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Talon, my best friend and vice president, sits up from the couch and rubs the sleep from his half-closed eyes. When he sees me, he looks at the clubhouse and I can tell he’s pissed at himself for it’s current state.

“Enjoy your time here without me?” I ask him, walking further into the pit that used to be the common room.

“We had a party last night. Things got a little out of control,” he answers me, standing up and pulling his jeans up around his hips. “What happened on your end?”

“I can fuckin’ see you had a party!” I yell out, making Talon wince with a hangover and the rest of the people jump up to scatter from the room. “I’m bustin’ my ass tryin’ to get us further away from things and the rest of you assholes are fuckin’ partyin’ without a care in the damn world. Talon, you’re supposed to be in fuckin’ charge when I’m gone and you’re more concerned with gettin’ your fuckin’ cock wet.”

I don’t let Talon say a word in response. We grew up in the club and have navigated our paths in life, sex, and the club together. This is the first time in our lives, and since taking over the club from our fathers that I’ve ever been disappointed and pissed off at him. It’s not a feeling I ever want to have again.

Instead of heading to my office, I make my way up to my room. The only thing I want to do right now is take a shower to get the grime of the road off my body and then fall into bed. Later I can figure out what the hell to do. Sleep is the only thing on my mind right now.

My entire body feels as if it’s being weighed down with a million bricks on top of everything I have to take care of regarding the club. At this point, I don’t see a way to rid myself of the weight. Instead it just seems to get heavier. After sleeping, I need to find a piece of strange so I can find my release. It’s been way too long since I’ve been with a woman and I’m feeling it now. Business has been my entire focus and I haven’t made time for anything other than work.

Walking into my room, I strip out of my soiled clothes and leave them where they fall in a path to the bathroom. The only thing I put up is my cut; never let that hit the floor. The second I’m naked, I turn the shower on and turn to look in the mirror over my sink. I look haggard and as worn out as I feel. My beard is in dire need of a trim too. Shaking my head, I climb into the shower and let the hot water soothe my aching muscles. I feel as if I’m older than my twenty-seven years after being on the road for two days.

Once my muscles are relaxed, I quickly wash my hair and body. I never take my time in the shower because there’s always something else that needs my attention. Something always calls my attention away from taking any time for myself. The second I’m done, I hop out and grab a towel to dry off. Tossing the towel in the hamper, I make my way to my bed.

I don’t bother putting on clothes because I don’t wear anything when I go to bed anyway. Flopping down on my bed, my eyes shut and I’m almost instantly asleep.

Waking up, I stretch and let my body slowly pop and crack as my eyes slowly slide open. Instead of worrying about picking up my previously discarded clothes littering the floor, I get up and dress in fresh ones. Tonight I’ll be going to Jaded Outlaw, our strip club. It’s my place away from the clubhouse when I don’t want to deal with the rebels. They get old real fast because the only thing on their mind is becoming an ol’ lady. Even if I wanted one, it wouldn’t be with a woman who’s fucked every other member of the club.

As soon as I’m dressed in my standard attired of jeans and a tee-shirt, I grab my cut and slide it over my shoulders. My rings and chain are already on; they never come off. Bending down, I grab my filthy jeans from the floor to dig everything out of the pockets. I have my wallet, spare change, a pack of cigarettes, and my lighter. In the other pocket, I find my keys. Now, I can get the fuck outta here and find my piece of strange for the night. On my way out the door of my room, I snag my black hat off the dresser and pull it down low over my eyes.

I’m in desperate need of finding someone to lose myself in for a few hours. Then maybe I can relax enough to get the work done I’ve been neglecting for far too long. The next few days are going to be dedicated to nothing but catching up on paperwork and checking on all the businesses we have. I need to make sure they’re on track and nothing has been going on we don’t already know about.

Mona is the first person I see when I walk down into the common room. I inwardly groan as she jumps up and practically runs to me on her stripper heels. I’m surprised she doesn’t topple over and end up flat on her ass she’s moving so fast to stop me from getting out the door.

“Where are we going baby?” she asks, running her hand down my chest and trying to wrap her arms around me.

“Get the fuck off me,” I growl out through clenched teeth.

“Lash, you really need to stop this game you’ve been playing,” she says, pissing me off.

“Look, you know your place here, Mona. You’re here for the entertainment of the brothers to cook, and clean. I’ve already given you plenty of chances and now I’m tellin’ you to back the fuck off. You’re not my ol’ lady and youneverwill be,’ I tell her, grabbing her hand from my chest. “I don’t want an ol’ lady and I sure as fuck wouldn’t take one who’s been with everyone in the club. One more time and you’re done here.”

“You won’t kick me out,’ she informs me, as if she has some sort of claim on the club or me.

“The fuck I won’t. But, I’ll do it properly and follow the bylaws regardin’ rebels. Next time I have to talk to you, you’re on probation and won’t be allowed to fuck anyone.”

Without another word, I finally make my way outside and pause to take a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air. It’s autumn and pretty soon we won’t be able to ride our bikes. For now, I’ll get out every chance I can to enjoy the freedom and feel the air rushing by me. There are some guys, mainly the old timers, who ride as long as there isn’t snow on the ground. They don’t give a fuck how cold it is or what the weather is as long as ice and snow aren’t on the roadways, they’re on their bikes bundled up as much as they have to.

All of our bikes are parked in a line against the front of the clubhouse where they usually are while it’s nice enough out for them. I walk toward my bike and see Talon, Sabotage, Zeus, and Death waiting at their own bikes. They’re talking about something and immediately shut up when I approach. As I climb on my bike, they all straddle theirs.

My bike is the only woman I’ll ever have in my life. Without questioning where I’m going, these men will follow me knowing I’m either going to head to Jaded Outlaw or Rowdy Shot, our bar. Tonight is one of the nights for fucking someone who understands they won’t get another shot in my bed. If they do, it won’t be because I want them as my ol’ lady.

I don’t want to have to work for my piece of strange tonight. Or try to explain to anyone I’m a one and done type of guy. Hell, even the rebels don’t get more than a time or two in my bed. For the most part. I fucked up with Mona and will no longer be making it again. For a while I would only go to her and that’s why she feels there’s something more between us than what it really is; nothing.

It takes us ten minutes to get to Jaded Outlaw. I’m pleased to see the parking lot is filled to capacity as it usually is on a Friday night. We ride out back and line our bikes up against the back of the club. They’re our reserved parking spots and we don’t have to fight to find a spot up front or have someone chance hitting our bikes out there. Plus, it lets us go in the back door and not wait in any lines there might be at the front door. Easier for all of us.

Shutting our bikes off, I relish the deafening silence filling the air for a minute. At least until there’s a feminine scream piercing the air. I’m instantly off my bike and rounding the side of the building to find out what’s goin on in my parking lot.

The side of the building is shrouded in darkness. We don’t want to encourage anyone to loiter out here, so we keep it dark. This way none of the customers can stay and wait for their favorite dancer to leave the club each night. At least that’s our hope even though it gives them a dark place to hide out. Our bouncers tend to take their breaks out here to further discourage anyone standing around.

Our front and back parking lots are lit up brightly with the number of lights we have in the lot. It’s because of these lights shining bright that I can make out a man holding a woman against the side of the building by her throat. My vision instantly fills with a red haze as I narrow my gaze and sprint over to the couple.

“You stupid bitch!” the man yells. “Do you really think I would give you any money? You owe me for putting up with your shit for so long.”

The woman whimpers and tries to make her body as small as possible against the stucco wall behind her. Before I can get to them, the man punches her in the stomach before landing two more hits in rapid succession in her face. I yank the man back by his collar, tearing his grip from the woman’s throat, while she collapses to the ground in an instant. She curls up in a fetal position and I can just barely make out the whimpers escaping her.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance