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“Trina, what are you doin’ today?” I hear Lash as I begin to put the first two sandwiches together.

“Nothing. What’s going on?” she asks, getting up and coming over to me.

“You wanna take Hartley and Jaelyn shoppin’ today? They need everythin’,” he asks her.

“Yeah, I can do that. Anywhere in particular you want me to take them?” she questions.

“Nope. Maybe the mall but wherever they want to go,” he answers her. “Hartley, this is Trina. Trina, Hartley.”

Turning my head, I offer the woman a small smile. She smiles back at me, and I hope she’s not mean like Mona is. It doesn’t seem as if she is, but you can never know about someone. At least that’s been my experience.

Trina grabs plates for me so I can dish up the food before grabbing two coffee cups. I watch as she delivers the food to Lash and Talon while setting a cup down in front of the man she came in with and keeping the second one for herself. Instead of telling Lash I can figure out what I need to do for Jaelyn and me on my own, I continue cooking and keep my mouth shut. Trina walks back over and helps me dish up the food as I make sure none of it burns.

The few times I glance over my shoulder, Lash is staring at me while Mona glares in my direction. She continues to try to get his attention and he flat out ignores her. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so sad. Instead, I ignore everyone and keep doing what I’ve been doing until Lash steps up behind me once more. Turning to look at him, I notice more new faces are at the table and beginning to dig into the food. Everyone except Mona. The few times she’s tried to get coffee or food, Lash and Talon have told her to leave it alone. Still, she won’t leave the table because Lash is here.

“Time for you to eat. There’s more than enough food made for everyone as they come in,” he tells me.

Finally, Mona puts her two cents into the quiet kitchen as everyone eats.

“Bitch, where’s my food?” she questions.

“Earlier you implied you didn’t like what I made yesterday. Even though you ate three helpings,” I begin as she goes to interrupt me. “So, you can fend for yourself from now on. Told you I’m not cooking for you.”

“Lash . . .,” she begins to whine in her attempt to cause a scene once more.

God, I swear her voice is worse than nails scraping on a chalkboard. I want to slap her for that reason alone, but I don’t.

“Shut up!” Lash grits out. “Hartley isn’t your damn slave. She’s cookin’ because she wants to. It’s somethin’ you’re supposed to be doin’. So, make your own damn breakfast and then get this place cleaned up. I want everythin’ from top to bottom to sparkle by the time I get back.”

Taking two plates of food, I make my way up to Lash’s room. Jaelyn is awake when we enter, and I hand her food over to her. Lash follows me with two cups of coffee in his hands.

“Thank you,” Jaelyn murmurs, taking the coffee and drinking a large sip.

“You’re welcome. When you’re doin’ eatin’, Trina is gonna take you and Hartley shoppin’ for clothes and other necessities,’ Lash tells her. “Get whatever you need. Then you’ll both go back to my house instead of comin’ here.”

We both nod in response. Lash goes to leave the room, but he turns back and focuses on me.

“Come with me for a minute?” he asks.

Nodding my head, I get up and follow him as he leads me downstairs and through another door. Letting me enter before him, I take in the large sofa taking up one wall. There’s an end table next to it. Across from the couch sits an enormous desk with a comfortable looking chair behind it. Two other chairs are positioned in front of it. There are a few filing cabinets and pictures hanging on the walls. A large window lets a ton of natural light into the room since there’s no curtains covering the opening.

“Did you need something?” I ask Lash as he closes the door behind him and locks it.

“Yeah. I didn’t want to do this here, but I can’t wait any longer,” he says, striding toward me.

I’d back away from him, but there’s really nowhere to go. I’m not afraid of him, but I don’t know if I’m ready for what he obviously wants either. As I said before, I’ve never had a one-night stand and I don’t know if I’m equipped to have one. With Lash, I know that’s all I’ll be getting from him. I guess it’s time to throw caution to the wind and take a chance for once in my life.

Lash’s eyes are filled with lust, desire, and a want I haven’t ever been looked at with. He genuinely wants me, but I know he doesn’t go with the same woman more than once either. This is my one shot with him. things are different and I want to see if I can do this with him. Only him.

“Tell me you want me as much as I want you,” he says, his voice huskier than I’ve ever heard he places a hand on my hip and the other one on my cheek.

“I-I want you,” I tell him honestly. “And I know . . .”

“Not right now. Right now, I only want you,” he says, bringing my lips to his.

Lash gently brushes his lips against mine. He pulls away, looks at me, and then brings his lips back to mine. I feel his tongue slide against my bottom lip before he gently bites on it. Opening my mouth, Lash slides his tongue in and tangles it with mine. My breathing picks up as he steals the breath from me. I’ve never been affected by a kiss before. Not to the point it feels as if I’m losing my breath and being brought to life at the same time.

Reaching up, I wrap my arms around Lash’s neck. Lash pulls me in closer to his body and almost lifts me off my feet. That’s how much shorter than him I am. Before I’m ready, Lash breaks the kiss and we’re both trying to catch our breath. Lash doesn’t let that stop him though. He backs me up to the couch until I fall back and land on my ass on the cushions.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance