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“Please,” I croak out, my voice still sounding harsh.

Lash immediately stands from the chair, and I take in the front of his wrinkled tee-shirt, his belt still on but undone and hanging loose even thought his jeans are still buttoned and zipped. The short, neatly trimmed beard usually covering his face is longer than I’ve ever seen it. There are a few lines on his face from where the blankets have been pressing against his face while sleeping. He walks around the end of the bed where the tray that will fit over the bed, I’m lying in. Grabbing the pitcher, he pours me a glass of water before opening the straw and placing it in the cup. Lash bends over, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead while making sure I can reach the straw. After just a small sip, he pulls it away.

“Small sips,” he orders me, his voice gentle with his admonishment.

“How long have I been here?” I question him as he moves back to his chair.

“You’ve been here a week. There’s a lot we have to talk about,” he answers me just as the door opens and a nurse walks in.

“Miss Kincaid, it’s good to see you awake. How do you feel?” she asks me with a soft smile on her face.

“I feel as if I’ve been run over. Repeatedly,” I respond to her with a grimace.

“I’m going to check your vitals and let the doctor know you’re awake. He’ll answer any questions you may have and go over your injuries. I’ll get you some fresh water too. It won’t be long before lunch is brought in. I’ll make sure you have the menus to fill out for the remainder of your stay too,” she says, looking over everything and taking notes on a piece of paper from her pocket.

Lash remains in his seat, watching over the nurse with an eagle eye until she finally leaves us alone in the room together. I’m nervous as hell and I have no clue if he knows I’m pregnant. Or if I’m even still pregnant. Until I talk to the doctor, there is no reason to bring it up with him. Maybe I can get him out of here while I talk to the doctor to learn whether or not there’s a reason to talk to him about this.

“So, it seems we have some things to talk about,” Lash says, sitting up straight in his chair.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, the first thing is I’m not wastin’ any more time with you, Hart. I’ve never wanted an ol’ lady as I’ve said before. You came in my life and turned it upside down in the best way possible. I want you to be my ol’ lady, have my last name, and carry my babies. As many as you’ll give me. Everythin’ I swore I’d never have in my life,” he tells me as I look down at the ring resting on my finger. “I want it all with you, Pixie.”

“Is that why I’m wearing a ring on my left ring finger?” I question him, looking at him through my lashes.

“Not givin’ you a choice in the matter, Pixie. You’re mine and I’m yours. I’m gonna catch so much shit from the guys for this. However, you knocked me on my ass and now you’re stuck with me,” he says as the first tear rolls slowly down my face. “Once you get out of here, we’re gonna make this shit official. You’ve got a month to plan whatever kind of weddin’ you want before I take you in front of a judge and not give a shit about the whole ceremony thing. However, I know you want your dream weddin’ and I’m gonna make sure you have it. Jae, Trina, and my mom will have no problems helpin’ you plan anythin’.”

“Lash, I need to tell you something,” I begin as the door opens once again.

This time it’s an older gentleman in a white lab coat with charcoal gray scrubs on followed by the nurse who was just in here. She’s carrying my water pitcher back in with her, the ice bouncing against the side of it.

“Miss Kincaid, I’m so glad to see you awake,” the doctor tells me as he stops at the end of the bed. “I’m Doctor Matthews here in the hospital. I’ve been taking care of you since you came in a week ago. We’ll go over your injuries first before anything else. Unless you’re in too much pain.”

“I’m in pain, but I can handle it,” I assure him.

“Okay. There is nothing broken but you do have several cuts, bruises, and we had to put a lot of stitches in your wrists where significant damage was done to your skin. A few other places on your torso and left arm required stitches as well. Most of the swelling has gone down over the week and you’re going to be extremely sore for a while. The baby is doing just fine, and we’ve been monitoring him or her since you’ve been in here. I would like to have an ultrasound done now that you’re awake, so we know for sure everything is okay,” Doctor Matthews says as he finally looks up at me. “Your ribs will be sore for a while as well. They’re bruised so you’ll have to take it easy. Once we have the results of the ultrasound, we’ll decide what happens next. I will say you will be here a few days for observation and further testing.”

“Okay,” I say, my voice low and weak as I keep my eyes off Lash where he sits at my side holding my hand. “Is there anything else I need to know?”

“Not at the moment. You have five days left on your antibiotics. We don’t want to take any chances for an infection to set in,” he says. “I’ll get with the ultrasound tech and see if they can get up here sooner rather than later. I’m sure you’d like to have peace of mind for yourself as well.”

Without another word, the doctor and nurse leave my hospital room. Lash hasn’t said a word yet, and I’m still not looking at him. I know he said he wanted to have babies with me, but the reality of it is different than the idea. My heart is beating faster than normal as the machines hooked up to me beep out what’s going on with me. I’m so damn scared right now.

“You’re carryin’ my baby?” Lash asks, sitting the edge of his ass on my bed and pulling my hand in his. “You’re really givin’ me a son or daughter?”

“Yeah. I found out when I was in the accident. With everything you were going through, I didn’t know how to tell you. Then, Mona and some man took me, and I wasn’t even sure I was still pregnant until the doctor just informed me,” I tell him honestly.

“Are you happy about the baby?”

“I am. I know it’s different now that it’s real, Lash, but I don’t expect anything from you. You can’t just change your mind one day and decide you want me as your ol’ lady, wife, and the mother of your children. Not when you’ve lived your entire life believing you’d never want these things. It’s a big change and we’ve never had an ounce of calm since meeting. It’s been one thing after another and you’re acting on what’s been going on,” I say, trying to pull my hand from his.

“That’s not what’s goin’ on here, Pixie. Since the second I saw you on the outside of the strip club, I’ve wanted you. At first it was just for a night thinkin’ I could fuck you out of my system. That’s not the case at all. You were under my skin in a matter of seconds, and I don’t want you goin’ anywhere. Hartley, you’re it for me. It doesn’t matter what we’ve been through so far or anythin’ else. We’ll learn about one another, but I know all I need to know about you.”

“What do you think you know about me, Lash?”

“I know you put those you love and care about first. You’ve put your life on hold, workin’ a shit job in order to make sure your sister is taken care of and has everythin’ she wants and needs. You have taken care of the guys at the club since the second you walked through the doors, and they love you for it. Talon’s grandfather loves you and that bastard hates everyone. He’s been at the clubhouse and lost his shit when he found out you were taken. Told us all off and we had to practically lock him in his room at Talon’s house because he was adamant about goin’ with us to get you. Every single person you meet falls in love with you in seconds. Your strong as fuck and I know you’re gonna call me on my shit when I need to hear I’m bein’ an asshole. Pixie, you’re it for me and there’s no other way I can say it. I love you and I know you love me too. Even if you’re not ready to say it,” he tells me, placing a gentle kiss against my forehead before resting his on mine.

“Lash, I’m a bitch when I hurt. I don’t always say what’s going on in my head. When it’s my monthly time, not only am I a bitch, I eat chocolate nonstop. Coffee is a must when I get up in the morning. There are so many things more to me than what you’ve listed off,” I tell him, trying to scare him off as my own fear fills me. “I’m not going to tolerate cheating of any kind and I’m jealous as hell when it comes to my man. That’s one of the things Eric hated about me. Mainly because he was always cheating on me.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance