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“That’s why you and Sabotage smell like a fuckin’ bon fire?” Boxer asks.

He’s upset and I know it’s because he’s our younger blood brother. Boxer is the most emotional out of the three of us. I didn’t think to call him while we were with the girls and he’s going to be pissed about it. Can’t exactly say I blame him. If something was going on with one of my brothers, or anyone in the club, I’d be pissed if I didn’t find out about it until after the fact.

“Yeah. We stayed until the fire was put out.”

“New fuckin’ pussy!” Nerd calls out with a smile a mile wide on his face as he begins to make some very lude gestures with his mouth and hands.

“Not new fuckin’ pussy!” I yell out over the men laughing and adding in their own gestures, slamming my hand down on the table. “Her sister is a minor for now. And Hartley is off limits.”

Again, no one says a damn word about my revelation. They all look at one another and then back to me as if I’ve grown multiple heads. I don’t see what the big fucking deal is about me putting Hartley off limits. Or her sister. They’re here to be under our protection until we figure out what her ex wants and what his plans are regarding the sisters.

“The women are here to be under our protection. Not so you all can get your dicks wet. Especially with Jaelyn who I’ll say again is aminor. Not a single one of you better put your hands, or anythin’ else, on them while they’re here. Is that understood?” I growl out.

“Sure thing big brother,” Sabotage tells me.

He’s got a shit eating grin on his face, and I know he’s going to say something smart to me when we’re alone. He knows better than to be an ass to me in front of the club. If I give him the chance to corner me alone, I’m sure I’ll get an earful. Between the women and club business, I won’t have a lot of spare time to hang out with them. I have to do so much to get caught up on as it is.

“One last thing for the night. Mona is gettin’ out of control,” I tell the room. “She won’t leave me the fuck alone and no matter what I do or say, she won’t get the damn hint. She’s already on probation and doesn’t seem to give a fuck about it. Mona just cornered me on the way here talkin’ about my room bein’ ours and shit. I want her watched for now. I’m goin’ to say I’m all for votin’ her ass out right now though.”

“I’m with you,” Mammoth says. “She’s been up in Trina’s face the last few days talkin’ about me fuckin’ her and shit. Trina don’t believe her, but that’s not the point.”

Mammoth only has eyes for his ol’ lady, Trina. The two are complete opposites and yet they make their marriage work better than anyone else I know. Including my own parents. But that’s a story for another day. For Mona to try to convince Trina her man is stepping out on her is completely out of left field. I’m absolutely done with her and the bullshit. No more chances.

“Fuck this! I want her gone from here. All in favor of votin’ this bitch out? Needs to be unanimous,” I say, looking to Talon at my left.

“Aye,” he says, looking to Zeus.

Everyone goes around the table and votes to kick her out. We get to Death and he’s the only one who calls out no. My eyes get wide, and I can feel the veins in my neck sticking out because I don’t know where he’s coming from with his answer. He’s had trouble with her in the past so for him to go against the vote is surprising to say the least.

“Listen to me,” he says before the vote can get to Sabotage, not that it matters now. “The bitch is up to somethin’, we all know it. So, I say we let her stay and keep a close eye on her from now on. When she leaves the clubhouse, a prospect follows her to find out where she’s goin’ and who she’s meetin’.”

I look at my sergeant at arms as his words sink in. In this instance, I completely agree with him. We need to keep the bitch close until we can find out what she’s up to and who she’s working with. There are patch chasers, and we see them all the time. Mona is completely different than them. Especially lately.

She’s always where she doesn’t belong if there’s more than one brother in an area. Especially if they’re close to church, my office, or the bedrooms. We’ve caught her trying to get into my office and church. Mona hasn’t been successful so far, but she’s desperate in her attempt to find out some sort of information. There’s a ton of shit she’s tried to do in the last few weeks but none of us have gotten anything on her. Maybe now we can.

“Agree. For now she stays. I want eyes on her at all times. Zeus, when she leaves again, I want the rebels out of here and for camera to go up everywhere. Leave no room untouched. Except for the brother’s rooms and the bathrooms. Not tryin’ to violate anyone’s rights and shit,” I say before slamming the gavel once again against the table. “And Zeus, call in someone if you have to for help. I want a thorough background done on Mona.”

Instead of heading to have a drink with the guys, I go to my room. I need to take a shower and get the smell of smoke off me before it drives me any crazier than it already is. The only thing I keep thinking is what if we had just dropped Hartley off at her car and she was home alone when it happened. What if she couldn’t get out in time? Or if her sister was the one stuck in the house? Not to mention we don’t know when the house was trashed. Everything is a clusterfuck right now. I keep thinking about Hartley and her sister losing the things money can’t replace; memories, items their parents gave them, and things like that.

Sabotage follows me and waits as I open the door. He glances in over my shoulder, and I give him the same questioning gaze he’s been giving me since Hartley came here last night. Looking in the room, I see Jaelyn and Hartley cuddled together on the bed fast asleep. My brother’s eyes are on the small form of Jaelyn and I push him back into the hallway.

After shutting the door, I turn to give my brother my full attention.

“You heard she’s jailbait. Don’t fuckin’ go there, Sab,” I warn him.

“I know she is. I’m not sure what’s goin’ on. I just want to protect her and make sure she’s okay. Happened the second I saw her pull up and realize her world was destroyed,” he informs me, and I completely understand how he’s feeling.

“I get it. But that girl is in college and goin’ to make somethin’ of herself. She’s underage and I don’t know if she’s cut out for this life. Much less what you and Zeus got goin’ on. Just leave her alone,” I say, warning him once more before turning to go in my room and lock the world out.

Looks like I’ll be riding the floor tonight because there’s no way in hell, I’m going to kick either one of them out of my bed. And I’m certainly not going to try to climb in bed with the two of them. Sleeping with Hartley last night was a one off. So, I’ll make do on the floor. It’s not like I’ve never slept on one before. With those thoughts in mind, I go in the bathroom and take a long, hot cleansing shower to rid myself of the day’s events. Then, I’m going to make a bed on the floor and pass the fuck out for as long as I can.

WAKING UP THIS morning, I find myself tangled up in Lash’s blankets while someone else is lying almost on top of me. My eyes pop open and I see my sister in bed with me. Her face is puffy, and her eyes are red rimmed from crying herself to sleep. Yesterday’s events fill me, and I feel the tears streaming down my face one more as I silently sob. I allow myself a few minutes to grieve the loss of our home; the only home we’ve ever known. Carefully, I get up out of bed without waking Jaelyn up. She burrows further under the covers as I round the bed and almost shriek. Lash is sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag with what looks like balled up clothing under his head for a pillow.

My heart breaks because he’s done so much for me in the two days I’ve known him and there’s nothing I can do to repay him. First, he saved me from my asshole ex, then he made sure my sister and I had a safe place to go with being threatened, and now he’s sleeping on the floor because he gave his bed up for us. There’s nothing this man hasn’t done to show me how caring and loving he is. Even if he doesn’t want anyone to know it.

Stepping around him, I make my way into the shower. It’s not like I have clean clothes to put on, but I need to take another one. I can’t help but feel as if I’m still covered in smoke, soot, and despair. At this point, I’m not sure I’ll ever be clean again. I don’t like what going through so much in such a short time is doing to me. It’s making me feel like a piece of shit and I’ve done something so cosmically wrong because the world seems to be shitting on me in every way possible.

Everything that’s happened over the last few days plays on a constant loop in my mind. It doesn’t matter if I’m awake or sleeping. Everything plays on and on. The only break I get from those thoughts is when thoughts of Lash fill me. Those thoughts make me blush because they’re not very pure thoughts. Not that I’m a virgin.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance