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With one more kiss, Lash disappears through the door and comes to a stop. He’s not going to move until he hears me lock the door and place the chair in front of it. I’ll give him the peace of mind he needs. Hell, it’s the same thing my sister and I need to. Finally, he walks away from our door, and I distantly hear the rumble of his bike as he starts the engine and roars away from the parking lot. Turning around, I climb in bed next to my sister and turn the light off so we can attempt to get some sleep. Sleep which won’t come easy for me as the sounds from the other rooms begin to fill our small room.

FINALLY SEEING HARTLEY for a few minutes the other day was the highlight for me. Standing in the middle of a rundown motel room in nothing more than a small as fuck pair of pajama shorts with a tank top on and nothing else was a sight to see. Her tits bounced when she walked, and I could make out her hard nipples through the thin fabric of her shirt. If I thought I couldn’t get her out of my mind before seeing her in that piece of shit motel room, it’s nothing compared to now. I want to move her back into my home and make her my ol’ lady. The thought’s been hitting me more and more since first seeing her and I’m not sure what the hell to think about it. It’s definitely the last thing I expected to be thinking no matter where I am or who’s around me.

Sitting at the bar, I’m waiting for Cal, one of our prospects to get back. He followed Mona when she left a little while ago. Once he gets back, we’ll be having church to figure out what’s going on with her. Hopefully he can catch her in something that warrants us kicking her out of the club. It’s bad enough she slipped away unnoticed again when we were supposed to go to her doctor’s appointment yesterday. Someone is helping her, and we haven’t been able to find out who it is yet. Even with the added cameras, the person seems to know where they are and avoids them like the plague. Wearing a hoodie when he or she goes down to help her and keeping their face averted from any angle the camera might get a clear shot of them on.

“What’s goin’ on?” Talon asks, coming up to sit next to me at the bar.

“Just waitin’ on Cal to get back. Got my message about church?”

“I did. That’s why I’m here. Also, I want to apologize for the party and shit while you were gone. Some bitch told me she was pregnant with my kid, and I lost my shit. It was Lori, the bitch who has been fuckin’ everyone in a fifty mile radius. She’s not even pregnant. Just wanted me to keep fuckin’ her when I told her it wasn’t gonna happen,” Talon tells me, accepting the beer from Evan and opening it before taking a long pull.

“Fuck! That’s rough. About the same shit I’m dealin’ with now. How fucked is that shit we’ve been told the same fuckin’ thing in a matter of weeks from one another. Seems to be more goin’ on than what we thought. Or, it’s just coincidence. Not sure if I’m a fan of it bein’ a coincidence though,” I tell him, taking my own sip of my beer.

“You seen her?” he asks me, turning his voice low so even Evan can’t hear him.

“No. Trina has spent time with them. I’m not even sure where they are right now. All I know is they’re out of that fuckin’ motel. Was gonna lose my shit when I saw where they were stayin’. Austin’s on them and switches out with Cal. Thankfully Cal was nearby when I needed him though,” I state, looking up to find Evan staring at us with interest as he unashamedly listens in on our conversation. “Let’s take this in my office.”

Disappointment covers Evan’s face as he realizes I know he’s listening in to our conversation and we’re now moving because of it. Apparently, we need to keep a closer eye on him and find out what he’s up to. I’m not going to say the men in the club don’t try to listen in on conversations between two or more men. They gossip worse than women or children. However, Evan seems to be listening to any conversation I have no matter who I’m talking to or what we’re talking about.

Talon and I walk to my office and he shuts the door behind us. Taking my seat behind my desk, I take another sip of my beer before setting the bottle in front of me.

“What’s wrong?” Talon asks, sitting back in his chair opposite of me.

“You notice anythin’ goin’ on with Evan?”

“Not really. Haven’t been payin’ much attention to him though.”

“He’s always around. Always listenin’ in on conversations and tryin’ to find out information of some sort. It’s been happenin’ the last few weeks when I think back on things,” I tell him, trying to think of anything else I noticed off with him.

“I just thought he was doin’ his job. Cleanin’ up shit and bein’ there when we need him to go with us. I’ll start payin’ better attention,” he informs me as there’s a knock on my door.

“Come in,” I call out, hoping it’s Cal so we can get to church.

I sent out a message earlier to make sure the guys know we’ll be having church at some point today. All we’re waiting on is the prospect to give us something so we can get Mona the fuck outta here. Then, I plan on going to the diner so I can get some work done there. Cal sticks his head in, and his face is already set in grim determination.

“Did you find out anythin’?” I ask him as soon as he shuts the door to anyone other than the three of us currently sitting in the office.

“Found a lot of shit out,” he tells us, not bothering to move further in my office as Talon turns in his seat to look at Cal. “She’s hangin’ with another club. From what I could tell it’s the Risin’ Rebels. They were all in the bar, drinkin’, talkin’ shit, and I believe I even found that asshole Eric everyone’s been lookin’ for. One of the guys stuck to the shadows and kept his head down. A hat was coverin’ his face, but I’m pretty sure it was him. Mona was all over his ass. Pretty sure she fucked him in the open as he buried his face in her tits.”

“Fuck,” I mutter out, sitting up in my chair and resting my hands on my desk in front of me.

“That’s not all,” Cal says, looking between the two of us. “Mona was braggin’ about fuckin’ with you and gettin’ you to kick that bitch Hartley and her ‘whore’ sister out of here because you’re all a bunch of pussies and believe she’s actually pregnant. She’s not pregnant and was tossin’ shots back like they were water. From what I can tell, Mona is workin’ with the club to get their hands on somethin’ here. I’m not sure if it’s just Hartley and her sister or if it has more to do with the club. They’re workin’ together though.”

“Did they mention anyone else?” I ask on the off chance someone else is helping them in regard to the club.

Maybe someone like a young prospect named Evan.

“You did good kid,” Talon praises him, a smile forming on his face.

Pulling out my phone, I send out a mass text to the guys letting them know it’s time for church. We’ll make sure Mona gets kicked the fuck outta here tonight. I’m done with her shit, and she’s played her last game with me and the rest of the guys here. Standing up, I grab my beer and head for church.

Talon and Cal follow me out of the office and straight for church. Cal stops just outside the door and begins collecting phones and weapons from the men already here as we all start to file in through the doors. I press my hand against the scarred wooden doors as I pass them by before heading directly to my seat at the head of the table. Pulling out my cigarettes before sitting down, I light one up and take a long drag. It’s not long before every member is in their seat and the doors are closed and I slam the gavel on the table in front of me as I take a deep drag of my smoke.

“Cal followed Mona to the bar and got some good information while he was there,” I begin as the men sit up straighter in their chairs. “He’s pretty sure Eric was there and is a part of the club Mona’s hangin’ out with. Risin’ Rebels. She was downin’ shots and makin’ a spectacle about foolin’ us pussies into believin’ she’s pregnant. Part of her plan was to make sure Hartley and Jaelyn were kicked outta here. That’s what she accomplished though I’ll be bringin’ them back. They need to be here for safety reasons. The other thing Cal had to say is Mona was ridin’ Eric’s cock in the middle of the bar even if it was in the shadows, she was still ridin’ his cock.”

There are a ton of angry outbursts in the room. Each of these men love Hartley and Jae. Hartley mainly because they love her cooking and how she stepped up, regardless of her reasoning, to make breakfast for everyone and didn’t once bitch. She wanted to clean up after herself and make sure everyone had something to eat. Even if it was just a simple breakfast. She didn’t cause a damn problem but also knew how to stick up for herself when Mona was being a raging bitch. There is no way in hell she’s going to go anywhere if I have any say in the matter.

Taking a few minutes, I stab out my cigarette in the ashtray in front of me and let the information I just informed these guys of sink in. This time we’re putting it to a vote, and I hope to hell Mona gets voted the fuck out. I’ll pack up her shit and make sure she knows she’s no longer welcome here.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance