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“Well, I don’t know anything about them,” I state.

‘Okay. Well, there’s seven officer positions. Lash is the president. His dad was the president before him. He started the club with Talon’s dad. There are several other full patch members in the club. They spend all their time together and are more like a family than anything else,” she begins. “There’s a hierarchy to everyone in the club. It starts out with the officers, then the full patch members, the prospects, and finally the hang arounds. As far as the women go, it’s the ol’ ladies and then the rebels. The rebels are there for all the men to use as they see fit. But everyone is there because they want to be. And the women are never forced to do anything they don’t want to do. While everyone is supposed to show respect, the rebels don’t always do that. They see what they want and go after it no matter what.”

“Oh, that’s good to know. So, who are you with?” I ask, not sure I want to hear the answer to that question.

“I’m Mammoth’s ol’ lady. We’ve been together for what feels like forever,” she answers me.

“Have they said how long Jaelyn and I will be staying there?”

“No. You’d have to ask Lash about that,” she tells me.

“What’s the deal with him?” I finally get up the nerve to ask.

“Well, he’s never been a one-woman kind of man. He likes sex and isn’t shy about it. None of the guys are. It’s not as if he’s been hurt or anything. I’ve known him since he was a young boy and he’s never had a single girlfriend in his life. I’m not sure why he won’t commit to anyone, but he won’t. Mona tries like hell to get her claws into him, but he pushes her away all the time. He’d never take her as an ol’ lady because she’s been with all the men of the club. If the guys want to pull a train, they go to her because she’s all for it. This is killing her to not be able to have sex right now,” Trina tells me.

“Why did he ask you to take us to his house?” Jaelyn asks her, as I lean back against the seat and turn my attention out the window.

“I’m not sure. He doesn’t let women go to his house. Ever. His mother and me are the only two that have ever been inside,” she answers my sister. “We were only there to help him decorate. I’m sure his mom has been there more than that, but he views his house as his sanctuary and doesn’t let too many people inside. All the men feel the same about their homes. Well, the men who own them on the compound. Mammoth and I have a house not far from Lash’s. But, Talon is on one side of him and Sabotage and Zeus are on the other side of him.”

“Sabotage and Zeus live together?” Jaelyn asks, perking up in her seat. “Are they together?”

Trina laughs her ass off at my sister’s question. I don’t personally see what’s so funny, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see what she says when she calms down. It takes several minutes, but she finally stops laughing enough to answer the question.

“Not like you mean. Sab and Zeus share women. They never do anything with one another and there’s always a woman between them,” she finally answers. “They’ve been like that for as long as I can remember. Some guys like it, and others don’t. Those two usually share, but I’m sure they don’t constantly share women.”

Jaelyn nods her head and I know she’s thinking about Trina’s answer. This is only going to lead to trouble because I know my sister. She has a habit of jumping in feet first without thinking things through. Much like I did just a little while ago. Unfortunately, I’ve had to get her out of more scrapes than I can remember. I’ll always help her though and never think twice about doing so.

“Back to Lash though,” Trina says, looking at me once more in the rearview mirror. “I’ve never seen him with anyone like he is with you. He pays attention to you, shows you affection in front of others. And, you’ve been in his room two nights in a row. Not sure exactly what you two have going on, but I think it’s something special.”

Looking away from her, I see we’re at the mall. I’m grateful because I don’t want to hear what Trina thinks about Lash and me. I know exactly what we are; nothing. He got what he wanted from me and now he can ignore me. I’m sure that’s the reason he’s moving us into his house, so he doesn’t have to see us on a regular basis. Even though his house is his sanctuary, doesn’t mean he has to go there. Now, he can fuck who he wants without worrying about me catching him. Not that he does now. I have no delusions about what Lash does or thinks in regard to me.

We walk through the mall and I’m in a daze. Jaelyn and Trina throw outfit after outfit at me. I try them on and keep the ones they seem to like. By the time we’re done, each of us has a ton of bags hanging from each of our arms. I feel as if we’ve spent hours shopping instead of the hour and a half we were there. Jaelyn and I didn’t spend a single dime while we were shopping. Lash gave the money I refused to take to Trina. So, I said fuck it and let him buy everything we bought. Eventually, I’ll pay him back for what we spent. For now, I’m hurt and pissed the hell off about what happened. And, I know part of it’s my fault. But, Lash isn’t blameless either.

“Do you guys want to stop for something to eat?” Trina asks as we stash our bags in the back of the SUV we’re in for the day.

“I don’t. I’m exhausted,” I answer. “But if you and Jaelyn want to go out, you can just drop me off and head out.”

“No, I’m kind of tired too. And I have to figure out what I’m going to do about school for now,” Jaelyn answers.

“Okay. Another time then.”

Jaelyn and I nod our heads in response. I genuinely like Trina and would like to get to know her. For now, the only thing I want to do is get to Lash’s house, put my new clothes in the washer so I have clean clothes, and go to bed. It’s still early but I’m more than ready for bed. It’s been a rough few days. Tomorrow I have to call work and the fire chief. Hopefully my manager doesn’t get mad because I can’t work due to the fire and having to look over the house.

SITTING IN MY office, my eyes are glued to the couch where less than a few hours ago I was buried deep inside Hartley’s hot, tight pussy. I’m half hard just thinking about feeling her heat engulf me and how she squeezed me tight when she came. Honestly, I’ve never cum so fast or hard in my entire life. Not until this woman I can’t get out of my head needed help and I came to her rescue. That’s why I’m in here so I can attempt to get the paperwork done instead of thinking about her and how I want to take my time with her. Learn what she likes and doesn’t like. Know how to tease her from a simple touch or pressing my lips against part of her pale, silky smooth skin. I want to know every single thing about Hartley. That’s never happened to me before.

With a shake of my head, I turn my attention from the couch to the never-ending pile of paperwork covering the top of my desk. It’s from all the businesses and has been sitting here for longer than I’d like to admit. Talon usually helps me out, but we’ve been trying to dig up information on Eric and find out where he’s hiding. As much as I didn’t want to let him, I knew it was for the best. I should have taken his life when I had a chance and he was down in our basement. Instead, the guys beat the shit out of him and then sent him on his way. Now, he’s gone underground, and no one can find him. It really didn’t take him fucking long to get away from us. Everyone is out riding and there’s literally no trace of him anywhere to be found.

The only reason I’m not out searching is because I won’t give him a chance to be brought back here to the clubhouse. I’ll beat the shit out of him and kill him where he stands regardless of who’s standing there watching me do it. Then, I’ll end up in prison for murder and spend the rest of my life there. Talon would have to take over the club and everything would be insane. Plus, I don’t want to go to prison. That’s not a goal any of us have. However, getting him and bringing him to the clubhouse, I can torture him for as long as I want, and no one will be the wiser about it. I’m sure there is no way in hell anyone’s going to miss him once I get my hands on him.

As I look at the numbers on the sheets before me, I switch my gaze from the papers on my desk to the computer screen. We’re trying to set up an online system for our bookkeeping, but it’s not going as smoothly as I’d hoped it would. Hell, the ledgers we’ve been doing our bookkeeping in aren’t all that great either. With at least three of us working on them, there’s so many different handwritings and I’m not sure all of the numbers are even accurate. At this point, I’m not even sure we’d know if someone was skimming money from us with all the different shit going on in the ledgers.

I’ve only been working, actually working for maybe an hour or so and the numbers already aren’t lining up with the ledgers. Something is going on here and it’s giving me a damn headache just trying to figure out what I’m missing and where the money is going. I mean, we have a handful of businesses the club owns and right now I’m not sure I can even tell which business has the numbers not matching up. Even if it’s something as simple as one of us messing up, we need to figure it out. Usually, it’s up to me and apparently, I’m not up to the task today with my mind locked firmly on Hartley and what they’re doing with Trina. I want to know if they’re back yet, but I don’t have a reason to go to my house other than it is my house.

Having enough of this shit and knowing I need Talon and Shank in here with me to figure this shit out, I shove the paperwork aside and sit back in my chair closing my eyes for a few minutes while I try to figure out what I want to do. What I need to do. I know I have to go see my mom for a while soon. It’s been more than long enough since I’ve seen her. Mom hasn’t even shown up at the clubhouse and she is usually here once or twice a week. Something is going on and I’m going to have to go see her. Sab and Boxer should probably come with me depending on what’s going on.

The last time she stopped coming around, she was seeing a man the three of us didn’t approve of. He was a slimy bastard who only wanted information on the club. There was something about him wanting to get revenge against my father regardless of him not even being alive. His goal was to find out everything he could so he could feed the information to his son. My father took a woman from him when they were in high school, and this bitch thought he could use my mom to get information on us. Little did he know not only does my mom not know club business, but she’s still the perfect ol’ lady and wouldn’t give up anything she did know about the club.

If she’s with another fucker, I’ll ensure he’s not going to use my mom for some reason. He’ll feel my wrath along with my two blood brothers and then the rest of the club. Each and every member, ol’ lady, and some of the rebels love my mom and look up to her. She’s got the respect of almost everyone around her and they’ll all want to deal with any asshat who tries to hurt her. Which we all had a hand in taking out the last dumb fuck she dated who tried to use her for his own gain. As I’m sitting here thinking of all this shit, there’s a knock on my door quickly followed by it opening to show Sab walking through.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance