Page 40 of Outback Skies

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“Such beautiful breasts,” he sighed with pleasure, before dropping his head to suckle one nipple. She arched her back, pressing herself into his mouth. But then decided they needed more room to maneuver.

“Wait.” She pushed him, so he rocked back on his heels, then threw her blanket on the floor and got out of the camp bed. Finn took her cue and was already undoing his belt, yanking down his jeans and rushing to tug his boots off.

She followed suit, shucking her sleeping shorts with one quick flick of her wrist. Finn stalled, his shirt half-way off, staring as she stood naked and unafraid in front of him.

After the last few days—hell, the last few weeks—she was so full of adrenaline and impatience; she felt a wildness build in her. Lying down on the blanket, she beckoned him with a crook of her finger. Hurriedly, he tossed his shirt aside and was on his knees beside her in one fluid movement.

“Have I ever told you how exquisitely beautiful you are?” he muttered, and her breath hitched in her chest at the intensity of his words.

She had no air left in her lungs to answer him.

He leaned in and flicked his tongue against the hollow at the base of her neck, finding her pulse and capturing it with firm lips. She inhaled sharply at the exquisiteness of his touch, digging her nails into his back. The bristles of his stubble—he hadn’t had a chance to shave in the past two days—rasped across her skin, sending deep shivers of pleasure straight to her core.

Lowering himself slowly over her, he flattened her breasts against the hard wall of his chest, and her nipples peaked at the friction as he gently moved his body up and down. Then he rolled them both over, so he was on the bottom and now she had control. Maybe. Or maybe he was the one still in control. The skim of his large, hot hands over the naked skin of her hips had her dragging in a trembling breath. Sharp teeth nipped at her throat, then ran up her neck until his tongue flickered against her earlobe.

A low humming sound came unbidden from deep in her chest. Her body burned at his assault on the sensitive parts of her neck.

She pressed her thigh against the hard shaft of his erection and felt a small thrill when he shuddered in reaction. He took her mouth, sliding his tongue in deep, and the carnal sensation of his stroke transferred to a building need between her thighs. She began to gyrate against him, reveling in the friction, thepressure of his thigh between her legs a drumbeat pulsing in her veins.

Rising on her elbows, she panted, “Time for packet number one.”

A deep, rasping laugh erupted from inside his chest; she felt the vibrations run through her, making her nipples ache with need. “In a bit of a rush, aren’t we?” He grated his thigh between the notch of her legs, setting all the nerve endings in her body alight. No time to wait. She slid a hand between their bodies and grasped his cock, which twitched and surged in reaction.

“Now, Finn,” she demanded, yearning and impatient.

He didn’t need to be told twice. Reaching with one hand, he felt around until he found one of the packets.

“Let me do it.” She took the foil square from his palm, using her teeth to rip it open. Then she nipped at his mouth with those same teeth, sucking on his bottom lip, letting him know how much she wanted it. At the same time, she slowly rolled the condom on, luxuriating in the way he jerked and groaned beneath her fingers. Turning, she straddled him again and, taking her time, she positioned herself above the tip, holding still for three beats of her heart. Then she clenched her thighs and took him in.

In the filtered moonlight, his blue eyes met hers. Trust, yearning, and possessiveness lit deep in their depths. There was a connection deeper than merely two bodies joined together. As he surged inside her and Indy cried out, tremors began to build in her stomach, in her chest, in her arms and legs. Bolts of white heat darted through her, straight to her core. There was no denying this beautiful thing between them. She moved faster, and he matched her stroke for stroke, until there was nothing but him and her, until her whole world paused. On a knife edge. And then her orgasm swallowed her. Vaguely, she heard himcry out as her muscles rippled around him and her whole body shuddered violently.

She didn’t know how long she lay on top of Finn, completely drained and satiated. His hands softly stroked the length of her body as he remained buried deep inside her. When she finally found the strength, she levered up onto her elbows and stared down into his face. He ran a finger across her bottom lip. A move both possessive and caressing. She traced the strong lines of his jaw with her gaze, caught in the depth of his stunning azure eyes.

Shit.She was in trouble. She was falling in love with this man.

Now what?

Indy rolled off him and lay on her back. Finn got up on his elbow and began stroking her hair. Softly. Tenderly. The sound of a million frogs from the nearby billabong filled the air. It was peaceful, and Indy couldn’t remember a time when she’d felt more content. Overflowing with feelings of happiness. Finn was everything. A spirited and curious lover. A man with high moral standards. Courageous. Fearless. Incredibly good looking. And he was here with her, treating her body like a temple, and worshipping her every physical need. What they shared was far stronger than just sex. And therein lay the true danger. She had bonded with Finn. Powerfully. Irrevocably. This was much more than a few nights of hot sex in a tent.

But try as she might, she couldn’t banish the gnawing doubts about where this was going. What was going to happen in two days’ time? She didn’t want to break this precious bubble around them. Let them stay like this until morning, and maybe then she’d ask the questions.

Finn continued to stroke her hair as she stared into his eyes.

This relationship was so new. There were so many things they didn’t know about each other. She still hadn’t told him the full truth about her and Patrick. About the pregnancy, and hermiscarriage. From what she knew about Finn now, she didn’t think he would be frightened away by her revelation, and she knew she needed to tell him soon. But there was something holding her back. Perhaps it was the fact he had a daughter of his own. Perhaps a small part of her envied him. Wondered if he would want any more children later down the track.

“This is getting complicated, isn’t it?” Finn broke the silence.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “It’s just that…”

“There’s so much we don’t know about each other,” he finished for her.

How did he do that? Were they really that much on the same page?

“There’s one thing I do know,” he added. “Even with all the shit going on around us, I know we found something special.Youare a special lady, Indy. And I want to spend more time with you.”

It was bittersweet. Because while she agreed with him, she couldn’t see how this would work. Of course, there were options. Love was about making sacrifices and compromises. She could take a job in Sydney. But the mere thought of moving into the city made her insides contract. What would happen to her horses and her dogs if she did that? She wasn’t sure she was prepared to make that sort of sacrifice. Would Finn be prepared to take a job as a stock hand out here in the country, instead? She didn’t think she could ever ask him to abandon his career just for her. Perhaps a long-distance relationship, at least in the first instance, until they got to know each other better, might work.

“Let’s just take these next two days and see where they lead us,” she said. “We don’t need to make any decisions right now.”

Tags: Suzanne Cass Romance