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“That’s not true and you know it,” mom says, her own voice getting harder. “The things you saw growing up is not what a relationship is between a man and a woman. Your father was a good man, and we were in love most of the time we were together. I’m not saying it wasn’t hard as hell and we didn’t go through our rough patches. We did. Especially when he started using the product instead of just selling it. There is nothing to say you and Hartley can’t make a relationship between the two of you work. You’re stubborn and hardheaded. Don’t let you own stupid pride get in the way of what you want. Who you want.”

“Okay mom. I’ll take it into consideration. After this shit, Hartley won’t want anythin’ to do with me. But I get where you’re comin’ from.”

“Love you son. I’m going to go start on dinner. Think about what I said. If you need me, I’m here. Don’t keep shutting us all out.”

Without another word, my mom leaves my office and once again I kick my feet up to settle back in my chair. Before I can even bring my glass up to my lips, the door of my office opens as my brother Sabotage makes his way inside. Sitting down in the chair our mom just vacated, he kicks his own feet up on the opposite side of my desk. His eyes are on me as I try to ignore him. It’s something my brother is used to. When he annoys me, I simply annoy him causing one of two responses. Either Sab is going to get even more annoying, or he’s going to finally go away and leave me in peace.

“What’s goin’ on?” I question him, knowing he has no new information on Hartley or her whereabouts.

“Checkin’ in with you. Have you heard anythin’ new?”

Sabotage is not a stupid man. He knows if I got any new information on Hart, I’d be calling all of them in to go over what I’ve found. We’d be making plans and I’d be on the road to get her and make sure she’s okay. It’s not like she didn’t already have injuries and was in the hospital. Now, those injuries are more than likely even worse than before and others have been inflicted on her. This is not going to go down without me getting my hands on that fuckface Eric and making him pay for every single thing he’s ever done to Hartley.

“You know I haven’t found out anythin’,” I tell him, not bothering to look at him.

Before he can say another word, my phone vibrates on the top of my desk, and I pick it up to see a message from an unknown number. Instantly, my hands begin shaking and my heart is racing. Sab isn’t kicked back in the chair any longer as he practically jumps up from the chair and races to my back so he can see the message over my shoulder. When I open it up, there’s a video waiting for me. Nothing else other than a video for me to watch. Hesitantly, my entire body now trembling, I press play and watch as Mona is beating the shit out of Hartley as she’s tied to a bed. The hospital gown she was wearing in the hospital is no longer covering her body. Hartley is in so much pain with her face completely swollen still barely able to hide the wincing as each hit fills her body with more pain.

My hand clenches on my phone so bad I can hear it creaking. I want to throw it across the room and watch as it smashes into a million pieces. However, with the video being on my phone, it will be better for Zeus to have the original message.

“Let me see that real quick,” Sab says, pulling the phone from my hand and watching the video over again.

Hartley’s moans of pain and anguish fill my office once again. The pain filling me is almost as bad as the rage and need to get my hands on Eric. As suddenly as the video began playing, it stops, and my phone is being handed back to me.

“Zeus, need you in Lash’s office. Now,” Sab says, his voice a distant sound as a dull roar fills me and I don’t hear a damn thing.

Staring blankly at the wall across from me without seeing a damn thing, I try to wrap my mind around what I was just sent. Even as Zeus walks in the office and Sab begins talking to him, I don’t hear a damn thing being said. It’s as if I’m underwater and there is no way I can break through the surface to find out what’s going on or where we need to go. Knowing horrible things are being done to Hartley and actually seeing proof are two different things. My stomach is turning, and I know I’m not going to rest and relax until I know Eric is buried and cut up where Hartley will never have to worry about him again.

“Lash!” Sab yells in my face, pulling me from the rage induced shit where I was lost in my head.


“You need to call in Sal. Pretty sure they’re holdin’ her in one of his warehouses on the outside of town. Call him. Now,” he practically yells in my face, further snapping me out of my haze.

Picking up my phone from where Zeus or my brother set it, I place a call to Sal. It doesn’t even ring a full time before he’s answering.

“Lash, it’s good to hear from you friend,” he says in his accented voice.

“I got a problem, Sal. My woman has been kidnapped and Zeus believes she’s bein’ held in one of your warehouses on the outskirts of town,” I tell him, not pulling any punches or making nice as I normally would.

“Send me what you got while we’re on the phone,” he orders me, his voice going cold as steel.

“It’s sent,” Sab says just after I put my phone on speaker so we can all hear what’s being said.

Sal begins cursing in the background letting me know he’s not happy at all.

“Who the fuck has her?” he demands, his voice lethal and lower than I’ve ever heard it. “Who thinks they can fuck with the Rossi family and get away unscathed?”

“As far as we know it’s her ex, Eric and the Risin’ Rebels MC. I know one of the rebels we had here with us was put out bad and she had a hand in kidnappin’ my woman from the hospital. She’s the one in the video beatin’ on my woman,” I inform Sal who swears once again.

“Fuck!” he growls out. “I’m sendin’ the address now. We’ll meet you there. There’s a pull off a half mile from the warehouse. Leave your bikes there.”

Sal hangs up the phone without another word. Looking at my brother and Zeus, they’re already both on their phones letting everyone know to get their shit and be ready to head out in less than five. Jumping from my chair, I head straight for my room to grab my gun and extra magazines for it. Sab and Zeus aren’t far behind me. After making sure I have what I need, I leave my room and head directly for my bike without waiting for anyone else. However, most of the guys are already on their bikes with the exception of my brother, Zeus, Talon, and Death. They’re not far behind us though.

Sal and his men are already at the meeting point when we pull up and shut our bikes off. He’s let us know there are two entrances into the warehouse. We’ll split up and breach them both at the same time so no one can get out of there without having to get by us. Sal’s pissed as fuck along with the rest of his men. They’re all scowling and ready to take on these fuckers who dared to touch Hartley and make her life hell. One thing I know about Sal and his crew is if it’s not a woman who has tried to fuck them over, they don’t condone anyone hurting a woman. Or child. They’ll step in each and every time they witness something happening.

We’ve been shown the floorplans of the warehouse. There is one large room where trucks and other vehicles can be pulled in. Off the main room, there’s a lone hallway with various rooms. An office, bathrooms, and two other smaller rooms are located in the hall. The door at the very end of the hall leads down to the basement. We’re guessing they have my Pixie either in one of the small rooms or down in the basement area. It’s not really a basement but for the town’s purposes, that’s what it’s always been called. Sal let us know there are multiple cells down there. Otherwise it’s an open area.

After double checking our weapons and inserting the coms in our ears so we can hear one another, we’re ready to go. I have no clue how I’m still standing in one place when Hartley is so close to me. At the same time, it feels as if she’s miles away because we have no clue what’s been done to her. The absolute worst case scenarios have been playing through my mind on a loop making me go even crazier than what I’ve been feeling since she came into my life.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance