister, I was made to use one of those electric cart things, so I wasn’t walking around the store. That’s the only way he’d agree to let me go with them. We were there for much longer than I thought we’d be and was grateful for using the chair despite getting some nasty looks from people because my bruises are gone, and they had no clue why I was using the damn thing. I paid them no attention and we got what we were there for.

My sister and I got brand-new wardrobes including some maternity clothes for me because my pants don’t fit me anymore. When I wear my jeans, I have to use a hair tie to fasten them which leaves a gap showing the top of my panties. Lash isn’t a fan of this at all. So, I got new clothes that actually fit me. We also got some things to decorate the house, food, some movies my sister and I have been wanting to watch, and a few items for the baby. Nothing major, just some diapers, wipes, and things we’ll always need. I’d rather start buying things now than have to wait until he or she is here with us and we’re completely unprepared.

Anyway, getting out of the shower, Lash is sitting on the edge of the bed when I walk back in our room to get dressed. He’s already ready to head out and just waiting on me. Knowing I’m going to have a full exam today, I choose one of my new maxi dresses so I can wear flip flops with it. I’m all about the comfort these days. Dressing, Lash’s eyes follow me around the room, penetrating my skin and making my body heat up from the touch of his eyes on me. When I go to start brushing my hair, Lash steps up to my body, pressing his hard front to my back before removing the brush from my hand. He leads me over to the bed where I sit down so he can brush my hair again. If he’s around, I don’t brush my hair at all. Lash is doing his best to take care of me and show me he’s all in. It’s the little things he does to show me on a daily basis.

“You ready to go?” he asks me once he’s done with my hair.

“Yeah. I just gotta get my purse so I have my insurance card and ID. Are you ready for this?” I return, waiting to hear his response.

“Yeah. I’m excited to see the baby again and find out what we’re havin’. Have you thought of any names yet?”

“Yeah, I have. Have you?”

“No. I’ve been busy with the club and tryin’ to make sure you’re doin’ what you’re supposed to be doin’. It would be easier if you didn’t insist on tryin’ to help your sister with the house when you’re not supposed to,” he teases me as we make our way to the door.

Jaelyn is sitting at the island in the kitchen with her laptop in front of her. She’s completely focused on whatever is in front of her letting me know she’s doing school work. My sister gets lost in her work now that she’s home for all of her classes. Not a single person can tear her gaze from the computer as she works. So, Lash and I don’t bother telling her goodbye because she won’t hear it anyway.

Lash leads me from the house and to an SUV. He hates driving my sister’s car because he’s too tall to comfortably fit in the driver’s seat. His head literally hits the roof, and he has to take his hat off. After helping me in, Lash removes his cut and carries it over his arm to the driver’s side of the vehicle. He puts his cut in the backseat before climbing in behind the wheel. Starting the engine, he backs away from the house before reaching across the console and taking my hand. The entire ride to the hospital where the doctor’s office is located, he holds my hand and doesn’t let go. We don’t spend the ride talking or anything as music softly plays in the background. Neither one of us needs to talk on the short drive there. It’s almost refreshing not having to think of something to say to the man sitting next to me.

Pulling up, a tremor fills me as he parks. For a split second, images of Mona and the mystery man kidnapping me from here fill me, making me pause. Lash squeezes my hand in response. Looking over at him, I offer a small smile knowing it doesn’t reach my eyes because I’m not really happy at all. I’m simply letting him know I’m okay even if I don’t want to necessarily go inside the hospital again. Mona is dead, but Eric is still out there and he’s not going to be happy about me getting rescued before he could torment me more than what was already done to me.

Getting out of the SUV, we make our way inside with Lash holding my hand. Before helping me out of the passenger side, he grabbed his cut and slid it on over his shoulders, adjusting his hat to pull it further down over his face. When he’s out in public and not wanting to talk to a bunch of people, I’ve notice Lash lowers his hat to shield as much of his face as possible. The only time he doesn’t is when he wears it at home or in the clubhouse. Then, it sits on his head normally and doesn’t hide so much.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance