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“I’m puttin’ it up for a vote again to kick Mona’s ass the fuck out. She’s not loyal to us and is lyin’ to each and every member of the club. There is no reason for her to be here if she’s in bed with the Risin’ Rebels,” I state. “All in favor of bootin’ her ass say ‘Aye’.”

Looking to my right, I let Talon start the vote. He votes her ass out along with the men sitting to his side. The old timers on the opposite side of the table also vote her out. Everyone says aye until we get to Death at my left. Again. If he says no this time, it won’t matter what the hell I say. She’ll be kept in the club and there’s nothing we can do about it.

“Aye,” he states, his voice is strong as he doesn’t hesitate this time.

“Aye,” I repeat, slamming the gavel on the table in front of me. “Go get outta here. I’m gonna pack her shit and make sure nothin’ is taken she doesn’t deserve to have. I’ll be leavin’ for a bit at some point to go see Hartley. Hopefully I can get them to come back here.”

Everyone leaves the room, and we collect our belongings from Cal as he remains standing outside the door. Once everything is out of the box he’s been standing by, I head straight for the rooms Mona has been staying in. She had the original one she was in and then the one she was locked in when she tried playing the pregnancy card. Now, she’ll have no fucking room here and will get tossed out on her ass like she deserves.

Opening the door, the smell of something rotten fills me instantly. Gagging, I pull my bandana from my back pocket and tie it around my fucking face. Someone is going to have to clean the shit outta this room before anyone else can use it. Grabbing up the nasty as fuck clothing, I toss it all in a garbage bag Cal brought me. Out of the corner of my eye I see Evan standing there watching me.

“Can I help you?” I ask him, not turning around to look at him fully.

“Just, um, just wonderin’ if you need help.”

“Nope. Get gone and do what you’re supposed to be doin’. Tired of this shit,” I say, hoping he realizes I’m talking to him and not the mess I’m in the middle of right now.

Once I make sure her clothes are in the garbage bag and nothing club related is packed up, I slam the door shut and move to the locked room. This room doesn’t smell as bad, but it’s nasty as hell in here too. She’s left the trays of food brought in to her all over the place and it’s old as fuck. Even being in here just a few days, the heat filling the room is enough to speed up the nastiness. It takes me less time to grab the small amount of clothes in here to finish filling the bag. There are already tears filling a few areas of the cheap bag and I couldn’t give a shit if she loses something of hers. My only thought is getting her off the compound, making sure the gates are locked and everyone knows she’s no longer allowed on the property. Then, I’m going to take a damn shower to wash her filth off me. Only then will I go see Hartley.

Making my way to the common room, I take in all the men sitting around waiting for the bitch to show up. She’s on her fucking way out and they want to see the show. There’s going to be a fireworks explosion for sure.

“Once she’s off the compound, there is no comin’ back for her. You all know why. Zeus, need you to do your thing,” I state not giving away any more information.

Zeus will sweep the clubhouse for bugs and make sure there is nothing here feeding back information to the assholes of Rising Rebels. Even Evan won’t know what the hell is being done because Zeus is that good. He’ll have this entire place searched before anyone knows what he’s doing to alert anyone else outside the club.

Taking a seat at the table with Talon and my brothers, I drop the bag to the floor and don’t give a shit about anything in the bag gets broken or anything else. Not after the bitch has betrayed us the way she has. It’s not long before the show begins. Mona stumbles in the front door of the clubhouse, weaving and stumbling as her eyes are half closed. She’s drunk as fuck. For several minutes she doesn’t notice all of us sitting in the room just watching her as she stumbles and weaves, crashing into empty chairs and pushing the tables with her weight.

“Mona, so good of you to join us. Been havin’ a good time?” I question her, standing up as she finally looks around the room.

“I don’t feel good, Lash. I think something is wrong with the baby,” she stutters, trying not to let how drunk she really is show.

“I bet you don’t. Been havin’ a few drinks? You’re not supposed to drink when you’re pregnant,” I state, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I-I-I’m n-n-not d-d-drunk,” she says, leaning heavily against one of the tables as I move closer to her.

“Like fuck you’re not. I can smell it from here. We learned a few things today. One, you’re not really pregnant. Not sure how you managed to get a positive test other than stealin’ someone’s piss. Two, you hang with the Risin’ Rebels and that’s where you just were. Laughin’ about us believin’ you’re pregnant when not a single one of us did. Also know you’re tryin’ to do somethin’ here to get them in the door here in Braedon for some reason. So, here’s the thing. We had another vote. You’re out on your ass,” I tell her as Sabotage and Death step up on either side of me.

Boxer also walks up, holding her bag of shit as she looks at all of us without saying a word. Her face clearly states she has plenty to say though as it turns red, her mouth opens and closes several times, and her eyes narrow in a glare.

“You can’t do this to me. Iampregnant with your baby Lash. What more do you want me to do to prove it to you?” she states, trying to state one final case for me.

“Okay. Let’s go to the doctor. Right now. You can have a blood test done and we’ll wait for the results. Or, we can have an ultrasound done to see how far along you are. You know, since you missed the appointment I already set up for you once. It’s not hard to see you’re lyin’ and tryin’ to benefit. Not to mention, I could have the cops here to arrest your ass. You did steal from me. Several packages have been delivered to the clubhouse in your name. From the time you went to my house, searched my shit, and stole my credit card to order useless shit,” I inform her, not backing down or giving into her demands for the game she’s playing.

“I don’t have to do any of that. And you can’t prove I did anythin’ in your house. Let alone was in there at all,” she says, her voice rising several octaves.

“I can’t? Did you not know there are cameras all over the clubhouse, the compound, and in each of our houses,” I lie to her knowing there are no cameras in our homes.

“N-N-No there’s not. You wouldn’t do that.”

“Yeah, we would,” Talon states. “It’s easy to do when we have skanks like you among us. You’re not loyal and there is no reason for you to be on club property any longer. You’re no longer under the club’s protection and will not be allowed at any chapter of the Knight’s Rebellion. Hope the Risin’ Rebels bitches can take care of you and make sure your nasty, used up pussy is taken care of.”

“Oh, they more than take care of me. They’re better than any of you combined,” she yells out as I step forward after taking her bag from Boxer’s hand. “I’m not leaving here. You can’t make me.”

If I hadn’t been watching her closely, I would have missed the subtle look Mona passed Evan from his spot behind the bar. Keeping my attention on her, I pretend as if I haven’t seen a damn thing. The less they suspect, the better off we’ll all be. We can keep an eye on Evan and see what he does.

Death grabs one of Mona’s arms while I take the other as we walk her backwards from the common room and outside. It’s chilly as fuck tonight and I know she’ll have nowhere to go. It’s going to take a long time before she can get a ride because the cell phone she’s been using belongs to us. Along with any money in her purse. That will be the last thing we grab from her as her small purse dangles from my arm. Walking her down to the gate, Cal opens it up just enough for us to get her through it.

“Lash, you can’t do this. I-I-I was getting information for you. I’m not working with that other club. They want in here in the worst way and I thought I could bring back information to you guys so you can beat them at their own game,” Mona pleads, knowing we’re not going to allow her to stay here.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance