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“That skank Mona somehow got out of the room here and showed up at your house. Demanded Jae and Hart leave the fucking place since she’s carrying your baby and you want nothing to do with either one of them. That’s why you sent her to kick them out so you can go spend all your time there with your ol’ lady. Then, the bitch smacked Hartley hard enough to draw blood and leave a nasty mark on her face,” Trina growls out, her face reddening in anger the more she talks. “Hartley made sure they have all their stuff and they’re now walking here to get one of their cars so they can leave. She didn’t even lay a hand on Mona or do anything other than request to talk to you and say you’re not with her. The bitch is gonna end up getting my fucking hands if she’s not careful.”

“What the fuck?” I roar out as Talon and Sabotage pull into the parking lot of the clubhouse. “I’m gonna go set that bitch straight. Let Hartley know I’ll figure out where they’re stayin’ and come talk to her as soon as I can. For now, I have to go make sure Mona knows her fuckin’ place around here. Again.”

With a growl, I head straight for my bike and start the engine before tearing through the parking lot to the dirt roads leading back to our houses. I’m paying attention so I don’t hit Hartley or her sister, but I don’t see them on my ride to my house. Mona has overstepped for the last fucking time and I’m going to see about moving up her appointment so I can be done with her once and for all. There is no way I’m going to let some bitch dictate to me and tell me how shit is going to be. Especially one who I can’t fucking stand to even be in the same room as.

When I pull up to my house, the porch light is off, but every other damn light inside appears to be shining bright. It’s almost enough to light up my yard directly in front of the porch. There’s some horrible shit blaring from my sound system so loud it’s vibrating the windows of my house and I can hear the jumbled words through the closed door. Shutting my bike off where I park it just in front of the porch, I make sure the kickstand is down and it’s not going to fall before racing up the steps and going inside. The bitch doesn’t even have the door locked. Apparently, she has no concern for her safety as I find her immediately upon entering the house thanks to the open floor plan. She’s sitting at the island in my kitchen with my laptop in front of her. She’s so engrossed in what she’s doing, she has no clue I’m in the house with her.

“The fuck you think you’re doin’?” I yell causing her to jump slightly as she slowly turns her head to look at me with an evil smile on her face.

“I’m ordering baby things. The bedroom right next to ours will be perfect for a nursery. Though we’ll have to cover the floor with carpeting, so the baby doesn’t get hurt if he or she falls or something. Have you seen all the shit babies need? It’s going to cost a lot of money,” she states as if we’re an actual couple.

“Why are you inmyhouse after kickin’ out Hartley and Jaelyn?” I growl out stopping just on the other side of the island and looking down.

This bitch has my fucking credit card. The one I keep in a safe in my bedroom and is for emergencies or whatever the hell else I want it for. She’s been through my office since that’s where my laptop was and my bedroom. How she managed to crack the code of my safe is a mystery to me when it’s not a number I’ve ever talked about before. Snapping up my card, Mona finally looks up at me with a glare on her face.

“The bitch had to go. I told you you’re going to make me you’re ol’ lady and we’ll be living together whether you want to or not. If you don’t do what the fuck I say and want, I’ll kill this fucking kid and disappear without a trace,” she threatens me. “Give me back the card so I can finish shopping. You know, it’s really a shame she had to go. The slut can cook. I’ll give her that.”

“Why the fuck did you hit her?” I ignore everything else she’s said.

“The bitch wasn’t going to leave without talking to you first. Lash, this game is going to end. Now. I’m pregnant with your baby and you’ll do what I say or I’ve already told you what will happen. Why can’t you get that through your head?”

“Why can’t you understand you’re nothin’ to me? You’re not goin’ to be my ol’ lady and you willnotbe stayin’ in my house. This is not goin’ to be done the way you want it. Here’s how it’s goin’ to play out. You want to buy shit for the baby? I suggest you go out and get a job. If, and that’s a big if, the baby is mine, I’ll make sure he or she has everythin’ they need here in my home. I’ll cover your medical bills and make sure you have food to eat. That’s all your gettin’ from me. When I find out this baby isn’t mine, you’ll be out on your ass unless it belongs to one of the other guys. Then, they can decide what to do with your ass. I’m havin’ you taken back to the clubhouse where you’ll stay in the room you were put in and that’s the final thing I’m goin’ to say,” I tell her, thinking about the situation for a minute before adding on. “When the baby is born, if it’s mine, you’ll sign away your rights and leave Braedon for good. If not, I’ll make sure the doctor you go see in two days will know about your threats. Whatever happens from there is up to her. Includin’ if she wants to lock your ass up. Is that understood?”

“No, it’s not. I’m not going anywhere, Lash. This is where I’ll be. You’ll be here every single night with me. You will not see that whore again. If you do, I’ll leave here and do what I have to do. Isthatunderstood?”

Pulling out my phone, I call Sabotage. I’m going to have him come get this bitch because I’m done with her. She’s tainted my house more than enough and I’m tempted to tear it down and start all over again because of the filth coming off her. Mona listens as I tell my brother to come get her as I pace the kitchen. My heart is beating out of my chest and I’m sweating with the aggression and rage filling me. This is not how I fucking planned on spending my night at all.

Snatching up my laptop, I don’t close it yet as I make my way to my bedroom. Walking straight to my closet, I grab a duffle bag and set everything down on the floor before opening my safe that’s hidden in the wall behind my clothes. You really have to look in order to find it. pulling out all my money, the other cards I have stashed in here, and other documents, I place it all in the duffle bag at my feet. It’s pretty fucking sad I can’t keep my shit in my own home because this bitch is some kind of fucked up.

Placing a call to Zeus, I have him heading here to install an upgraded security system so she can’t come the fuck back in here. My thoughts then turn to Hartley and wondering what the hell I can do to fix this clusterfuck of a situation I currently find myself in. When the hell did my life get so damn complicated?

JAELYN AND I found our cars parked in front of the garage where Lash took me when we rode the four-wheeler around the property. Even the keys were inside under the visor as we loaded our bags in the backseats and left the compound. I wasn’t about to go inside and relive what just happened to all the guys in there. It’s bad enough Mammoth was with Trina when she picked us up halfway between Lash’s house and the clubhouse. Other than looking us over to make sure we were okay; he didn’t say a word to either one of us. Trina introduced us all and all we got in response was a nod of his head. He’s the quietest man I’ve ever met in my life. However, it’s not hard to see why Trina fell for him. He looks at her with nothing but love in his eyes and I know he’d never cheat on her or hurt her in anyway. It’s what I’ve always dreamed of finding for myself, but I have yet to get remotely close to having what they have.

“Where are you guys gonna go?” Trina asks after we have everything loaded and give her a hug so we can get out of here.

“I’m not sure yet. We’ll figure it out and let you know. I don’t want anyone else to know where we are though. There’s nothing here for either one of us and I’ll be damned if they come searching for us out of pity or some misplaced hero complex. They’ve helped us more than enough and it’s time for the two of us to figure out where to go from here,” I tell her, knowing I want Lash with me but it’s so one sided it’s not funny.

“Okay honey. I promise I won’t tell anyone,” Trina assures us as she hugs my sister when I step back. “And they have been helping you because they want to. Not because they feel they have to. These men don’t do a damn thing they don’t wanna do. I can assure you of that.”

With a nod of my head, I climb in my car as Jae slides in the driver’s door of hers. Her car is slightly newer than mine even if both have seen better days. Honestly, we should probably both get new ones, but it would require touching the money we have put away. When we found out about the inheritance from our dad, Jae and I promised one another we’d not touch the money because it’s the last piece of our dad we have. This money is the last tie to him and using it makes his death a reality. Accepting the loss of a loved one and using something from their death are two very different things. It was one thing to remain living in the house we shared for our entire lives because we could pretend he was at work or out to the store and he’d return home soon. Now, we don’t even have that.

When our mom was killed in a car accident, our dad was with us to help us grieve and accept her death. He held our hand and gave us his shoulder when we needed to cry out our pain. She went off in a rage after picking a fight with our dad and didn’t come home. Apparently, a tractor trailer or dump truck pulled out in front of her in the dead of night on a day it had been snowing on and off all day long. That’s when our dad started to change and made sure my sister and I wouldn’t be left with nothing if anything ever happened to him. they weren’t prepared for either one of them to die when we were little, and my mom passed away. He righted that wrong in the event he didn’t make it.

Honestly, I barely remember my mom. What I do remember is she wasn’t like the rest of the mom’s when we went to school. There was no dropping me off at school while Jaelyn stayed at home with her. Or went to daycare while my mom and dad went to work. When she was home, we were at school, daycare, or with our dad. My mother barely spent any time with us and made sure to tell our dad how sick of kids she was and if she could leave with more than her clothes, she’d do it in a heartbeat. Apparently, she wanted his money, and he made her sign a prenup before getting married when she became pregnant with me. If she left or cheated, she got absolutely nothing. If he passed away before her, she would get a chunk of money and that’s about it. When his will was read, another family member was going to take custody of us because my mother wasn’t fit to raise us.

Clearing my thoughts from our deceased parents, I pull out of the compound after one of the guys opens the gate. Jae follows me through, and we head into town. I still have no clue where we’re going to stay for at least tonight. It’s late and we are both in need of a shower and bed before any decisions are made. With no other option, I pull into the only motel on the outskirts of town. It’s really the only place for us to go and I hate it. They’re rooms that charge by the hour and are a haven for the addicts and prostitutes since they aren’t technically inside Braedon. We’re both too tired to drive longer than we have already.

I pull up and grab my purse before letting Jaelyn know I’ll be right back with a room for us for the night. She locks her doors and sinks down in her seat before looking around so no one can sneak up on her. I’d be doing the same thing and I feel like shit for making her stay in a place like this. Walking through the cracked glass door, an older, disgusting man stands behind the counter. His clothing looks about two sizes too small as his hairy stomach shows where his shirt has ridden up his body. The smell emitting from him makes my eyes water as he smiles a nasty smile at me. This man’s hair is greasy and hanging down to the nape of his neck in oily strands. Shivers run through my body as he leers at me, and I know where his mind is; it’s nowhere good.

“Can I help you?”

“I need a room for the night.”

“For the entire night?” he questions me, his gaze running from my head to what he can see of my body over the top of the counter.

“Yes, the entire night. Do you have anything available or not?” my sass is coming out with everything I’ve already been through in the last hour and I couldn’t care less.

“Cash or charge?”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance