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She wouldn’t quite meet my eyes when we talked and kept glancing toward the door. I have a sneaking suspicion she let one of the guys know where I am and what’s happened to me. At least about being run off the road because she still doesn’t know my injuries or about the surprise I received from the doctor just hours ago. Still, she hasn’t been able to get an ultrasound machine in here either. Honestly, I’m not more than a few weeks pregnant. It’s been more than long enough for me to already have gone through a pregnancy and given birth from the last time I was with Eric last.

Shortly after waking up, I made Jaelyn leave and head home. There’s no reason for her to stay in the hospital with me. Neither one of us like them after spending time here when our dad was brought in from his accident. We spend the least amount of time here as we have to. Which is really a shame because I used to volunteer here when I was younger. The very top floor of the hospital is a nursing home. I’d spend time with the occupants of the floor, read to them, play games, and make sure they were taken to the activities center where they’d go on trips, bake, and do all sorts of different things to occupy their time.

After eating dinner, I was tired again and didn’t want to watch anything on the small TV, so I closed my eyes and let sleep claim me. Though, it took longer than I’d like to admit to actually fall asleep. My mind is filled with what I’m going to do about getting a job, where we’ll stay if I can’t afford the rent, making sure Jae has food and other necessities, and I’m not going to bother trying to deny thoughts of Lash fill me. If he’s been here, it wasn’t long enough to let me know or even leave a lingering scent of him. He smells like leather, smoke, and something spicy with just a hint of fresh air. When sleep finally manages to claim me, my dreams are bombarded with images of the car running me off the road and no one finding me in time. In my nightmare, I die leaving my sister all alone to navigate the world around her. It’s my biggest fear.

Screams leaving me are what wake me up. For the first few minutes, I’m disoriented and not sure of where I am. Until it all comes back to me. Looking around my room, there’s a woman just walking in the door followed by a large man wearing all black. The woman is wearing a short skirt and not much more than a tube top covering her breasts. They were furiously whispering back and forth as I started to become even more alert. I’m thankful Doc wasn’t giving me pain medicine right now so I would wake up and know what’s going on around me. Pain medicine always hits me hard and has lasting effects I don’t like.

“Why are we takin’ this bitch from a fuckin’ hospital room?” the man asks her, his voice rising slightly above a whisper.

“It’s fucking payback,” the woman, who sounds a lot like Mona tells him. “Eric wants her, and it will help me get back on the good side of him. Plus, she came in and took my man away from me. Lash was ready to make me his ol’ lady and this slut tricked him into turning to her. She stole him from me.”

Mona, that’s definitely who it is as they step up closer to the bed as I close my eyes almost completely as I continue to watch them. The man is short as hell, barely taller than I am. There is almost no muscle from what I can see with the black clothing covering his body. With one of them on each side of my bed, I’m jerked violently as they unlock the breaks and begin ripping everything off me. Despite the alarms beginning to ring out as I’m unhooked from everything, they don’t move around any faster.

“All this shit because you lost your supposed meal ticket. We all know Lash doesn’t want a fuckin’ thing to do with you,” the man tells her causing her to stop ripping my IV out as she glares at him.

So far neither one of them have realized I’m awake yet. Keeping my breathing as even and slow as possible, I try to stop my body from reacting to their presence and the pain Mona is inflicting by ripping everything out. Especially when I begin bleeding from where she ripped the IV out of my arm.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here before that damn prospect gets back. How did you manage to get the shit in his coffee?” the man questions Mona.

His voice sounds familiar, but I’m not sure who the hell it is.

“How do you think I did it? Austin trusts me and has no clue I’m helpin’ you. They find out and I’m a dead man. I’m already on fuckin’ thin ice with them because I haven’t helped them,” he says confusing me even more.

More pieces of the puzzle start to fit together. Somehow this man is close to the club and knows Austin personally. I’m not sure what they put in his coffee and my fear level ratchets up a few notches to hear a man could be sick or worse because of me. All because he was watching over me here at the hospital where we should all be safe.

As the man and Mona begin to wheel me out of my room, a nurse comes rushing in, anger filling her eyes as I squint to see her with the light from the hallway as a backdrop coming in the room and shedding a small amount of light inside.

“What do you think you’re doing?” the outraged nurse asks in a stern voice.

“We’re taking her down for some further testing the doctor ordered,” Mona lies, her voice cold and deadly. “Get the hell out of our way.”

“I’m not going anywhere. This patient doesn’t need any further testing right now. I’m going to call security,” she replies, reaching in her pocket just before I watch a needle appear from somewhere on Mona and she jabs it in the stunned nurse’s neck.

Immediately she crumples to the ground in a heap. The man bends down and drags her across the floor without a word so they can get the bed I’m still lying still as can be in through the door and out of the hospital. I’m not sure how they plan on getting me out of here. Especially since I’m sure I’ll end up leaving a trail of blood from where my IV was. Who am I to question the bat shit crazy people though? Kidnapping me because she couldn’t get what she wanted. And to want to get on Eric’s good side? There is no good side to the man. He’s a complete asshole and I have no clue why I stayed with him for so long.

The two wheel me toward the elevator at the back of the hospital instead of the front. If no one knew any different, and these two were dressed differently, it might actually be believed they’re taking me to have more testing done. However, black clothing on the man and Mona wearing as little clothing as possible aren’t what the transportation workers wear at the hospital. I’ve seen enough to know that. We ride down in the elevator large enough for the bed and them to the ground floor before they push me outside into the cold night air. Despite being covered by the blankets on my bed, I’m instantly chilled to the bone.

“Lift her up and toss her in the trunk,” Mona orders the guy as I feel my body lifted with the blankets and everything on the bed with me.

My cell phone isn’t with me though. It’s lying on the stand in my room where I left it after Jaelyn went home. I’m not sure what I can do now as the man doesn’t even gently place me in the car. He literally drops me into the trunk as my body hits what I believe is a spare tire, the tire jack, and a few other random objects scattered about. As soon as he moves out of the way the lid of the trunk is slammed shut and I’m left in complete darkness as panic starts to settle in. Now, there’s no reason for me to pretend to be sleeping still so my body is loose and feeling every single ounce of pain currently coursing through me.

Trying to calm my racing thoughts down, I think of ways I can get out of my current situation as the car roars to life after only one car door slams shut instead of two. The smell of gas is strong as hell making me want to hold my breath so I’m not inhaling the fumes. In seconds, the car I’ve been tossed in is speeding away and turning faster than it should around sharp corners, tossing my body around the small space I’m in. My head bounces off something in the trunk making my head pound even worse than it was before. There is something digging into my back and hip and my arm is jammed up against something metal and freezing cold.

I know there might be a way to pop the latch of the trunk so the lid opens, I just can’t remember how to do it. Thinking about how to do it makes my head hurt and become nauseous. Closing my eyes, I try to stop my thoughts and not do anything other than just lay here until the pounding in my head and the upset stomach stops. If I get sick in this car, it will be all over me. But with my racing heart, the inability to catch my breath and breathe slower, on top of the fumes coming from the car, there is no stopping what I’m feeling right now. Not until I pass out from the combination of everything that’s happened over the last few days. Weeks if I’m being honest.

I’m roughly lifted from the trunk as my head slams against the hard, unforgiving metal of the frame of the car. I can’t stop the groan from escaping letting whoever has me know I’m awake. Even Mona stops walking as my eyes open regardless if I can’t see straight. My vision is blurry, and everything hurts worse making black dots appear.

“You’re finally fucking awake. I hope you love what’s about to happen to you. This is not going to be fun for you in the least,” Mona says, her voice grating on my nerves more than when I had a few run-ins with her at the clubhouse. “I however, am going to enjoy the hell outta the show.”

“Fuck. You,” I grit out, not able to get much more out than that with how bad I feel as if I’m going to be sick.

Mona reaches out and slaps the shit out of me making me hurt even more. Again, a whimper escapes me, and I know it’s just a matter of time before I can’t stop myself from getting sick. Hopefully Mona is in direct line to get the full effect of it. I’d have a good time if that happened.

“Take her to the fucking cell so I can get cleaned up and make sure she knows what the fuck she’s being punished for. Eric hopefully won’t take long to get here so he can start torturing this bitch and I can make sure he adds to her punishment. It’s the one way I know my man will come back to me. Eric isminebitch. Just like Lash is,” Mona declares, her voice hitting an ultimate high pitch no person should be able to hear.

The man who is also wearing black like her other accomplice at the hospital. I’m in so much pain I can’t even attempt to pay attention to where I’m being taken. All I know is it’s a large building with cement walls and floors, and it’s freezing cold wherever I’m about to be held. The longer we walk inside the building, the colder and darker the interior gets. I’m already shivering and ready to get out of here as the cold absolutely seeps into my bones. I have no clue where the blankets from the hospital ended up, but I’m almost completely naked as this strange man carries me since Mona is too small or weak to handle me herself. Honestly, I’m glad I’m being carried because I’m sure this bitch would just drag me across the cold, cracked, and bumpy cement floor creating more damage to my body.

It’s not long before I’m dumped unceremoniously onto a lumpy, hard mattress and left alone as Mona and the man talk back and forth about something. For a minute, I can’t catch my breath or do anything at all as I try to come back to myself. When my breathing finally slows down and I’m able to open my eyes without feeling as if I’m ready to get sick. I’m in a cell of some sort with only a mattress, a bucket, a lone chain anchored to the wall, and bars covering the window. There is a wall of bars much like I believe you’d see in a jail or something. It’s literally a cell I’m being kept in right now. All because Mona wants to lie and get back on the good side of Eric. Because she feels as if I took Lash from her when he wants nothing to do with her. Regardless of if I were in the picture or not.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance