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“Bitch, you got a problem hearing? He doesn’t want to see your pathetic, clingy ass. Get. The. Fuck. Outta. Here,” she grinds out, walking closer to where I’m sitting on the couch.

As I go to stand up, she steps up, so our bodies are touching and the smell of the perfume she’s doused herself in makes me gag. Mona simply laughs a maniacal laugh making her sound more deranged than she already does. It’s one thing for her to talk shit to me at the clubhouse but this isn’t her house and Trina already told us no one has ever been inside with the exception of herself and his mom. Something tells me Mona is lying but I really have no way to prove her wrong since I can’t call Lash to ask him.

When I go to say something else, Mona raises her hand and smacks me right across the face. It’s harder than I anticipated as she swung at me as if in slow motion. My head flies to the left as pain explodes in my cheek and nose. Blood fills my mouth from me biting my tongue or the inside of my cheek. Anger also fills me like nothing I’ve ever felt before. This bitch has no right to put her hands on me for any reason. It’s not as if I can hit her back if she is pregnant. I’ve never been in a fight in my life and the first one isn’t going to be with someone who is carrying a new life inside her.

“Get. Out,” she shrieks so loud I’m surprised the windows and everything glass in the house doesn’t shatter from the sheer volume.

Jaelyn and I drop the blankets where they land and make our way to the bedrooms we’ve been staying in. I double check the bathroom to make sure we haven’t left anything in there we’ll need. Meeting my sister in the hallway, she offers me a sad smile as I make my way to the kitchen to grab my phone, the notebook and pen I’ve been using, and my charger. With everything picked up and hastily stuffed in the duffle bag, we leave the house not sure of where we’ll go from here.

“And I better not see your fat ass around my man again!” Mona yells out after us before slamming the door closed and shutting off the porch light.

“Well, I guess I was told,” I comment drily.

“Where are we going to go now?” Jae asks, her voice shaking since we’re both only wearing a pair of pajama shorts and tank top.

The still night air is chilly, and we need to add more clothes or get in one of our cars immediately before we catch a cold. Neither one of us can afford to get sick. We quicken our steps as we head in the general direction of the clubhouse. Hopefully we’ll be able to find our cars, or just one of them, and the keys will be inside so we can just leave here. It’s not as if anyone will miss us. I’ll let Trina know we’re gone once we know where we’ll be staying. Then, I can begin to worry about everything else we need to get handled.

HARTLEY AND JAELYN have been in my house for two weeks now. I’m trying to keep my distance with the shit going on with Mona. I need to figure out what her game is and make decisions about what to do about her before I’ll go near the woman who fills my mind and dreams. My Pixie consumes me and there’s no way I can get her out of my head after having a small taste of her. That small taste has only caused me to want her more than I have ever wanted another woman in my entire life. This is not good. Not for either one of us. I keep trying to push thoughts of her away to no avail. Even the guys have noticed how distracted I am the last few days. It’s been hard as fuck not to go to my house to see her and spend time with her. To get another taste of her.

My mom stopped by the clubhouse yesterday when Mona happened to be out of the room she’s been staying in. Mona pissed her the fuck off within the first seconds of her being in the common room. She ran straight up to my mom and proceeded to hug her and gush about giving her a grandbaby. If the glare my mom leveled on me could have killed me, I’d be six feet under right now. It still took her longer than I even thought to get away from the bitch as Boxer escorted her back to her room before heading for my office where I proceeded to tell my mom what’s been going on with Mona and Hartley.

Even though she’s pissed as hell about the Mona situation, she’s happy and wants to meet Hartley and her sister soon. According to my mom, I’ve found my soulmate and I need to take care of her and make sure she knows she’s more than a quick fuck for me. Her words, not mine. My mom loves all her boys and wants to see us settled and happy. She doesn’t understand I have no desire to have an ol’ lady or kids. To her, it’s just words I’m saying because I haven’t found the right woman for me. I’m not about to argue with her just like my brother’s don’t say a word when she gets on her rants about being a grandma and us finding our woman. We let her have her say and continue to live our lives the way we want to much to her chagrin.

I’ve also had church to let everyone know what’s going on with Mona and how she’s not to be left unguarded at any time. Her doctor’s appointment is in another day and then we’ll be able to find out how far along she is and how soon before I can have the test done to see if I’m the father of her supposed child or not. I still don’t believe her a hundred percent. Especially after Doc told us she made her turn her back on her when she peed on the test. Doc didn’t actually witness anything which means Mona can still be lying through her teeth in order to further her agenda.

The only thing we’ve actually managed to accomplish is setting up extra cameras throughout the entire clubhouse. We had the prospects run out to our various businesses while the rebels went shopping for themselves. If it meant getting us what we wanted, I had no problem handing over money to them so they could splurge on clothes, a trip to the salon, or whatever the hell else they did for a few hours. Zeus, Shank, and Sabotage wired up the entire clubhouse and I have the direct feed to the computer in my office. We can all also access it from our phone. Well, the officers can. I’m not comfortable letting the full patches have it until we know Mona’s working alone. It really sucks to know there might be someone helping her with whatever plans she has in place. Especially someone we’ve all trusted to have our back and watch over theirs at the same time. Loyalty is important for this club, and I expect it at all times no matter what’s going on.

Today, I’m taking some time to unwind and let go of all the shit filling my head. With the exception of Hartley. At least I’m not in bed where there’s nothing to keep her pushed to the back of my mind. Right now, I’m sitting at the bar with Trina and Mammoth while a few of the guys are at work or out searching for Eric. I haven’t even been to the diner to make sure everything is running smoothly as normal. I’ll have to get there in the next few days to complete the next schedule and make sure nothing is happening I need to know about. If there were an emergency, Kari or Austin would get a hold of me as soon as possible. They’re my main employees and know I’m not going to be there every single day.

“Have you talked to Hartley?” I ask Trina as Evan hands me over a beer after racing back around it from somewhere.

He’s been quieter the last few days and hasn’t been here as much as usual. At least not here doing anything. It’s his week to stay here and he’s been locked in his room more than anything else. Sabotage has been keeping an eye on him since he’s Evan’s sponsor. He brought him into the club and it’s up to him to keep him on track to patch in and answer any questions the kid might have. Not once has he ever asked my brother anything. It’s weird as hell, but there’s nothing we can do since he’s not breaking any bylaws and he does what we ask of him.

“Not her,” Trina answers me, setting her bottled water down on the bar in front of her.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve talked to Jae a few times since I have her number and not Hartley’s. Hart is upset, frustrated, and she’s looking for places to move. Nothing seems to be going their way though. Jae told me Hartley is thinking of moving closer to the college her sister attends and starting over without being here any longer. She’s ready to move on and I can’t say I blame her.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I question her, turning to look her straight on as Mammoth wraps an arm around her and pulls her to his massive body.

“It means, you sent them out to get new things and then had me take them to your house. Which is a big deal, and we all know it. Now, they’ve been there for days, and you haven’t made any attempt to go see her much less talk to her since she’s been at your place. Do you think that’s not playing games with her head? We all know you want her. More than as another notch on your bedpost. Now, she’s ready to cut ties and do what she feels is best for Jae and herself,” Trina tells me, not raising her voice so anyone else can hear.

Anyone other than Evan that is who appears to be listening with his full attention as I look at him through the mirror on the back wall. With a quick move, he moves further away from us and continues drying the clean glasses before everyone gets back here tonight.

“What am I supposed to do? You know what’s goin’ on and how much I want Hartley and her sister to remain untouched by the shit. If I go there, it’s just goin’ to give that skank more ammunition to use against me. I have to play this shit right until we know for sure she’s pregnant and carryin’ my kid,” I tell her, taking a long pull from my beer.

“You’re supposed to be there for her and let her know what’s going on. Let her know she can continue to count on you. Hartley wants to learn about the club and you. She was asking questions when we went shopping. I told her what I could without giving anything away. The rest is up to you,” she answers as she slides her ringing phone from her pocket. “Hey girl! What’s going on?”

Trina goes quiet as she lifts her head, loses the smile covering her face only seconds ago, and glares at me. I can’t hear what’s being said, but it’s not long before Trina’s off her seat and running from the common room to leave the clubhouse. Mammoth and I follow her so we know what the hell is going on. This isn’t normal behavior for her, and I know it has something to do with the women staying in my house.

When we get outside the clubhouse, Trina is climbing in her SUV with the phone still being held against her ear. Her glare is even worse, and I know I’m about to lose my shit just based on the look she’s got on her face.

“What the hell do you mean you’re not at the house?” Trina asks, not bothering to shut her door just yet. “Where are you?”

She goes back to listening as we step up right next to her. I can barely make out the words coming from the other line of the phone. Certainly not enough to know what’s being said from either Jaelyn or Hartley. It’s a few more minutes before Trina gets off the phone without saying too much more. The entire time, she doesn’t take her eyes off me.

“What’s goin’ on?” I question her as my heart races and my gut tightens.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance