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I want Lash like I’ve never wanted a single man in my life. We get within a few feet of one another and it’s as if there’s a current zipping from him to me and vice versa. At least in my mind. Lash plays things so close to the vest I never know what he’s feeling. If I’m in a room, I know the second he enters because I can feel him. That’s definitely never happened to me before. Maybe if I fuck him these thoughts will go away. Though I doubt he even wants to touch me. He probably believes I’m cursed and wants to stay as far away as possible.

I’m not blind. I’ve seen the women in the club, and I know I’m nothing like them. they all have bodies you see when a lingerie ad comes on. Including the large, fake tits. I definitely don’t have fake tits and they aren’t very large as far as I’m concerned. These women dress to capture a man’s attention by showing more than a hint of their assets and I’ll never be confident enough to wear anything close to being considered provocative or sexy.

Shaking my head, I step in the shower and quickly wash my hair and then body. Once I’m out and have a towel wrapped around me, I tiptoe back into the bedroom. Lash and my sister are still passed the hell out. Carefully opening up the drawers on the dresser I watched Lash open to grab sweatpants and tee-shirts from. I get out another set and make my way back in the bathroom without waking up either person sleeping.

After dressing, brushing my teeth, and running my fingers through my hair, I hang up the towel and leave the room. Again, I find my way into the kitchen so I can cook breakfast for everyone. It’s the only thing I can think of to do to stay busy. If I’m not busy, I’m going to go insane with the thoughts of what’s been happening and what I need to do now.

“See you found your way back here again,” Talon says as I turn around to see him leaning against the doorway just like yesterday morning.

“I did. I’m sorry. I just need something to do to keep my mind off everything,” I respond.

“It’s okay. Everyone’s been ravin’ about the breakfast you made yesterday. And those that didn’t get a chance to eat it, are pissed they missed out. I’m sure they’ll find their way in here this mornin’. If you’re not careful though, you’re goin’ to be begged to cook dinner next and then do it on a regular basis,” he tells me, walking in the kitchen. “Mind if I keep you company?”

“Not at all. This is your house and I’m just a temporary visitor here,” I reply, turning around to start the coffee.

“I don’t know how temporary you’ll be,” Talon says as I ignore his comment.

I have the coffee going and another filter out and filled with coffee grounds so can immediately begin it when this pot is done. As soon as that’s ready to go, I turn and make my way to the refrigerator to figure out what I’m going to make for breakfast this morning. Since I did pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon yesterday, today I’ll make breakfast sandwiches and home fries. While there’s no Canadian bacon in the fridge, I can make do with ham for now. I’ve made them both ways and like them. Hopefully everyone here will too.

“Do you know if there’s English muffins?” I ask Talon, feeling more at ease this morning with him since he’s dressed.

“If there are, they’d be in the pantry over there,” he responds, pointing to a door in the wall.

Heading in the direction, I open the door and find a ton more food in here. If I didn’t know this was a motorcycle club, I’d think this place housed a bunch of doomsday preppers with the amount of food they have on hand. Looking at everything, I see there are several packages of English muffins and grab most of them. I figure the guys will probably want at least two sandwiches, so I want to ensure I have enough. Before leaving the pantry, I grab the bag of potatoes and realize I’ll be using the entire bag to feed them.

Setting everything on the counter, I turn and pull out two coffee mugs for Talon and me. Pouring him one before filling my own cup, I take his to him and see a woman who I assume is a rebel sitting next to him. I haven’t seen her before, but she’s not running her mouth about me, so I already like that she’s not as mean as the one Lash keeps yelling at. Going back to my own coffee, I add some sugar and take a large swallow of it. Now, I’m ready to get down to making breakfast.

Grabbing pans from the cupboards I found them in yesterday, I get them ready so I can just dump in the eggs and place the cut slices of ham. Turning my back to the pans, I dump the potatoes on the counter and begin to wash them so I can cut them up and begin frying them. I’m in the zone as Talon and the woman talk amongst themselves quietly. Or at least it seems quiet to me as I concentrate on what I’m doing.

As I turn my back to put the first set of potatoes in the pan to fry, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end and my body goes rigid.

“I seeshe’sin here making breakfast again,” Mona sneers at me. “Where’s the other whore they brought in with her yesterday? Still fucking the men I suppose.”

Turning around, I see her sitting at the table looking at her nails as if they’re the most important thing in the world. Like she’s not mad at the world and taking it out on me because she thinks something is going on between Lash and me when it’s not. Well, after the last few days, I’m over this shit from her. She doesn’t know a damn thing about me and has no right to talk a word about my sister.

“Listen here!” I yell out. “Yes, I am making breakfast. Again. From what I understand this is supposed to be your job. But I suppose you think cleaning and cooking is beneath you because it doesn’t involve you laying on your back and spreading your jiggly ass legs for whoever is taking you to their bed or whatever other surface they fuck you on. So, if you don’t want to eat the food I cook, I suggest you fucking don’t. I mean, you never know what I’ll do to your plate. Leave me the fuck alone and don’tevertalk about my sister again or I’ll beat your ass all over the clubhouse and leave you to clean up the mess.”

“Talon, that whore can’t talk to me like that!” Mona whines, her voice rising several octaves. “She’s not part of the club and I am. Lash might be mad at me right now, but healwayscomes back to me. Get her the fuck outta here.”

Lash, another man, and a woman make their way into the kitchen as Mona is spewing her shit. I shrug my shoulders and turn back around to put my focus back on making breakfast. Mona can suck on her tongue because I refuse to make her breakfast. I wouldn’t feel this way if she weren’t a raging bitch, but I’ve done nothing wrong to her or anyone else here. I’ve only talked to Lash, Sabotage, and Talon in the last two days.

Heat begins to infuse my back as strong, muscled arms wrap around me from behind. I know it’s Lash without having to look. So, I continue on with my work while he looks at the mounds of food in front of me.

“What have you got goin’ on here?” he asks, his voice filled with sleep.

Lash places a tender kiss against the side of my neck and goose bumps raise up as he pulls his mouth away. My breathing picks up and I want his mouth back on me in the worst way. I’m not past begging at this point.

“I thought I’d make breakfast sandwiches and home fries this morning. I need to stay busy and keep my mind off everything else,” I answer him.

“Sounds good. Just know you don’t have to do this though,” he tells me.

“I know. But, like I said, I have to keep busy so my mind isn’t focused on everything that’s been happening,” I remind him.

“I heard Mona and you. You did real good stickin’ up for yourself,” he tells me as pride fills his voice and he places a hand on my hip before kissing my neck again.

I can’t stop the shiver racing from my head to my toes. Lash sees it and feels it where our bodies are connected. He whispers ‘later’ in my ear before leaving me to make his way over next to Talon. Mona instantly perks up and tries to push her overlarge tits out of the so-called top she’s wearing. I’ve never seen a woman as desperate as she is. Not to mention she needs to learn how to shop at a store for adults instead of little kids.

Lash is wearing a pair of sweatpants and he doesn’t have a shirt on. He’s got his hat on and he looks even hotter with it on his head than I’ve ever seen a man look with a baseball hat on. It makes it harder to see his eyes unless he’s up close, but I don’t care about that. I’m too distracted by his chest with all of his muscles and ink on display, but I won’t be bitched at while I cook.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance