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“One of the rebels is claimin’ to be pregnant. Says it’s my kid,” I tell her with absolutely no emotion filling my voice as she looks at me.

“Oh shit,” she mutters. “Okay. I’ll give her a pregnancy test and see what happens. Do you have any questions for me before I go see her?”

“Yeah. If she does end up bein’ pregnant, how soon can we have a paternity test done? I’m not gonna play this damn game of hers and I want to know as soon as possible. This bitch is up to somethin’ and we can’t figure it out yet.”

“We can know as soon as she’s nine weeks pregnant. We’ll get a blood sample from her at that time and it’s just a cheek swab for you,” Doc answers me with a soft voice.

“Okay. I’ll also need a recommendation for a baby doctor. She’s already sayin’ she’s goin’ to have an abortion if I don’t give her what she wants. Or she’ll leave and I won’t know if she keeps the baby or not,” I tell her, still no emotion filling me.

“What a bitch,” she says, her voice filled with anger as Boxer and I stand up to follow her out of the office.

Sabotage meets us at the end of the hallway, and we lead her to the room where Mona is. My brother pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the door without Doc saying a word. She’s not going to after what I just told her. Besides, she knows we don’t ever harm a woman. Not personally anyway. There are ways we can get around it if things come down to it and we need to handle a situation involving a woman.

“What’s going on?” Mona asks, practically jumping off the bed she was laying on as a smile breaks out on her face.

She’s wearing a bikini top and a pair of shorts so short nothing is left to the imagination. It’s honestly disgusting. If I were to ever claim an ol’ lady, it wouldn’t be with someone who likes to show her body off to the entire world. My woman’s body is for my viewing only. I mean, wearing shorts, skirts, and tank tops or even sundresses is one thing. To see her showing off more skin than she’s covering is not something I’m interested in.

“Doc’s gonna give you a pregnancy test,” I inform her, my voice harsh and uncaring.

“I already showed you the one I took,” Mona says, stomping her foot like a petulant child.

“Don’t give a fuck. You’re gonna take the test and as soon as we’re able to, you’re gonna have blood drawn for a paternity test. You don’t agree to any of these stipulations, then you might as well get the fuck out right now,” I tell her, stepping back from the door as she takes a few steps closer to me.

“Fine. I’ll take your fucking test and when you see I’m pregnant with your baby, you’ll give me what the fuck I want, or I’ll kill this kid. Regardless of what you think,” she says, not giving a shit she’s saying this in front of a doctor.

“I’ll make note of her threat,” Doc says, walking in the room and leading Mona to the bathroom in the room she’ll be staying in.

My brothers and I remain out in the hallway because none of us want to be anywhere near her. However, I need to know if Mona is pregnant and if there’s a chance the baby is mine. I certainly don’t remember having sex with her. Or allowing myself to get drunk enough to fuck her. When I drink, it’s in moderation. Too much can happen, and I need to be ready at all times. Other than on the rare occasion, there is no way we get drunk enough to not know what we’re doing.

“Should one of us tell Talon? He’s been fuckin’ her,” Sabotage asks.

“Yeah, should probably let him know once we get the results. I’m not sure what the hell is goin’ on, but I can’t help but believe this is part of her master plan,” I respond, my voice still devoid of emotion.

Rage fills me right now and if I let it out, I’m going to explode. I don’t want to take a chance Hartley or her sister will enter the clubhouse to find me going off about this shit. Especially since I don’t know if I plan on telling her anything. Hartley and I aren’t together. She’s a woman I want to know and fuck again but that’s it. The last thing I want is for her to feel some type of way considering I just told her I’m clean and never fuck around without using a condom. Now I’ll also have to make a trip to the clinic so I can get checked again.

Doc walks back out and the smile is definitely gone from her face. She holds up a positive pregnancy test and my heart drops. Mona is standing behind her with a smirk on her face as if she’s getting one over on me. This isn’t going to happen the way she thinks it will. I’m not moving her into my home, not making her my ol’ lady, and I won’t be doing anything other than taking her to doctor’s appointments with other men so she can’t claim shit happened when it didn’t.

“I’ll send you the name of a doctor as soon as I get back to the hospital. I’m going to talk to a friend of mine and see if she can get her in within the next few days. I’ll also let her know an ultrasound needs to be done in order to determine how far along she is,” Doc says as she tosses the test in a garbage can and Mona’s smirk disappears.

“We don’t need to do all that,” Mona bitches. “I’ll take care of finding my own doctor and making sure you know when the appointments are.”

“Not happenin’. I said it’s done my way or you’re out on your ass right now. Thanks Doc. I’ll have Shank get you the money. Sab, lock her back in here and make sure the window doesn’t open either. Just in case, I want a prospect on the outside and a member.”

With one last look at Mona, her face is pale, and she knows I’m not going to back the fuck down on this. I’m the president of this club and what I say will be followed. Boxer and I leave my brother to deal with this bitch while I head straight for the bar. A shot of Jack is definitely needed right now. After that, I’m going to head to my room and figure out what the hell I need to do now. Other than waiting on the information from Doc so we can get this shit sorted out once and for all.

JAELYN AND I have been at Lash’s house for two weeks now. It’s been just the two of us without another person coming to see us or talk to us. While I love hanging out with my sister, I feel as if we’re being punished for some reason and I’m not sure why. Other than having sex with Lash is really what I’m being punished for. My poor sister is just along for the ride. I hate putting her through this and I wish we could get the fuck outta here, but I don’t even have my car from the strip club to my knowledge and Jae’s car isn’t even here. Not at Lash’s house. It’s somewhere at the clubhouse. We honestly have no way to get out of here. I don’t want to bother Trina either. She’s been checking in with Jae each day. I don’t even have her number or anyone else’s.

Lash’s house is stunning. It’s almost a log cabin style home with a wide front porch. The inside is all wood with no carpeting or decorations adorning the walls. It’s as if it’s a new home with some furniture already inside and food in the kitchen. His house has an open floor plan in the front of the house with a hall on the right side holding four bedrooms, a bathroom, and a laundry room. On the opposite side of the house is a game room, office, and another bathroom. Instead of having a garage, he’s got a car port where one truck sits. A very large truck. I want this house more than I ever dreamed possible. It’s completely modern and different from the house my sister and I grew up in. Lash’s home is cold and almost uninviting where our home was warm and filled with love.

I have found my favorite place is his bathroom. It’s large with a shower big enough to hold eight people at least, a soaker tub I can almost swim in, and his and her sinks. This room is not done in wood. It’s entirely black with the exception of the shower. There is stone tiling on the shower walls in various shades of gray and light brown. The floor matches the walls and there are a few shelves in the holes of the wall for body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and anything else you’d need to use. His shower has multiple heads to rain water down on you and a panel to control the temperature and pressure. The tub has jets and I’ve used it to soak in the hottest water I could stand. It was relaxing and recharging if I’m being honest. My tension melted away as soon as the jets started hitting my body.

Today I’ve been making all the necessary calls to everyone. The only one I haven’t called yet is the fire chief. Lash still has his card and I need to look his number up before I can call. So far, the calls I’ve made aren’t going the way I thought they would be. My boss is ready to fire me because I haven’t been to work in a few days with everything happening. She doesn’t give a shit if I’m beaten up and just lost my house to a fire. As far as Tamara is concerned, work comes first and there’s nothing that should come before showing up. I don’t believe the same thing as her. Jaelyn and my personal life will always come before going to work. I’m not saying I call in all the time or anything because I don’t. In fact, I work multiple shifts each week for people calling in on top of my own shifts. The one time I need a break, Tamara doesn’t want to give it to me. Well, she can do what she has to do as far as I’m concerned.

The insurance company wasn’t a good call either. I need to get the report from the fire chief for them to look over and make sure I didn’t set fire to my house for some sort of insurance fraud. Even though I understand they’re just doing their job, it breaks my heart to know people actually do this and makes it harder for innocent people who have lost everything and are upset about their loss. Once they have the report from the fire department, they’ll go over everything and make a determination about paying me. I’ve kept the insurance up on the house since we lost our father. He made sure to teach me everything he could about what I needed to do and how to ensure the best for Jae and me before he passed away.

I’ve also been scouring the internet for an apartment to rent. There really isn’t much out there I can afford without taking more money from my inheritance. Between what Eric took from me and what I’ve had to use for various reasons, I’m out more money than I’d like to admit. Jaelyn’s inheritance still sits untouched and I’m grateful for it. Our dad made sure Jae’s education was paid for so we wouldn’t have to worry about paying for it out of our inheritance. He was always thinking of ways to help us out and make sure we don’t have to worry about things. That’s why we only touch our money when we absolutely need to. I’ll have to in order to obtain an apartment for us, but that’s all I’ll use it for. Eric has already taken more than enough from me in that regard.

Every single apartment I’ve found so far is out of our price range. With Jae being in school and me only working at the grocery store, there’s no way for us to cover the monthly rent. Plus all the other bills we’d need to pay. This is not a good thing as frustration fills me. The only places we can afford on my meager wage is a rundown one-bedroom apartment in the horrible section of town. A section where crime is committed every hour of the day, and no one says a word about it. There is no form of protection, and the police don’t come unless they’re called. I’d be painting a larger target on my head for calling and reporting any crimes against me. That’s the last thing I want to do with already having to deal with Eric and the bullshit he’s bringing to my door.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance