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Other than turning my hat around, I don’t take the time to do more than start my bike and head back to the clubhouse. There is so much shit I need to worry about and deal with right now. Hopefully Trina is already at the clubhouse so she can start preparing for lockdown. I’ll be locked away with Zeus going through as much footage from the hospital as we can. He’s a damn good hacker, but if the cops are already combing through the footage, they might detect someone hacking into the feed. Hopefully Zeus can handle it and we won’t have to worry about it. He’s smart as fuck and will figure out something to do.

Racing toward the clubhouse alone since Death went with Sabotage and the other men went to get who I ordered them too, I had no one with me. It was probably good since I didn’t stop or slow down for a fucking thing. Not a single other car on the road mattered to me as my heart was being ripped away the more I thought of who had taken Hartley and what they were doing to her in this moment. Especially when Tommy never said exactly how long she’s been missing from the hospital. The one fucking place she should be safe and protected and I’d failed her yet again.

Finally pulling up to the gate, Cal was barely able to get it open enough for me to slide through without crashing into the damn thing. I head straight for my spot and hate having to take the time to back my bike into my designated spot before shutting it off and heading straight inside. There are several men sitting around the common room with Trina and Mammoth at the bar and the rebels handing out drinks and other shit. Heading straight for Trina and her man, they immediately stop what they’re doing and pay attention to me.

“We’re on lockdown,” I say louder than intended gaining everyone’s attention. “Rebels, put some damn clothes on and help Trina and my mom when she gets here. Jaelyn will be here and she’s a minor so there is no partyin’ or anythin’ else goin’ on until she’s no longer here. Anyone not followin’ my orders can turn in your cut, pack your bags, and get the fuck outta here now. The rest of you, get this placed cleaned up, make sure there’s room for everyone, and the room between Sab and I is where Jae will be.”

“What’s goin’ on?” Zeus asks, coming from the hall where church and my office is.

“Not out here,” I say, barely sparing Evan a glance from his position behind the bar.

Every single man jumps from his seat as more come from the bedroom area. We all head into church so I can let the guys know what’s going on with Hartley without the rebels, Trina, and Evan’s dumbass finding out what’s going on. It’s none of their fucking business and the less they know, the less likely Jaelyn will hear what’s really going on. I don’t bother taking my seat at the table before beginning to speak.

“Went to see Hartley at the hospital. We showed up and the whole place is blocked off. Tommy let me know my Pixie was taken from there at some point in the middle of the night. A nurse was taken out by bein’ injected with somethin’ and Austin was also taken out by somethin’ bein’ put in his coffee. Right now, I need you all to keep this shit to yourself. Jae isnotto know what happened to her sister. I find out any of you talked to the rebels, my mom, Trina, or the fuckin’ prospects, you’ll face me, and I’ve got a whole lotta rage pent up. I’m gonna try callin’ Austin and see if he knows anythin’. Who the fuck is on Jaelyn right now?”

“Rifle. With Austin stayin’ at the hospital and Cal and Evan here, he went over to watch over her,” Dagger informs me.

“You all know what you need to do. Zeus, I want you to work your fuckin’ magic and find out everythin’ you can. They’ve got K9 and everythin’ there lookin’ for her. I have no information and I want it. Now!”

Everyone scatters with the exception of Zeus. He knows I’m not going to leave his side as he looks through everything he can. Taking his seat, Zeus sets up his laptop he keeps in here as I pull down the screen so I can see right along with him without having to be over his shoulder. When I try calling Austin, his phone goes directly to voicemail. Either he’s already on the phone with someone or it’s dead. Fuck!

“What do you want me to start with?” Zeus asks me, not sure what direction to go in since there are no details.

“I want you lookin’ through the security feed. Heads up the cops are already there doin’ it. Not sure what you can do to make sure they can’t find you.”

“They’ll never know I’m in there.”

After a few minutes, Zeus has the security footage up on the screen against the wall. It’s speeding by showing Jaelyn leaving the room and having a conversation with Austin just as Rifle enters the screen and adds into the mix. Jae leaves with Rifle as Austin remains out in the hall just down from Hartley’s room. He’s sitting on the floor as small as he can, so he doesn’t trip anyone up. Like he should, he’s not on his phone, reading one of the several magazines he’s offered, or anything else. Austin’s looking up and down the hallway to make sure no one threatening shows up.

Zeus slows the footage down when a man dressed in all black and Mona enter the hallway. Mona remains behind as the man walks up to Austin and begins talking to him. We watch on as Austin accepts the coffee cup from the man and begins drinking it. The two keep talking until Austin suddenly races off and heads down the hall in the opposite direction. Mona comes out of her hiding place and the pair head straight into Hartley’s room. We don’t have any sound on this video but it’s not long before a nurse races to the desk area and checks something on the computer. In a matter of minutes, she heads for the same room Mona and the man are in.

“Can you get a different angle?” I question Zeus.

“No. This is all they have.”

In a matter of minutes, the man and Mona are pushing Hartley’s hospital bed out of her room and in the same direction Austin just went. They disappear down the hall and Zeus frantically presses buttons to get a lead on where they’re heading. It takes him several minutes before he finally catches them wheeling her into an elevator. From there they simply disappear. Wherever they got off the elevator, there are no cameras. The main thing sticking out for me though is the small trail of blood following the bed my Pixie was on.

“Keep diggin’. I’m gonna go wait for Jae to get here,” I order him, leaving the room so I’m one of the first one she sees when getting in here.

Jaelyn is just coming through the door with a duffle bag over her shoulder and her laptop case. Sabotage and Zeus got her a brand-new one after she lost hers in the fire. She had her old one at school with her for some reason and was in definite need of an upgrade. Jae races directly for me and stops just in front of me with tears rolling down her face.

“What about my sister? If we’re all here, who’s going to be with her?” she questions me, her voice hitching and breaking in emotion.

“Austin’s still with her,” I lie, lowering my eyes a fraction so I’m not looking at her when the lie spills from my lips. “You’ll be between Sab and me. You’re not to leave the clubhouse at all. You can spend time in the common room or anywhere else inside. Don’t go in any bedroom other than your own and come to me if anyone gives you any trouble. You understand?”

“Okay Lash. Um, are there going to be other women here?”

“I’m already here sweetheart,” Trina says, walking up to her. “Why don’t you come with me? I’ll show you your room and we can clean it up a bit. Then, you can help us with dinner and the other shit we have to do for a lockdown.”

With a nod of my head, I leave the two women alone to walk up to the bar. Evan hands me over a bottle of beer that’s already opened. He knows better than this shit. Not a single one of us accept an open beer. Someone can put shit in it without our knowledge and I’m not going to let it happen. The women know not to open them or accept anything that’s been opened unless it’s by their man and him only.

“What the fuck is your problem? You know you don’t open any fuckin’ drink before handin’ it over to us,” I yell at him as he quickly pulls the bottle back and leaves it on the edge of the bar.

Evan hands me a new one as I turn around and head for my office. Right now I need to be alone before I start tearing this fucking place apart with my bare hands. Hartley missing is absolutely killing me and there’s nothing I can do about it right now. Not until we get a lead and possible location of her. Zeus needs time to work his magic and hopefully it’s not more time for whoever has her to torture her and do whatever else their sadistic minds think up. Especially with a bitch like Mona involved in this. She’s hated Hartley and Jaelyn since they showed up for no reason whatsoever. The bitch is gonna get hers.

MY EYES SLOWLY open even though it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. They feel as if they’ve been glued shut and I’m not sure why. It feels as if my mouth has been stuffed with cotton or something. I’m sick to my stomach and ready to get sick as I finally begin to slowly focus on the room in front of me. It’s still so damn cold in here and there is nothing for me to cover up with and I don’t have the energy to do anything in order to get my body heat up so I can even begin to function or keep some heat in my body. I’m so cold my body won’t stop shaking and my teeth are chattering which hurts my head even more than it already hurts.

When my eyes finally focus, a man is in my face. He’s got scars covering the left side of his face, his long blond hair is scraggly and oily looking as it hands in random strings surrounding his face. My eyes lower and I take in the vest he wears that looks so much like Lash’s. The name on his is Strangler and chills fill my already trembling body. An evil smile covers his face showing off his stained and cracked teeth making him appear more sinister than he already appears as his horrible breath fans over me.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance