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Lash is a strong, stubborn man who is the president of a motorcycle club. He’s used to women throwing themselves at him and wanting to fulfil his every sexual need. I’m not a prude by any means, but I’m not going to give him threesomes with another woman or man. Let’s be honest though, Lash wouldn’t have a threesome with another man if he considers the woman his. I don’t want to have sex in front of others. That’s just not my thing. Those are things I’m not willing to give into no matter what he says or does.

“You can be a bitch, eat as much chocolate as you want, and cheatin’ is never gonna happen. I know what’s runnin’ through your head. Yes, women throw themselves at the men of the club. You’re gonna see it. That doesn’t mean I’m goin’ to cheat on you or give into anythin’ for them. Hartley, I may have never in my life been in a relationship before, but I will give you all of me. One of the reasons I never wanted a woman and kids is because you’re gonna have a target painted on your back because of my role in the club. That’s not somethin’ I ever wanted to put anyone through. However, I can’t stay away from you. No matter how much I want to,” Lash promises me as he stares in my eyes so I know he’s telling me the truth.

“We’ll see where this goes, Lash. I’m not some weak woman who doesn’t know how to handle herself. If I weren’t in the hospital already, Mona and that man wouldn’t have gotten a jump on me. Really can’t do anything when I’ve already been injured. I want to learn how to shoot, I want to fight and learn self-defense, and ride my own bike. Are you good with that?” I question him, not sure what his answer will be.

“You’ll be on the back of my bike, Pixie. Always,” he states as if it’s the end of the conversation. “As for the rest, I’ll teach you anythin’ you wanna know. We can go to the range and shoot, and we’ll work together on self-defense moves. Whatever you wanna know.”

“Why can’t one of the other guys teach me?”

“Not a single other man will get close to you like that. Not if I can help it,” Lash states emphatically. “Now, we’re gonna relax until it’s time to go for your testin’. I can’t wait to see our baby.”

Closing my eyes, Lash takes the chair again without letting go of my hand. His head is resting by my arm once more as I let myself fall into a light sleep. I don’t have to worry about anyone coming to attack me again at this point in time. Even if Eric is still out there, Lash is by my side and I’m sure there are still men in the hospital to give us extra protection. No one will get past any of them. Not if they value their life. Though, I’m sure the men won’t use weapons in the hospital when there are too many innocent people at stake here. People who have nothing to do with this situation and whatever fucked up reasons my ex has for coming after me. Or the club. Sleep is going to be my friend right now anyway.

HARTLEY HAS BEEN in the hospital for two weeks now. Today is finally the day she gets to go home, and she’s scared. Jaelyn told her she’s been staying at the clubhouse with Trina and my mom. They’ve talked at length about what to do now and where they’re going to go. My Pixie’s heart is breaking because even though they have a shit apartment close to where Jae goes to college, there is no way they can stay there with Eric still on the loose. He’ll find them quicker than shit and no one will be there to protect them. At least in Hartley’s mind. In her opinion, they’ll have to dig into the money they’ve been saving for so long since it came from the death of their father. What she doesn’t realize is I wasn’t lying when I said she’s mine and I want it all with her. That means accepting Jaelyn and her into my house and finally after so many years making it a home. Not just some place I go for a few minutes of peace and quiet. She’ll find it out in a few hours.

We haven’t talked much about what she’ll do when she gets discharged. Honestly, the only reason I know about her fear is because I overheard her talking to Jae about it when we gave them a few minutes. Each and every single person from the club has come out to see her. They spend time with her and make sure she’s laughing and not worrying about all the shit flying through her head. I know it’s bad enough she’s barely been sleeping. There are dark circles under her eyes from her lack of sleep and not all the bruising still on her body even as they fade away. No matter what I do or say, she can’t relax enough to fall completely asleep. Hartley still isn’t sure I mean what I’ve told her and it’s going to take time for me to prove it to her. Starting today.

Today when she gets out, her and her sister will be moving to my house. There is no way in hell I’ll be letting either one of them out of my sight. Jae can still do her online classes from the house; Hartley can make all the calls and do whatever else she needs to without anyone interfering in her business. I have things to do at the clubhouse and diner, so they’ll have the days to themselves before I get home each day. And I’ll be going home. Not hanging out at the clubhouse before going to my room for sleep or anything else. I’ll be in bed next to Hartley every single night for the rest of our lives.

Jaelyn already knows what the plans are and she’s excited. She loves my house and I’ve given them free rein to do whatever they want to make it theirs. They can decorate and do whatever else they want as long as my office isn’t touched. No one goes in there because of the papers I have in the safe. Yes, I have multiple safes in my house. One for personal things like my documents, money, credit cards I barely use, and other shit I want to keep protected. A second one for my guns and other weapons. The last one I have in my office is for paperwork no one needs to see. Thankfully when that skankarilla Mona was here she didn’t find it. All of my safes are hidden though I’ll have to change where the one in my room is.

Before we leave, I’ll be talking to Hartley about them moving in with me. It will go from being my sanctuary to living there full time. I’m still close to the club for any emergencies but we can have our own private time without everyone watching us at the same time. Jaelyn and Hartley can go to the clubhouse anytime they want, but if they choose to stay at the house or do their own thing, they can. I’m sure Hartley will still make an appearance every now and then because she knows the guys love her cooking. She’ll do whatever she can to make them happy because it’s part of who she is. As long as Talon can keep his fucking clothes on when my woman is in the clubhouse.

“Pixie, are you awake?” I ask her, not moving my head from her bed where I rest it every single night.

“Yeah. Just don’t want to face reality just yet,” she answers, causing me to smile.

“Well, I need to talk to you about somethin’ important. You’re not goin’ back to the apartment you and Jae have been stayin’ in. When you get released today, you’ll both be movin’ in with me. I want you in my bed every night. You good with that?” I question her as Hartley finally opens her eyes to look at me.

“We’re what?”

“You heard me, Pixie. You’re wearin’ my ring and have my baby in your belly. We’re together and there is no reason for you not to be in my house. I want the three of us to make it a home until Jae is ready to move out on her own. You guys can do what you need to do and decorate the house anyway you want to. Again, you good with this?”

“I don’t think I have much choice in the matter, do I?” she questions me, a lazy smile on her face.

“Not at all,” I tell her, my smile growing as she tries to glare at me.

Hartley can’t pull off a glare because she’s smiling so big. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m taking charge or if she wants to go back to the compound. Either way, she’ll be in my house by the end of the day exactly where I want her and her sister.

“I’m ready to get out of here. Why is it taking so long?” she asks, keeping her eyes open instead of closing them again.

“The doctor will be in here soon. For now, relax before all the chaos starts. You know when I get you home every single man, Trina, and my mom are goin’ to stop in to see you. Along with George. Not sure what you did to the old bastard, but he cares about you. He doesn’t care about a single person,” I warn her just as the door opens with the doctor to discharge her.

“Are you ready to get out of here Miss Kincaid?” he asks, a smile on his face.


“Okay,” he returns, laughing at her exuberance. “You need to take it easy still. Even though there hasn’t been any signs of anything going wrong with the pregnancy, you still need to get in with a doctor to ensure everything is okay. They’ll tell you when you can get off bed rest and whatever else you need to know.”

“I’ll do whatever I have to in order to get out of here,” Hartley promises him as a nurse enters the room to begin taking everything off her so she can get changed.

“Good. I’ll get your paperwork ready and make sure your scripts are with it. I’m going to send you home with prenatal vitamins and some iron. Make sure your doctor knows about the iron since yours is a little low. They might want to prescribe you something else since you’re pregnant,” the doctor says, leaving her room to get her paperwork done so we can get out of here.

Jae brought a bag of clothes yesterday for Hartley when we learned Hartley would more than likely getting released today. Pulling out my phone, there’s a message from Sal.

Sal: Need to meet. Be at the clubhouse in a few hours. I know your girl is getting released from the hospital today. When I get close, I’ll let you know to give you time to get there.

Me: Okay. I’ll be ready. She’s getting ready to be released now. Just waiting on the final paperwork.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance