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“It’s about time you wake up,” his nasty voice fills the air. “I was beginnin’ to think you weren’t goin’ to wake up. You seem to be kind of cold. I’m sure there’s somethin’ I could do to warm you up for a little while.”

Finally he steps back, and I realize he’s not wearing anything under his vest. His jeans are stained with grease and other shit I don’t want to think about. They’re stretched so tight on his body his hard dick is clearly outline. To say this man isn’t working with much would be an understatement. Before he can move or say another disgusting word to me, the door of my cell opens, and Mona makes another appearance. At this point, I have no clue how long I’ve been here. Within an hour of me being here, someone painted or put something up over the outside of the window so it’s constantly dark in this place. I have no idea if it’s day or night. Other than Mona and now this asshole, not a single person has come down to see me. Mona has only reluctantly given me a bottle of water every so often.

“Strangler, what the hell are you doing in here? It’s not time for you to fuck her yet. For now, you need to record me beating the shit outta her so we can send it to those assholes with the Knight’s Rebellion. They’ll give me what I want one way or another,” she tells him, her voice louder than it should be if it echoes off the walls of the cell.

“I’ll fuck her when I please. You’re not the one in charge here. Not since you let Eric know she was here and you were givin’ her over to him,” Strangler says. “Eric has big plans for her, and he’ll only finish when he’s ready. I’ll record this beatin’ and then you get the fuck out of here. You’re not to come down here anymore without one of us with you.”

“You’re not in charge either, Strangler. You’re just a low man on the totem pole doing whatever Eric and the rest of the fuckers upstairs make you do. Fucking record this. I’m going out with Eric tonight,” Mona states as her glare turns toward me and her smirk is evil as hell.

Strangler grumbles and mumbles under his breath the entire time he pulls his phone from his pocket. In a matter of minutes, Mona is beating the shit out of me. She’s screaming and yelling so loud and fast I can’t understand what she’s trying to say. I’m not sure anyone would understand this bitch no matter how many times they watch the video. Mona lands one hit after another on every part of my body. The pain I’m feeling increases as each second passes slowly by. There is no way I’m going to get out of here alive. Not with Mona and Eric both involved in what’s happening to me. They’ll make it so I want to die for as long as my body will hold out before they finally kill me.

“That’s enough Mona,” Strangler finally growls out, his voice dead and cold; the same as his eyes.

“It’s not enough until I say it’s enough.”

“Mona. That’s. Enough,” he states, his voice turning even deadlier if at all possible.

Ignoring him, Mona continues to beat on me until my brain begins to shut down. When Mona doesn’t stop raining down hits on my entire body, Strangler stops recording and makes his way over to where she’s standing, physically pulling her from my body. She’s screaming and lashing out at the man holding her in her attempts to get to me once again. I watch on through eyes mostly covered by my swelling eyelids as Mona reaches behind her and scratches any part of his face and neck she can get to. Her feet are swinging wildly trying to dig her heels into any part of his body she can reach. I’d laugh if I weren’t in so much pain and so damn cold. If this keeps up, I’m going to become hypothermic.

Images of my sister and Lash fill my head. Of them seeing this video they’re recording and losing their shit. Well, at least my sister would. Lash, there’s nothing there other than a moment in time we shared in his office that was quick as fuck and meant nothing to him. For me, it seems as if I’ll have lasting memories of the time we shared. Well, unless they beat me to the point I lose the baby since I’m not that far along. Or if I’m even going to make it out of this situation alive. Between the cold, the beating, my previous injuries, and whatever else is going to happen to me, I’m not getting out of this unscathed.

Waking up again, this time I can’t open my eyes. The pain filling my body is worse than I expected and there is no way I can handle what’s happening to me. Any hope I had of the guys in the club finding me and coming to save the day has vanished. I’m slowly freezing to death with the chill constantly in the air and there is nothing here to help me.

“Did you think I wouldn’t come see you?” Eric inquires, startling me since I didn’t even know he was in the room.

I don’t say a word to him to his question. He isn’t really expecting me to answer him; he never does. Eric will ask question after question without wanting my input to whatever he’s asking me. That’s how he does things; how his fucked-up mind works. This man has to believe he’s the one in charge at all times.

“I see Mona really did do some damage to you. You know, it’s a shame Lash hasn’t contacted us in any way to get you back. It seems he feels the same as I do when it comes to you. Absolutely nothin’. So, we’re gonna have some fun with you. Mona will continue to pay you visits each day and whenever I choose, the men in the club will come down and use you any way they want to,” Eric informs me, his sinister voice coming from right next to me.

Still, I don’t say a word to the vile man who has taken so much from me since I met him. Eric is nothing more than a twatwaffle and eventually he’s going to get what’s coming to him. More than likely, I’ll already be dead when he gets it but he’ll still get it. Hopefully whatever happens to him will be filled with pain, torture, and losing every cent he has to his name because money is all he cares about. Mona will find out about it sooner or later.

“You won’t know when a single person is goin’ to come pay you a visit. Just know you’ll get whatever you deserve for bein’ such a cold, frigid bitch who thinks she’s better than everyone she knows. Includin’ her baby sister,” Eric spews more shit at me before the cell door slams shut and his booted feet head back wherever they hang out or get out of here.

Just as I’m starting to fall asleep, the door creaks open once again. This time it’s not a man based on the footsteps coming toward me. I know it’s Mona before her putrid perfume gets to me. The tap, tap of her heels beat in a staccato rhythm against the cement floor. She’s here to dole out more punishment simply because she wants to. Eric is either wrapped around her little finger or he’s not done using her for whatever reason yet. Either way, it’s not my business and I don’t give a shit. All I want to do is brace for the added pain that’s about to be inflicted on me.

“Eric just told me he came down to have a little chat with you. Let you know I get to do whatever I want to you and how Lash isn’t coming to save your whore ass. He also told me how cold and dead you are in bed and how there is no way anyone is ever going to want you again. I already knew as soon as you walked in the clubhouse with him. Lash will never want a woman who can’t satisfy him in bed. Obviously, you’re not able to do that when you couldn’t even keep Eric from straying from you. Do you know I’ve been his ol’ lady for almost five years now? No, I don’t expect you would. He used to leave you and laugh his ass off at how pathetic you are. Not exactly pillow talk I like, but I’d expect nothing less from a man who needs to vent after being with a cold fish,” she taunts me, her voice grating on my nerves and causing anger to course through my veins.

Mona wants me to talk shit and try to defend myself. It’s what bitches like her always want to happen so they can just add more fuel to the fire. Even if I could talk, I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of letting her know she’s goading me into getting in an argument with her. It’s not going to happen because I’m not stooping down to her level of crazy and pathetic.

“You’re not gonna say anything to me?” Mona screams out after a minute. “Say something you stupid cow!”

No matter what I’m not going to give this to her. She’s not going to make me say a single word to her. What I can’t help but do is turn my head to the side as much as possible and get sick. Mona instantly begins to scream and shriek letting me know I’ve gotten at least some of it on her. before I’m even done getting sick, the hits start coming. This woman is literally beating on me as I’m getting sick just because she wants to. Or because I’ve gotten sick on her. For her, I really don’t believe there has to be a reason. She’s just a bitch who likes beating on those she believes is weaker than her.

Finally, I stop getting sick and the blackness instantly takes me. I can’t stop it this time. Even with Mona still beating on me, I can’t remain awake and alert. There are no images to fill my mind this time. Lash and Jaelyn don’t come offer me soothing words. I honestly believe this is the last time I’m going to be pulled under. My time is coming to an end.

WAITING TO HEAR any news about where Hartley is and who has her is the hardest thing in the world for me. Everyone is avoiding me, which is a good thing. I’m about two seconds from ripping this entire clubhouse apart. Along with anyone who gets in my way for whatever reason. The only three who have come close to me in the last two days since hearing about Hart are my brothers, Sab and Boxer, and Talon. As my best friend he knows where my head is and how close I am to snapping. They’ve been keeping Jae away from me because I refuse to go off on her with the way my head is filling with so many different scenarios of what’s being done to her sister. I’d rather be out doing something to search for her, but we have no idea where to even begin looking for her. So, I’m sitting on my ass twiddling my damn thumbs while Zeus tries to figure out anything he can from hacking every single camera angle in town he can. However, without knowing what they were driving, it doesn’t help him much.

Today I’m locked away in my office. I’m supposed to be working on the piles and piles of paperwork filling every single inch of my desk. Instead, I’m sitting back in my chair with a glass of Jack in my hand. Staring at the wall beyond me, not seeing a damn thing as I think of everything that’s happened since meeting Hartley. It has literally been one thing after another instead of her just living her life the way she should be. Then, add in all the shit with Mona and things have definitely been harder than they ever should be. A knock on my door pulls me out of my head to look up and find my mom poking her head in the door.

“Are you okay Lash?” she asks me, coming in and closing the door behind her.

My mom has been giving me the space she knows I need since getting to the clubhouse. She’s been spending time with Jaelyn and Trina along with the guys as they sit in the common room and wait for us to find out any information about where Hartley is. Today, she’s done giving me her space and is going to find out exactly where my head’s at and what I plan on doing with things once we bring her home. One way or another I will be bringing my Pixie home and I’ll help her get through whatever’s been done to her.

“No, mom. I’m really not okay,” I answer her honestly.

“You’re gonna find her and bring her home. There is no other choice but to bring her home. I may not know much, but I do know my kids. All the boys who have been here in the club for years. In saying that, I know you have feelings for this girl. Feelings you don’t want to have and are fighting them with everything you have in you,” she says, taking a seat in the chair across from me as I drop my feet from the corner of my desk with a resounding thump.

“Mom,” I begin, letting my frustration fill my voice. “There are reasons I don’t want a woman in my life. I get everythin’ I need with the rebels and there is nothin’ I need beyond that.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance