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“What’s up?” I ask him, hoping for some news on the asshole Eric.

“Nothin’. Comin’ to see where your head is. Hartley seems to be doin’ a number on you. Never seen you take care of a woman the way you are her,” he says, sitting in one of the chairs in front of my desk while putting his feet up on the corner of my desk.

“The fuck if I know. Thought if I fucked her, I’d be over it and that’s not the case. It’s like I got a taste of her and all I want is more. I want to spend all my time with her, gettin’ to know her, fuckin’ her, and learnin’ what makes her tick. Never wanted that shit in my life and you know it,” I tell my brother honestly. “My head is fuckin’ spinnin’.”

“We can all tell. Especially Mona. She’s losin’ her shit and I’m not sure what she’s gonna do about it,” Sab states the obvious.

“I know. I can’t stand that bitch. She’s got an agenda goin’ on and we need to figure out what the hell it is. Have you seen her around here?”

“Yeah. She’s sittin’ on her flabby ass as usual. The prospects and other rebels are doin’ all the shit she should be doin’. Mona hasn’t lifted a fuckin’ finger since you put her on probation. We all know Hartley has cooked breakfast in the mornin’ and the rest of the rebels clean up after her. Well, what she hasn’t already cleaned. All Mona’s been doin’ is sitting on her ass and paintin’ those claws she calls finger nails. If only the vote had gone in favor of gettin’ rid of her ass. We’d all be fuckin’ happy and not havin’ to look over our shoulders because of her.”

“Let’s go see what she’s doin’. Might have to do somethin’ besides keepin’ her here if all she’s gonna do is cause more problems,” I state, standing from my seat.

“What about Hartley and Jaelyn? When are they comin’ back here?”

“They’re not comin’ here. Trina is takin’ them to my house when they’re done shoppin’,” I answer him, causing him to stop short directly in front of me.

“They’re in your house? You don’t let anyone in your house.”

“I know. Don’t even know what the hell I’m doin’ puttin’ them there.”

“I do. Too bad you don’t see what’s goin’ on yet.”

With a shake of my head, Sabotage and I leave my office and head straight for the common room. Evan is behind the bar as a few men sit on the stools with drinks in their hands. Boxes of pizza and other shit fill the bar top as they eat and drink. Sure enough, Mona is sitting on her ass on one of the couches as she watches the other girls cleaning down the tables and other things along with two other prospects. Fuck, we need to do something about this bitch.

“Mona!” I yell, gaining the attention of everyone currently in here.

She looks up at me with fake as fuck tears in her eyes. I really want to know what the hell her game this time is.

“Lash, we need to talk,” she says, slowly standing from the couch and staring at me with a small smile on her face.

One of her hands drops down to her bare stomach as she doesn’t look away from me. My eyes follow her movements and I already know this isn’t’ going to be good. Or something I can talk my way out of. Fuck!

“What do you think we have to talk about? Other than you sittin’ on your ass and not doin’ what you’re supposed to be doin’,” I growl out, my anger and frustration getting the better of me.

“I’m pregnant with your baby,” she says, her smile growing bigger as she starts to walk over to me.

“The fuck you are. I always wrap my dick when I’m with you and I haven’t gotten more than a blowjob from you in months. You’d already be showin’ if you were carryin’ my kid,” I tell her, knowing I’m not lying.

“No, I wouldn’t. There was a night we were drunk from one of the big parties. I’m pregnant and the baby is yours, Lash,” she says, holding out her hand to show me something.

“I want Doc here. Now!” I demand, my voice now filled with anger as the frustration fades to the background. “Put her in her room and make sure she doesn’t talk to anyone or leave her room. Mona, you willneverbe my ol’ lady. I’m not sure what the hell your takin’ to be this delusional but it’s not goin’ to work on me. I’m over your bullshit and you’ll know it one way or another.”

“Lash, you can’t lock me in a room! I’m carrying your baby and now you’re going to make me your ol’ lady or I’ll leave here, and you’ll never know if I have an abortion or keep the baby,” she says, trying to back me into a corner.

“You’re goin’ to do whatever the fuck I say. This is my club and you’re nothin’ here. Sab, take care of her. I’ll be in my office until Doc gets here.”

“If you don’t move me into your house, I’ll find a way outta here,” she tries again as my brother leads her from the common room.

“You’ll never be in my house. The only reason you’re still here is because there wasn’t a unanimous vote to boot you the fuck out. Now, until I know if you’re pregnant or not, you’ll be in your room since you don’t want to do what you’re supposed to do here. If you’re not pregnant or the baby isn’t mine, you’ll be out as soon as I can arrange another vote.”

“I will be in your house, your ol’ lady, and I’ll be running this club right along your side,” Mona says, trying to pull away from my brother as he finally manages to round the corner and get her out of my sight.

That bitch is not moving into my house. At most, she’ll get an apartment in town and not be allowed at the clubhouse anymore. This is her last betrayal of the club, and me. Even if she is pregnant, there’s nothing to say the baby is actually mine and I will have a paternity test done as soon as possible. Mona’s screams penetrate the entire clubhouse as I head to my office.

I’m not sure how much time has passed as I’ve been in my office staring off into space with Boxer sitting across from me. Neither one of us has said a word about anything. My little brother is simply offering me his silent support as we wait for Doc to get here to perform the pregnancy test on Mona and let me know if my damn life is about to change or not. My thoughts are on Hartley and what she’s going to think if this bitch is pregnant, and it does end up being my kid. I’m not even sure what the hell to think at this point in time because I don’t know what to do. Mona will not be in my life though. A soft knock startles me out of my head before the door opens and Doc sticks her head inside with a soft smile on her face.

“Hey guys. What’s going on?” Doc, or Kathy, asks as she makes her way inside the office and closes the door behind her.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance