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Savannah’s lips turn upwards in a wry smile. “You don’t remember?”

Dmitri’s hands tighten into fists at his sides.

If he remembered, we wouldn’t be here, trying to help him recover the day that he was shot.

The blonde continues speaking, her eyes tightening on him. “You and Luka came after Anton. The bratva wanted me dead, and Anton spared my life by risking his.”

“The bratva?” I whisper, my voice catching in my throat.

Savannah raises an eyebrow and glances from me to Dmitri. “Don’t tell me. You didn’t mention that you work for the Russian Bratva?”

I step back, stumbling down the porch steps, but I don’t fall.

Dmitri has been so wrapped up in me staying away from Antonio because he runs the mafia that he neglected to mention that he’s no better.

I hurry through the forest, running on foot. I don’t have keys to the vehicle to leave Dmitri’s sorry ass behind.



Fuck! That did not go as planned.

Sadie takes off on foot when she hears that I work for the bratva.

“Thanks a lot!” I shout at Savannah. “Now look what you did,” I snarl at her. I gesture toward the forest. “It’s not bad enough that your boyfriend shoots me, but you have to ruin the one good thing I have going for me!”

“Anton didn’t shoot you,” Savannah says. Her voice is calm, her demeanor much more relaxed than she should be, considering her condition.

Not that I’d harm a pregnant woman, but she should be scared. If I found her, the bratva can as well.

“Then who the hell did? You?” I shouldn’t be surprised, considering that she’s FBI. Well, she was an FBI agent when she met Anton. She was an undercover agent and turned him.

“You don’t remember,” Savannah says. She’s taking her time and glances past me at the forest.

I follow her gaze. Sadie is out of sight.

The bitch was buying time to keep Sadie from me!

I don’t give a rat’s ass anymore who shot me. Sadie is gone. In the forest, and who the hell knows where she is? There are grizzlies in the woods, and she’s alone.

I turn on my heel and hurry in the direction Sadie went as I chase after her.

“Luka shot you!” Savannah shouts at me as I rush away from the cabin.

I don’t want to comprehend what Savannah said because I was betrayed by one of my best friends and closest allies. However, I trusted Anton as much as Luka. My stomach flips, but it’s not from the news of who tried to kill me.

There’s no sign of Sadie.

“Sadie!” I shout, searching the forest, looking for any signs of where she went and what direction she traveled.

There are multiple broken branches, but they head in two separate directions. There’s another cabin to the west, visible over a small bridge and stream of water.

Could she have run to the neighbors for help?

I don’t want to involve anyone else if she didn’t go pounding on their front door.


Tags: Willow Fox Bratva Brothers Crime